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Kathie Lee Gifford Quotes

American talk show host, Birth: 16-8-1953 Kathie Lee Gifford Quotes
I sang with Anita Bryant in the Southern Baptist churches.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I hate politics, hate deals, and deal-making, hate meeting with attorneys and agents.
Kathie Lee Gifford

There was no way we'd ever get spoiled. Daddy made sure to instill in us a work ethic.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I change my hairstyle every day for the show, I'm fastidious and vain about my nails and teeth and grooming and makeup, but a perfect body, forget it. Dust to dust, wuggies to wuggies.
Kathie Lee Gifford

We heard stories about fakery and decoys at revivals. I never personally saw any trickery.
Kathie Lee Gifford

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Sexual harassment is complex, subtle, and highly subjective.
Kathie Lee Gifford

But the Bible says, even though we may blow it every day, God's mercy is fresh for us every morning.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I was told all my life I was part Cherokee. Then it was Crow. The latest is Blackfoot.
Kathie Lee Gifford

Quote Topics by Kathie Lee Gifford: People Thinking Believe Real Ambition Mean Kids Mom Humanity Want Book Queens Marrying Twenties Men Drug Dream Subtle Revival Falling In Love Great Day Careers Time Fans Say Anything Spontaneous Stories Love You Empathy Wonder
What most people perceive as energy is really strength of spirit. It comes from the joy of knowing God, loving Him, and being loved by Him.
Kathie Lee Gifford

No wonder women have achieved a more equal footing with men in areas they never fought for -- ulcers, hypertension, and heart attacks. We're racing around trying to be all things to all people, burdened by a brutal mix of ambition, anxiety, and guilt.
Kathie Lee Gifford

A fear of the unknown keeps a lot of people from leaving bad situations.
Kathie Lee Gifford

God didn't bless me with success so I could eat caviar every day.
Kathie Lee Gifford

If I could learn to treat triumph and disaster the same, then I would find bliss.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I believe it was Today show fourth-hour host Kathie Lee Gifford who said, 'If drag queens love you, you'll have the longest career in the world. They know phony and they know real.'
Kathie Lee Gifford

If you settle for what you've got, you deserve what you get.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I think sometimes the very reason we go through something is so that we can be empathetic with another person later on.
Kathie Lee Gifford

Our culture is in moral chaos. On TV we celebrate freaks instead of honest, decent people.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I'm not a fan of religion. Religion ties people up and binds them and puts them back in chains but faith - true relationship - releases us to be all what God ever intended us to be. That's what I'm interested in.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I'm post-menopausal. I have nothing but time. Post-menopausal do not sleep. You obviously don't know one. We get about three hours of sleep a night and the rest of the time we have to do something productive with our time.
Kathie Lee Gifford

To this day I do not believe I'm great at anything.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I wasn't ever interested in marrying someone else's career or bank account.
Kathie Lee Gifford

The payoffs in showbiz seemed as random as a slot machine.
Kathie Lee Gifford

Over the years my mom has become a self-taught Biblical scholar.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I once said the Queen of England could use some fashion advice.
Kathie Lee Gifford

Love someone too much to help them prevent making a mistake.
Kathie Lee Gifford

when you fall in love, you must fall in love with a man the way he is now, because marriage won't change anything, except maybe your tax deduction.
Kathie Lee Gifford

If I prayed as much as I pluck, I'd be the Dalai Lama.
Kathie Lee Gifford

Other kids did drugs; I did crafts. I never knew where I fit in.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I have empathy for the person who is being interviewed and written about with all kinds of misperceptions and misconceptions and flat-out lies. So I feel for them, I feel their pain. I know what that is like.
Kathie Lee Gifford

Just because I'm happy doesn't mean I'm shallow.
Kathie Lee Gifford

They don't call me spontaneous and irreverant for nothing.
Kathie Lee Gifford

... humility + humor = humanity.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I want to be free and free indeed and live and live abundant!
Kathie Lee Gifford

We're imperfect people trapped in an imperfect world until we get to that place beyond
Kathie Lee Gifford

If I'm in love I want to get married. That's how stupid I am.
Kathie Lee Gifford

When I was almost 13 I was ripe for religion. I was actually just plain ripe.
Kathie Lee Gifford

Miracles is the sort of book that once you've read it you'll wonder where it's been all your life
Kathie Lee Gifford

A two-career couple with children is a complex, sensitive piece of machinery with lots of moving parts. Anything less than total cooperation will throw it out of whack and shut it down. A couple can wind up paying the ultimate price for trying to have it all - losing it all.
Kathie Lee Gifford

Mom thinks I live in this dream world where everybody's Ivana Trump.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I did feel from day one that I was a born performer.
Kathie Lee Gifford

For every sleazeball in the business there are plenty of decent and wonderful people.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I don't believe in coincidence. I just think that all things work together for good.
Kathie Lee Gifford

Love in the real world means saying you're sorry 10 times a day.
Kathie Lee Gifford

Twenty-four hours is never enough for a busy person and way too much for somebody with nothing to do.
Kathie Lee Gifford

For many people religion can be so easy they stumble right over it.
Kathie Lee Gifford

Life seemed so simple and joyous when I was growing up.
Kathie Lee Gifford

People were referring to me as the new Anita Bryant. Anita would get a little jealous.
Kathie Lee Gifford

To me an audition is 30 crazed people in a room waiting to be axed.
Kathie Lee Gifford

I would never want to hurt anyone by writing a book.
Kathie Lee Gifford

If you can do something with your eyes closed, it is time to try something new.
Kathie Lee Gifford