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Jason Evert Quotes

Jason Evert Quotes
Don't worry about finding your soul mate. Find yourself.
Jason Evert

Without question, purity is beautiful. We're not talking about repression or prudishness, but about having a confident and serene sense of your dignity and worth.
Jason Evert

What you win a guy with is what you keep him with. If you win him with your body than you'll have to try and keep him with your body. The problem is that every girl in the world has a body, so any girl in the world can lure him away. But who YOU are as a woman... No other woman in the world has that.
Jason Evert

Purity is not about following a list of rules so that you'll avoid hell. It's about wanting heaven for the person you love.
Jason Evert

You don't have to lower your morals to find love because, if you do, it's not love that you're finding.
Jason Evert

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The right relationship won't distract you from God. It will bring you closer to Him.
Jason Evert

Love can wait to give. Lust can't wait to get.
Jason Evert

Compatible comes from the Latin "compati", meaning "to suffer with". If you are not willing to suffer with someone until death do you part, then you are not compatible.
Jason Evert

Quote Topics by Jason Evert: Men Giving Love Is Guy Heaven Temptation Girl Decision Abstinence Hell Suffering Heart Thinking Gentleman Sex World Dresses Soul Looks Humility Failing Teens Trash Faith Friend With Benefits Winning Wedding Day Class Sincerely Book
Don't let yourself be defined by the past. It's done. All you have is now and the future.
Jason Evert

When a culture of ladies arises, a culture of gentlemen will follow.
Jason Evert

Sex is not a tryout. If she fails to live up to your expectations in the bedroom, will you love her less? If so, you can be certain you never loved her to begin with.
Jason Evert

Look at a crucifix. This is how I got my bride to heaven. How else do you think you will get yours there?
Jason Evert

Women are not thousands of temptations to hell. They are thousands of reminders of the beauty of heaven.
Jason Evert

Love is the greatest form of evangelization because it makes an invisible God visible.
Jason Evert

The closer you get to God, the more you become yourself.
Jason Evert

When you're dating, abstinence is a greater expression of love than making love, because you're doing what's best for your beloved, not just what feels good in the moment.
Jason Evert

The more ready you are to give yourselves to God and to others, the more you will discover the authentic meaning of life.
Jason Evert

If you decide to live a pure life, don't expect the world to understand your decision.
Jason Evert

Carry the rosary with you everywhere, and it will carry you through anything.
Jason Evert

Women, be radiant on your wedding day. But make sure your soul matches your dress.
Jason Evert

If you do not speak to your teens about the meaning of human sexuality and love, the world will fill the void of your silence with a very contrary message.
Jason Evert

After every temptation you will be either closer to God or further from Him.
Jason Evert

If your heart says, "Maybe I shouldn't be doing this," listen to your heart, pray for strength, and get out of the situation immediately.
Jason Evert

Hardly anyone today thinks about sex. We joke about it, dream about it, watch movies about it, listen to music about it, lust about it. But we don't ever really think about it.
Jason Evert

Indecision is a decision.
Jason Evert

Girls tend to get seduced through their ears. Guys tend to get seduced through their eyes.
Jason Evert

If you own pornography of any kind, for the love of your future spouse, trash it immediately.
Jason Evert

When a woman dresses modestly, I can take her seriously as a woman because she doesn’t look like she’s begging for attention. She knows that she’s worth discovering. Such humility is radiant. Unfortunately, many women are so preoccupied with turning men’s heads that they overlook their power to turn our hearts.
Jason Evert

Jesus didn't suffer so we wouldn't have to suffer. He suffered so that we would know how to suffer.
Jason Evert

When a woman veils her body in modest clothing, she is not hiding herself from men. On the contrary, she is revealing her dignity to them.
Jason Evert

We know from the book of Genesis that God created men and women 'in His image and likeness.' We know from the first letter of John that 'God is Love.' Therefore, men and women are made in the image and likeness of Love. This isn't hard to see. Look at the design of the male and female bodies. They are made for each other. In fact, neither one makes complete sense apart from the other.
Jason Evert

Authentic femininity is a combination of class, tenderness and virtue. When a woman possesses these traits, a man will naturally want to be more of a gentleman around her.
Jason Evert

If you sincerely want to know if you're "going too far," don't ask yourself, "Is this bad?" Instead ask yourself, "Is this pure?"
Jason Evert

If by how you dress, you are saying to guys, "Hey, look at my body," why would a guy want to get to know you?
Jason Evert

Treat your date with the respect and purity you hope your future spouse will have. Keep in mind how you will expect a young man to treat your daughter one day. By listening to your conscience in this way, you'll have a good idea of where to draw the line.
Jason Evert

When you feel far from God and far from everything that you wanted to be for Him, realize that you still have your whole future to give Him.
Jason Evert

Friends with benefits are neither.
Jason Evert