Love God, serve God; everything is in that.
Clare of Assisi
Adore the Lord, revere the Lord; all is encompassed therein.
I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least.
Dorothy Day
'My level of devotion to God is equal to my least adored individual.'
I love God, I love everybody else around me as myself, and I love my enemy.
Kevin Gates
I cherish Divinity, I warmly regard everybody else close to me as myself, and I fondly embrace my adversary.
God does not love us because we are valuable. We are valuable because God loves us.
Fulton J. Sheen
'God does not esteem us because we are worthwhile. We are worthwhile because God esteems us.'
God loves you because of whom you are but he blesses you because of what you do.
Mike Murdock
'Divinity cherishes you for your character yet rewards you for your actions.'
God loves you unconditionally, as you are and not as you should be, because nobody is as they should be.
Brennan Manning
God cherishes you inalterably, precisely as you are and not how you ought to be, since no one is as they ought to be.
One who loves God finds the object of his love everywhere.
Sri Aurobindo
One who cherishes God discovers the focus of their adoration in every place.
It is always springtime in the heart that loves God.
John Vianney
It is always blooming in the soul that cherishes the Divine.
I take literally the statement in the Gospel of John that God loves the world. I believe that the world was created and approved by love, that it subsists, coheres, and endures by love, and that, insofar as it is redeemable, it can be redeemed only by love. I believe that divine love, incarnate and indwelling in the world, summons the world always toward wholeness, which ultimately is reconciliation and atonement with God.
Wendell Berry
A pure woman is better than a hundred yogis. Women are more open to love God.
Neem Karoli Baba
Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.
John the Apostle
If the love of God really reigns in your heart, it will show itself in the exterior.
Catherine McAuley
To serve God, to love God, to enjoy God, is the sweetest freedom in the world.
Thomas F. Wilson
It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you.
Mother Teresa
Regardless of the source of our pain, we must accept that God knows, God loves, and God is at work.
Charles Stanley
The love of God invades me, the peace of God pervades me, the will of God persuades me, and I am wholly His.
E. Stanley Jones
It was easy to love God in all that was beautiful. The lessons of deeper knowledge, though, instructed me to embrace God in all things.
Francis of Assisi
What I really wanted was to fall in love with God. It's amazing what obstacles there are within us, or at least in me, that seem to slow this process.
Thomas Keating
At the cross in holy love God through Christ paid the full penalty of our disobedience himself. He bore the judgment we deserve in order to bring us the forgiveness we do not deserve. On the cross divine mercy and justice were equally expressed and eternally reconciled. God's holy love was 'satisfied.'
John Stott
The measure of all love is its giving. The measure of the love of God is the cross of Christ.
J. I. Packer
A test of your love for God is to examine your love for others.
Henry Blackaby
The litmus test of our love for God is our love of neighbor.
Brennan Manning
Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Gordon Lightfoot
God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way.
Max Lucado
I'm in love with God and God's in love with me, this is who I am and this is who I'll be and that settles it. Completely.
Misty Edwards
To love God as He ought to be loved, we must be detached from all temporal love. We must love nothing but Him, or if we love anything else, we must love it only for His sake.
Peter Claver
In the Mass and in Eucharistic Adoration we meet the merciful love of God that passes through the Heart of Jesus Christ.
Pope John Paul II
God loves me. I'm not here just to fill a place, just to be a number. He has chosen me for a purpose. I know it.
Mother Teresa
All the things that are now worrying you can be put into a smile which shows your love of God.
Josemaria Escriva
It's amazing. I can do anything. And do it well. Any good thing, I can do it. That's why I am who I am, yes, because God loves me and I'm amazed at it. I'm grateful for it.
Maya Angelou
Whatever your talent is, don’t be embarrassed by it. For the love of God, embrace it, share it, do what you want with it. It’s amazing, so never hide behind it.
Tyler Hoechlin
As you love God and serve Him, you will undoubtedly experience the greatest adventure life has to offer.
Bill Bright
He who comes to take the love of God can have no taste for the love of the world.
Abu Bakr
Through selfless work, love of God grows in heart.
If we knew how much God loved us and was for us, we’d talk to Him all day long.
Donald Miller
God loves you enough to receive you as you are. He loves you too much to keep you as you are.
Mark Driscoll
When you're in love with God, you're not afraid to yield your life to Him.
Heidi Baker
It will never be about our love for God. It will always be about His magnificent love for us.
Joseph Prince
That love of God is hard and marvelous. It cannot and will not be broken because of our sins.
Julian of Norwich
No man loveth God except the man who has first learned that God loves him.
Alexander MacLaren
When you are wired to God in a unique way, nothing can separate you from the love of God
T. B. Joshua
God loves to hear your singing - so sing.
Rod Parsley
Let us never lose hope! God loves us always, even with our mistakes and sins.
Pope Francis
He who loves God cannot endeavor that God should love him in return.
Baruch Spinoza
Do no harm. Do good. Stay in love with God.
John Wesley
Love God and He will enable you to love others even when they disappoint you.
Francine Rivers