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Input Quotes

Life is not what you alone make it. Life is the input of everyone who touched your life and every experience that entered it. We are all part of one another.
Yuri Kochiyama

'Living is not just about a single person's actions; it is the combined result of interactions and encounters with others.'
Authors on Input Quotes: Zig Ziglar Diablo Cody Greg Perry Stuart Townsend Wolfgang Petersen Mia Wasikowska Erin McKeown Katey Sagal Stephen Fry Alice Sebold Jonny Lee Miller Jamie Dimon A. R. Rahman Remi Aubuchon Louis O. Kelso Bjork Dick Latvala Norman Cousins Rush D. Holt, Jr. Yuri Kochiyama Michael Bolton Daniel Katz Newt Gingrich Robert Waterman McChesney Andy Stanley Joe Strummer Jef Raskin Patrick David Wall Malcolm Gladwell Thomas Kinkade Luther Allison Biz Stone David Tudor
A brilliant design will always benefit from the input of others.
Zaha Hadid

A masterful creation will always be enriched by the contributions of others.
Strummer's Law: No input, no output.
Joe Strummer

When you do something with a lot of honesty, appetite and commitment, the input reflects the output.
A. R. Rahman

I like engineering, but I love the creative input.
John Dykstra

- Be thou not technical with me,/Or else thine input valve may swift receive/a hearty helping of my golden foot.
Ian Doescher

I used to try to run five miles every other day, which I worked up to and I was doing it, but I was subjected to my own thoughts for forty minutes without any sensory input, and I couldn't stand what I thought.
Peter Steele

Love and a good sense of humour strengthen the entire body; remember your cells respond to your input.
Barbara Marciniak

You will never maximize your potential in any area without coaching. It is impossible. You may be good. You may even be better than everyone else. But without outside input you will never be as good as you could be.
Andy Stanley

Through great input you get great output.

Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future.
Zig Ziglar

Surround yourself with the kinds of input that are uplifting, that expand your mind and settle your spirit.
Thomas Kinkade

Our focus is on outputs rather than inputs.
Stephen Cambone

I think that as a playwright, if I detail that environment, then I'm taking away something from them [designers]. I'm taking away their creativity and their ability to have input themselves, not just to follow what the playwright has written. So I do a minimum set description and let the designers create within that.
August Wilson

A cartoonist creates his whole universe without any input.
Mark Hamill

If you’re a serious minded leader, you will read. You will read all you can. You will read when you feel like it, and you will read when you don’t. You will do whatever you have to do to increase your leadership input, because you know as well as I do that it will make you better.
Bill Hybels

Throughout all of human history slaves have been expensive capital purchase items. And today they're disposal inputs like styrofoam cups to an economic process.
Kevin Bales

When we change the input into our minds, we change the output into our lives.
Zig Ziglar

The system should treat all user input as sacred.
Jef Raskin

I have as much input to the blues; I just never got the chance, the opportunity or maybe the respect.
Luther Allison

Output always equals input.
James Van Fleet

Celebrity is a mask that eats into the face. As soon as one is aware of being somebody, to be watched and listened to with extra interest, input ceases, and the performer goes blind and deaf in his over-animation. One can either see or be seen.
John Updike

Thank you for your input; I can tell you are struggling towards being interesting.
Stephen Fry

Being part of 'Natural Nylon' is a great way to have an influence on the films that get out there. I love films and it gives me an input.
Jonny Lee Miller

The whole process of getting licenses to broadcast, which took place decades ago, was done behind closed doors by powerful lobbies, and wealthy commercial interests got all the licenses with no public input, no congressional input for that matter.
Robert Waterman McChesney

I used to do all my programming on a BBC computer. It was limited to 16 tracks, and you used the keyboard, not a mouse, to input, but I was using it so long, I got quite fast at it.
Vince Clarke

The more people's money you take to do something, the more inputs you get.
Thomas Lennon

A computer is a machine for constructing mappings from input to output.
Michael Kirby

Once a film gets into production, the actors sometimes begin to have more input than a writer does.
Helen Mirren

I think because I do model for brands but it's never without input, ever. With AG I front their campaign, and obviously designed the collection for them. I did the same back in the day with Madewell. Even with Longchamp, there's a certain amount of collaboration on deciding on photographers and stuff like that. It's something that I'm accustomed to doing behind the scenes.
Alexa Chung

Stop. I’m not going to take any more input until I’ve made something with what I got.
Merlin Mann

Efficiency in government is a more elusive concept than efficiency in the private economy, which may be measured relatively easily as output per units of input. What is the government's 'output?'
Nathan Myhrvold

Social organizations are flagrantly open systems in that the input of energies and the conversion of output into further energetic input consists of transactions between the organization and its environment.
Daniel Katz

Take the classic experiment of using ordinary feedback: just take the output of something and feed it back into the input. Those of us who do that have had really rich experiences. And it is obvious that that line of experimentation can continue.
David Tudor

There are no interruptions, only mismanaged inputs
David Allen

Hayek was making us think of the productive process as a process in time, inputs coming before outputs.
Friedrich August von Hayek

Autism is the filter through which all my other senses must pass, both input and output.
Stuart Duncan

We see things not as they are, but as we are. Your addictions distort how you process the enormous flow of information that is constantly flooding in through all of your sensory inputs.
Ken Keyes Jr.

I was very aware when I went to the Academy Awards that it would probably be my first and last time. So I thought my input should really be about fertility, and I thought I'd bring some eggs.

All this sensory input, which begins in the brain, has its effect throughout the body.
Norman Cousins

A 'passing' test doesn't mean 'no problem.' It means no problem *observed*. This time. With these inputs. So far. On my machine.
Michael Bolton

Creativity is an input to innovation and change is the output from innovation.
Braden Kelley

Most of the films are only 60% taken, rest is a director's input.
Akshay Kumar

Introverts are generally more sensitive to low-intensity stimuli - they are mentally alerted to inputs that extroverts may miss.
Laurie Helgoe

Most inputs are useless and time is wasted in proportion to the amount that is available.
Tim Ferriss

Food for the mind is like food for the body: the inputs are never the same as the outputs.
Marshall McLuhan

I am the type of artist where you can't tell me anything. I have always been that way. I am right. I don't need any input.
Gary Clark, Jr.

Computers are finite machines; when given the same input, they always produce the same output.
Greg Perry

When I got onto set with him we were given a folder of storyboards. I thought that was pretty incredible because I hadn't worked with anybody who used storyboards before so he obviously had a very precise way as to how he visualized the film from the very beginning. It was every scene, but to his credit he was incredibly collaborative and gave us many opportunities to have our own input and to change things with him, so it was a really great way of working.
Mia Wasikowska

I'm swamped with input. I want input, but I am so far behind on what I got here that I can't keep up with what people are sending me.
Dick Latvala