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Keyboards Quotes

It's not easy to strap yourself down to a desk and bash on a keyboard when you know you can direct lots of films, because directing films is fun and interactive and gregarious. Writing isn't.
Guy Ritchie

Authors on Keyboards Quotes: Geddy Lee Andy Summers Pharrell Williams Geoff Downes Lily King Kage Baker Brian May Mike Posner Linus Torvalds Lennie Tristano Scott Walker Charles Stross Pauline Oliveros John Hodgman Rachel Caine Jamie Waylett J. C. R. Licklider Bill Joy Mike Shinoda Matt Sharp Gustave Flaubert Rick Riordan Clifford Stoll Prefuse 73 Josip Novakovich Geezer Butler Terry Pratchett Jay Watson Feist Mike Lazaridis Melissa Marr Guy Ritchie Robert G. Allen
I'm kind of a one-note at a time, one finger keyboard player.
Matt Sharp

You just can't be good in bed anymore. You have to be good at the keyboard too.
Xaviera Hollander

You treat the air as a canvas and the paint is the chords that come through your fingers, out of the keyboard.
Pharrell Williams

Keep your head in the clouds and your hands on the keyboard.
Marissa Meyer

I wish we hadn't used all the keys on the keyboard.
Bill Joy

With the help of modern technology, I can compose intricate keyboard parts and then I have to go back and learn them in order to perform them properly.
Geddy Lee

But I find that the keyboard is the complete instrument you know?
Mick Ralphs

So, I really don't consider myself a fabulous keyboard player.
Geddy Lee

Mozart encompasses the entire domain of musical creation, but I've got only the keyboard in my poor head.
Frederic Chopin

You could make your fingers reproduce exactly what you felt, if you really worked at it. I achieved it, not only spending a lot of time at the keyboard but finding ways I could make my fingers reproduce my deepest feelings. It meant, when you hit a note with a finger, you sank into that note all the way to the bottom of the keyboard until it went pow! Right?
Lennie Tristano

Sit me at the keyboard of any computer in the world with access to the Internet, and in just 24 hours I’ll earn at least $24,000 in cash.
Robert G. Allen

I'm a bit of a gunner on the QWERTY keyboard.
Jay Watson

I don't like sitting at a keyboard.
Owsley Stanley

I spent ten years playing classical piano, and that was what led to keyboards and eventually to production and to Linkin Park.
Mike Shinoda

It's been very hard for the guitar as a serious synthesizer to compete with keyboards.
Andy Summers

I never had any plans to become a producer when I was a kid. I wanted to be a DJ, like most other kids at the time. Then my mum bought me a Casio keyboard and I started to sample sounds that I liked.

I tend not to write on guitar very often. I tend to start off with keyboards.
Brian May

Woman is a delightful instrument of pleasure,
but it is necessary to know its trembling strings,
to study the position of them,
the timid keyboard,
the fingering so changeful and capricious which befits it.
Honore de Balzac

I can play just about any keyboard but I can't read or write a note.
John Carpenter

The Geezer album, Black Science, had a lot of keyboards and it did not work.
Geezer Butler

One of the saddest sights to me has always been a human at a keyboard doing something by hand that could be automated. It's sad but hilarious.
Boris Beizer

As for the piano, the faster her fingers flew over it, the more he marveled. She struck the keys with aplomb and ran from one end of the keyboard to the other without a stop.
Gustave Flaubert

I can play every instrument there is, every horn, I've played all the saxes and trumpets and everything and keyboards.
Dick Dale

The most exciting mobile trend is full Qwerty keyboards. I'm sorry, it really is. I'm not making this up.
Mike Lazaridis

It should be possible, in a 'debreviation' mode, to type 'clr' on the keyboard and have 'The Council on Library Resources, Inc.' appear on the display.
J. C. R. Licklider

I can't even tolerate my own playing on electric keyboards. It's not about the musical ideas - the sound itself is toxic. It's like eating plastic broccoli.
Keith Jarrett

We have all been empowered by the web: everyone with a keyboard can now effectively broadcast to a national audience. In a sense, it puts each of us on the same footing as the major media conglomerates, except for AOL, who now apparently own all our thoughts and teeth.
John Hodgman

In the age of revolution you have to be able to imagine revolutionary alternatives to the status quo. If you can't, you'll be relegated to the swollen ranks of keyboard-pounding automatons.
Gary Hamel

Sometimes I just hit the keyboard in a way I'd like the rhythm of the tracks to sound.
Aphex Twin

I played djembe, percussion, keyboards and I sang.
Jeff Ament

My people, we stay indoors. We have keyboards. We have darkness. It's quiet.
Neil Gaiman

For instance, I assume those "carrots" we have on our keyboards were there originally to express "greater than" and "less than." Then they were adopted by coders, and now they show up all the time in the way email addresses are constructed. At least I think that's what happened.
Michael Bierut

I would like to play with electronic keyboards again.
Andy Summers

So I'm in the library, and I have keyboards out and my headphones out. Everybody's like, "Mike are you making beats right now?" and I'm like, "Yeah... sorry!"
Mike Posner

Whoever came up with "hold the shift key for eight seconds to turn on 'your keyboard is buggered' mode" should be shot.
Linus Torvalds

Everyone wants to be an "expert" on social media and share their opinion behind the keyboard.
Ashley Graham

Writing is not just the technical act of your fingers on the keyboard. Writing is living.
Melissa Marr

When I'm online, I'm alone in a room, tapping on a keyboard, staring at a cathode-ray tube.
Clifford Stoll

Life is too sweet and too short to express our affection with just our thumbs. Touch is meant for more than a keyboard.
Kristin Armstrong

I love playing. The keyboard is my journal.
Pharrell Williams

Like Elmore Leonard and Donald Westlake and Robert B. Parker and oh so many others, I want to die with my boots on, facedown on my keyboard if possible, in the middle of a sentence.
Kristine Kathryn Rusch

The Human moral keyboard is limited ... there's nothing you can play on it that hasn't been played before. And, my dear Friends, I am sorry to say this, but it has its lower notes.
Margaret Atwood

A mouse and a keyboard is not a good performance instrument.
Pauline Oliveros

Just moving one keyboard or synth is a pain in the ass.
Prefuse 73

I've always been a bit wary of keyboards because there's an invisibility to it - you're not really hitting anything.

I definitely feel that my brain works differently, and words come out differently, if I have a pencil in my hand, rather than if I have a keyboard.
Lily King

Dark forces dragged me away from the keyboard, swirling forces of irresistible intensity and power.
Boris Johnson

I play the keyboard, piano - I like making beats.
Abbie Cornish

There’s nothing more humbling than seeing your best quotes in a list, and thinking they could have been written by a coma patient with a keyboard and spasms.
Scott Adams