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Ignoble Quotes

Confusion is not an ignoble condition
Brian Friel

Authors on Ignoble Quotes: Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton Brian Friel Quentin Crisp Norman Douglas Johann Kaspar Lavater
The world now seems a stunningly ignoble place. It has not really grown all that much worse but appears to have done so because we know so much more about it than we did.
Quentin Crisp

Poverty is relative, and, therefor not ignoble.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton

No one can expect a majority to be stirred by motives other than ignoble.
Norman Douglas

The more unharmonious and inconsistent your objects of desire, the more inconsequent, inconstant, unquiet, the more ignoble, idiotical, and criminal yourself.
Johann Kaspar Lavater