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Guy Finley Quotes

Guy Finley Quotes
You don't need strength to let go of something. What you really need is understanding.
Guy Finley

Never speak out of anger, Never act out of fear, Never choose from impatience, But wait... and peace will appear.
Guy Finley

Love is effortless attention.
Guy Finley

The greatest power you possess in life is your understanding that life gives you a fresh start any moment you choose.
Guy Finley

Life isn't a race to win, it's a school for our higher education.
Guy Finley

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Trying to “fix” the people in your life that cause you pain is like massaging your shoes because your feet ache.
Guy Finley

The limit of your present understanding is not the limit of your possibilities.
Guy Finley

We are not here on earth to change our destiny, but to fulfill it.
Guy Finley

Quote Topics by Guy Finley: Inspirational Real Moments Wisdom Heart Spiritual Thinking Want Letting Go Dark Reality Past Life Is World Pain Self Needs Understanding Believe Stress Giving Important Fear Light Mind Positivity Running Mistake Way Impossible
Most people would rather complain about some painful life pattern than dare to meet the level of their own consciousness responsible for its repeated appearance... and therein do the work needed to change it once and for all.
Guy Finley

Weak thoughts and feelings often feel strong but remember, real strength is never anxious, cruel, or punishing.
Guy Finley

Know that everything is in perfect order whether you understand it or not.
Guy Finley

The more time we spend considering the shortcomings of others, the smaller a person we become.
Guy Finley

Knowledge without Spirit is like finding yourself on a cold night with all the wood in the world and no flame to ignite it.
Guy Finley

Discouragement is a negative emotion with more than one trick up its dark sleeve. It tricks you into mentally or emotionally dwelling in the very place you want to leave. Drop all such sorrow permanently by daring to see through this deception of the unconscious mind. You have a destination far beyond where you find yourself standing today
Guy Finley

Freedom is not overcoming what you think stands in your way. It is understanding that what is in your way is part of the way.
Guy Finley

If you want light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining.
Guy Finley

What you don't want to know about yourself wants to be known, which is why it keeps 'showing up' at your door unannounced!
Guy Finley

Trying to change ourselves in order to please others - so that we can feel temporarily whole for having won their approval - is like cutting a flower into pieces so that it will fit into a vase.
Guy Finley

The great ones in life are not those who are handed silver spoons. Their excellence comes from digging into the raw ore of their own character, through hard work, persistence and faith turning whatever they touch into gold.
Guy Finley

Learn to be one with who you are in Reality, and the waves of a thousand passing worlds cannot wash you away.
Guy Finley

Nothing glows brighter than the heart awakened to the unseen light of love that lives within it.
Guy Finley

Real achievement -- the true measure of how far we have advanced in life -- is not determined by what we have acquired, but rather by the degree to which we have put our fears behind us.
Guy Finley

A whole new kind of spiritual happiness dawns in us as we realize that dark clouds do not ruin sunny skies... they merely pass through them to help us remember our love of the light.
Guy Finley

Make it your moment-to-moment aim to recognize the difference between being aware of your thoughts, and being carried along by them.
Guy Finley

The next time you catch yourself starting to feel bad about anything, immediately stop everything you are doing for a moment and, as simply and as honestly as you can, ask yourself: "Is this what I really want?
Guy Finley

Act on what you love, not from what you fear, and watch how fear fades as love grows.
Guy Finley

Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.
Guy Finley

No one rises above who he or she has been without first having fallen down. The best time - in fact, the only time - to make a real change in your life is in the moment of seeing the need for it. He who hesitates always gets lost in the hundred reasons why tomorrow is a better day to get started.
Guy Finley

The character of greatness must be measured in two ways, else the measurement is flawed. First, and by far most popular of all, is by one's ability to succeed in times of trial where others may fail. But of no less importance, and perhaps foundational to any form of greatness, is one's willingness to start over in spite of failure, when success seems farthest away.
Guy Finley

The only way to cultivate a quiet mind is by planting seeds of silence.
Guy Finley

Every one of us lives in a world that is no larger and no smaller than our understanding.
Guy Finley

No condition outside ourselves can create a rut or trap us in it. It's impossible.
Guy Finley

Work to connect yourself to the allness of life -- instead of identifying with the smallness of it -- and you'll awaken to a greatness already living within you that is no more bothered by the little things in life than a mountain is made miserable by the rain that falls upon it.
Guy Finley

All created forms are fractal, as is their purpose, use, and allotted time for existence.
Guy Finley

The heart at peace is its own reward, needing nothing outside of itself to be fully content.
Guy Finley

Letting go, at its heart, is an act of agreement with Life.
Guy Finley

Ours is the task of discovering that our true nature has nothing to fear.
Guy Finley

Any form of measuring yourself by the unkind action of another towards you is like looking into a badly fractured mirror... and then blaming yourself for the shattered image you see therein.
Guy Finley

The Only Power You Need to Be Free of Troublesome People Since what other people do to you is not in your power to change, you need only concern yourself with what you do to yourself, for that is in your power
Guy Finley

There is nothing as certain as silence, stillness, and solitude to introduce you to the secrets of yourself.
Guy Finley

Past mistakes cannot create a present pain; no mistake in life has the power to make us ache any more than the echo of someone crying can shed tears.
Guy Finley

You must learn to stop thinking in terms of beginnings and endings, successes and failures, and begin to treat everything in your life as a learning experience instead of a proving one.
Guy Finley

We become what we love. What we put first in our lives is what we receive from life.
Guy Finley

Rushing around, hoping to find peace of mind anywhere other than within yourself, is like looking for your heart in someone else's body!
Guy Finley

The only mistake that we can make as human beings is to be asleep, unaware of ourselves.
Guy Finley

In spite of how things may appear to us, we are never trapped by where we are. The trap is always who we are
Guy Finley

Resistance to revelation, resistance to becoming conscious of all that dwells within us - high and low, light and dark - is the anti-change factor. It is also the mainspring of all our psychological fears.
Guy Finley

If you love getting gifts - and who doesn't - then why not accept, with gratitude, the greatest gift there is: the present moment.
Guy Finley

When you realize no one else on this earth can be like you... that no other soul may know the beauty, sorrow, light and darkness you alone are given to see... then you will, at last, be the fearless individual your Heart of hearts has called you to be.
Guy Finley

Being fully present is the best guarantee for a bright future.
Guy Finley