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Jim Jordan Quotes

Canadian educator and politician (d. 2012), Birth: 2-9-1928
Americans can live with the fact that good people sometimes give their lives for this country, but what they can't take, what they can't live with is when their government is not square with them.
Jim Jordan

For me, I think being a conservative means you are focused on all four key principles: strong defense, lower taxes, less spending, and defending traditional American values.
Jim Jordan

This administration, this agency, the very agency charged with enforcing Obamacare, systematically targeted groups that came into existence because they opposed Obamacare - and they started the targeting the very month, March 2010, that Obamacare came into law - expects us to believe it is the work of two rogue agents in Cincinnati.
Jim Jordan

Someone is going to have to explain to me at some time how raising taxes on job-creators is going to create more jobs.
Jim Jordan

Let's get put in place a better health care system the American people deserve.
Jim Jordan

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Never once have Democrats benefited from attempts at reasonableness and compromise and accommodation. To the contrary, Bush and his team seem to view political compromise as weakness, and they punish it rather than reward or reciprocate it.
Jim Jordan