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Jim Goad Quotes

Jim Goad Quotes
I'm more muscular than I was in my younger days. My biceps and shoulders, especially.
Jim Goad

Beware of anyone who calls you bad names merely for asking honest questions. Beware of anyone who insists on reframing your sincere curiosity as a character defect. Beware of anyone who questions your motives while ignoring your facts. When someone calls you bad names merely for asking questions, it suggests they know the answer but are terrified to admit it.
Jim Goad

The vegan diet is obviously lacking whatever essential nutrient it is that makes people likeable.
Jim Goad

Society's only real 'progressives' are the deviants and mutants. Look at evolution - fish who didn't deviate never became amphibians; frogs who didn't mutate never became reptiles; conformist snakes never became mammals , etc. Normal Humans will remain humans, and they'll be subjugated by the digital monsters of the next few millenia.
Jim Goad

My hatred is a thousand times more powerful than all your good intentions.
Jim Goad

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Hatred is the air I breathe. It permeates every cell in my body.
Jim Goad

What you accomplish in life is limited only by your imagination and the fear of reprisal. Life is too fleeting and unrewarding to have to live with the added anus of indignity. The denial of one's inevitable demise is what causes most of the astringent blandness in the world. When your existence ends most certainly in death, there is no such thing as 'going too far'. There are no 'lines' you should fear to cross except the finish line. Playing it safe is the most dangerous thing you could do.
Jim Goad

Anti-racist propaganda is relentless and inescapable, as if the propagandists fear that if they shut up about it for a second, they'd instantly become racists themselves.
Jim Goad

Quote Topics by Jim Goad: People Thinking Ideas Believe Writing Years Strong Giving Careers Men Racist Race Hatred Way Violence Impossible One Day Personality Regret Want Law Hair Father Eye Country Racism Two Facts Prison Hate
Many of the racial problems in America are caused by the fact that people are innately tribal, and politicians know how to exploit that biological fact.
Jim Goad

One of the greatest pleasures I get from my measly professional career is confusing people.
Jim Goad

A lot of people expend great time and effort explaining why they don't like me, but none of them ever try to explain why their opinion should matter to me. I think most of them sense, but would never be brave enough to admit, their subordinate role in the food chain relative to me.
Jim Goad

A Manhattan lawyer who describes himself as "America`s leading expert on the militia movement" writes that he hugged his three-year-old kid the night of the Oklahoma City bombing. He told junior that it happened "because they hated too much" For now, let`s accept the premise that one hundred sixty-eight humans died in Oklahoma City because people "hated too much" Now answer these questions if you would be so kind: did a federal sniper shoot Vicki Weaver in the face because he hated too much? Did our government conduct the Tuskegee with syphilis on black soldiers because it hated too much?
Jim Goad

It's very odd to observe someone else taking your identity into their own hands and getting it all wrong. I don't think most people will ever get to experience how truly weird it is.
Jim Goad

The criticism that has most consistently bothered me is the allegation that I'm a schlockmeister whose only objective is to shock people.
Jim Goad

To think that humans evolved from lower species BUT the evolutionary process somehow came to a halt and we all arrived at the finish line simultaneously is to embrace a fiction possibly more implausible than Christianity.
Jim Goad

San Francisco, America's B-movie imitation of Paris. San Francisco, the city that ruined punk rock. San Francisco, the most intolerant place in the country.
Jim Goad

I prefer for a woman's most private of areas to have as much hair as Carlos Santana's entire band, head to toe, circa 1972.
Jim Goad

Homosexuality is genetically hardwired but race and gender are only ideas. OK. Just trying to keep up.
Jim Goad

Negative opinions about me don't faze me unless I respect the person giving the opinion, which is rare. And if it's someone I respect, I usually take heed of what they're saying. But if I don't respect them, which I usually don't, what's the point?
Jim Goad

I've never had a meth habit, I don't walk around naked, and unless I'm actively provoked, I'm generally polite and well-spoken.
Jim Goad

I think that 99% of the snipers who take shots at me from electronic foxholes also realize they could never withstand the sort of public disparagement, nor the revelation of so many personal details, that I've endured for years and still remain as impenitent, obnoxious, and ready to argue all critics into the dirt as I am. I think this also jacks up their hatred level, because they realize they'd never be so strong-willed.
Jim Goad

In a perverse way, it's very patriarchal to think that women can't be malicious or violent.
Jim Goad

The average human's fundamental project is to find someone else to blame for their problems.
Jim Goad

My hatred is diamond-hard.
Jim Goad

It amazes me that some people who ordinarily can recognize autocratic bullying, tacky sloganeering, and - especially - camp value are unable to spot it in this Hate Scare that grips the Western world.
Jim Goad

Nowadays, you suffer the same risks - ostracism, career loss, possible assault - for being perceived as racist that you would have encountered a century ago for daring to question racist ideology.
Jim Goad

I think my sense of humor is Jewish. I'm smarter than most white people, which is kind of a Jewish thing, too.
Jim Goad

People huddle together in doctrinaire herds, and the same jackasses who, without the slightest risk, now scream against racism are the same conformist personality types who would have carried torches in lynch mobs a century ago.
Jim Goad

The leftist drive for control is insatiable.
Jim Goad

Show me pornography which promotes violence against women, and I'll buy it.
Jim Goad

I don't think fatherhood's changed me so much as it's conjured protective instincts I've had all along.
Jim Goad

I think that any time a person comes face-to-face with their own mortality - close enough to Death that they can smell its breath - they have a choice: 1) Fall to pieces; 2) Reassemble yourself and keep walking.
Jim Goad

There were people whom I considered friends or loved ones who either abandoned me or betrayed me in ways I'd never have suspected. But there were others who had been barely acquaintances of mine whose loyalty and efforts on my behalf made me realize that not everyone was as inherently rotten as I'd previously believed. So it caused a violent split in my view of humanity - people turned out to be far worse and far better than I'd ever dreamed possible.
Jim Goad

There's a reason the Third World came in third.
Jim Goad

I can't tell you how many times people - through the anonymity and safety of the Internet, of course - have told me 'You beat women' as if it was an ongoing, daily thing. The only person ever brave enough to say it to my face quickly surrendered his courage when I said, 'Would you like to step outside and see if I can beat men, too?'
Jim Goad

Governments throughout the English-speaking sphere are creating and then ratcheting the torque on "hate-speech" laws with frightening eagerness.
Jim Goad

When I write, I strain with every wizened fibre of my weathered frame to analyze every possible angle of any given subject.
Jim Goad

I didn't see much besides Melbourne and a quick trip down to the Twelve Apostles, but all the Aussies I encountered were good-spirited and had a fine sense of humor.
Jim Goad

Whenever I visit an industrialized nation that isn't the United States, it immediately becomes apparent how much more educated and informed and aware of international events their citizens are compared to Americans.
Jim Goad

Anyone who's ever had the misfortune of seeing me interact with house pets knows I have a wickedly strong paternal instinct bordering on the maternal.
Jim Goad

I write to please myself.
Jim Goad

I could have completely lost my mind or became a junkie or abandoned all sense and judgment and committed some rash, stupid act that would have sent me right back into the cage. Instead, I chose to be happy - but not so much for the sake of happiness as for spite.
Jim Goad

If I’d been talking about black trash, I might be lynched. If I was talking about white trash, I’d merely be another torchbearer in an ongoing national lynching.
Jim Goad

Equality is a nice idea, but it's entirely impossible to prove.
Jim Goad

When I see two women kissing, my only physical reaction is a strong desire to vomit in both of their mouths.
Jim Goad

I tend not to hang with 'the crowd' because I believe that at any given moment in history, the crowd is only standing somewhere because some lone, brave nutjob broke down the walls for them first.
Jim Goad

People can be so heartless and dirty.
Jim Goad

More than most, I believe I'm highly attuned to how heresies eventually become mainstream belief systems and how the vast majority of people who consider themselves 'edgy' are those who only embraced radical ideas LONG after it became safe for them to do so.
Jim Goad

I'm still an obsessive personality, and I still think I'm right, and I still believe my literary balls hang far lower than nearly anyone else's alive.
Jim Goad

I don't think it's entirely paranoid to suspect that one day, you won't be able to so much as question the primary tenets of anti-racism without going to jail.
Jim Goad