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Killers Quotes

If I was a serial killer? How I would kill somebody? I'm actually a very compulsive person ... I'd chainsaw people.
Brendon Urie

Authors on Killers Quotes: George W. Bush Anais Nin J. K. Rowling Frank Herbert Errol Morris Woody Harrelson Cassandra Clare Randy Orton Barbara Sher Stephen Colbert Becca Fitzpatrick Sherrilyn Kenyon Elie Wiesel Sam Altman Andrew Dominik Lil Wayne Clarence Darrow Sophie Jordan Nicole Richie Dana White Tom Morello Jack London Hiroya Oku Brendon Urie Steig Larsson Nora Roberts Dave Allison Rick Pitino Lorrie Moore Sam Raimi Orson Scott Card Judy Davis Jeremiah Wright
After all, our Killers are our ...Brothers!!??
Bal Gangadhar Tilak

'At the end of the day, our Killers are like family to us!!'
The fidelity question is difficult for me. Society has made us believe we're supposed to be monogamous when we're not killer whales, or whatever the monogamous species is.
Rachel Hunter

You got to have the killer instinct. If you do not have it, forget about basketball and go into social psychology or something. If you sometimes wonder if you've got it, you ain't got it. No pussycats, please.
Bill Russell

How many chances to you get to make a musical about a serial killer? The minute Tim Burton approached me, I was in.
Johnny Depp

I never tried to be a mercenary or a killer but a hard working fighter.
Larry Holmes

So evidently music was a killer app and is a killer app for computer and the Internet; it just took the tech industry a long time to hear that message.
Thomas Dolby

If you believe that I'm a cop killer, you believe David Bowie is an astronaut.
Ice T

Just take them rascals [rapists, killers, child abusers] out in the swamp / Put 'em on their knees and tie 'em to a stump / Let the rattlers and the bugs and the alligators do the rest.
Charlie Daniels

Boxing brings out my aggressive instinct, not necessarily a killer instinct.
Sugar Ray Leonard

No one beats The Legend Killer.. Thats why I'm the greatest in this business!
Randy Orton

Where life had no value, death, sometimes, had its price. That is why the bounty killers appeared.
Sergio Leone

I don't believe Vladimir Putin is a killer, a threat to France, to others in this region. Nothing Vladimir Putin has done would make me reach that conclusion.
Marine Le Pen

It will be a killer, and a chiller, and a thriller, when I get the gorilla in Manila.
Muhammad Ali

The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.
D. H. Lawrence

As a man I am not a killer. I’m an artist and a modern person. I’ll choose sanity.
Frank Ocean

Greg Jackson is a sport killer
Dana White

Joyfully celebrating the killing of a killer who joyfully celebrated killing carries an irony that I hope will not be lost on us. Are we learning anything, or simply spinning harder in the cycle of violence?
Brian D. McLaren

He was a killer, a thing that preyed, living on the things that lived, unaided, alone, by virtue of his own strength and prowess, surviving triumphantly in a hostile environment where only the strong survive.
Jack London

I would say that fifty percent of my show is killer comedy.
Davy Jones

I certainly know the difference between right and wrong.
Robert De Niro

I'm The Legend Killer, Shawn! Why? 'Cause I kill Legends!
Randy Orton

I'm not scared of spiders at all. I'm the spider killer in the house.
Gigi Hadid

And the Russians certainly don't have it. If a woman shows up in a fur coat, I just assume she's a crook. And that's me, the nice American. The assumption that you can't make money honestly is a killer.
Esther Dyson

Isolation is a dream killer.
Barbara Sher

In the concentration camps, we discovered this whole universe where everyone had his place. The killer came to kill, and the victims came to die.
Elie Wiesel

Everybody's got one killer story. It doesn't take talent to tell that story, it just takes experience.
Kevin Smith

Fear is the mind-killer.
Frank Herbert

The word 'leukemia' is a very frightening word. In many instances, it's a killer and it's something that you have to deal with in a very serious and determined way if you're going to beat it.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

A moment of realization is worth a thousand prayers.
Woody Harrelson

I represent where them killers at 145th and Broadway you get your head cracked

I 'aint a killer but don't push me.
Lil Wayne

HR should be every company's killer app. What could possibly be more important than who gets hired?
Jack Welch

I'm a better husband and father than I was a killer.
Chris Kyle

I like to imagine, if I was in the 1930s and was rich and a psychopathic killer, I probably would be moving about very freely and having a lot of fun.
Evan Peters

I don't know of any government leaders that are killers.
Bill O'Reilly

It's complicated. On the one hand we're killer apes, and on the other hand we have this metaphysical longing.
Simon Critchley

I swear, Daimons or not, if you don’t behave, Z, I’m going to send you to Antarctica and leave you there to rot. (Acheron) Ooo. I’m terrified. Those killer penguins and hairy seals are really scary. (Zarek)
Sherrilyn Kenyon

Gotta take my puppy on the road with me, Killer
Gregg Allman

We were born of risen apes, not fallen angels, and the apes were armed killers besides. And so what shall we wonder at? Our murders and massacres and missiles, and our irreconcilable regiments?
Robert Ardrey

The unforgivable political sin is vanity, the killer diet is sour grapes.
Neil Kinnock

America is still the No. 1 killer in the world.
Jeremiah Wright

You have to be decisive. Indecisiveness is a startup killer.
Sam Altman

The killer looked up as the bullet hit him. He looked as if he were puzzled by some strange occurence, being too freshly dead to be aware of it.
Robert A. Heinlein

I have a phobia of checking voicemail. I watched a lot of TV as a kid, and everything is, like, you're gonna get kidnapped, or somebody's gonna die, or killer bees are going to take you out. I'm a very anxious person.
Annie E. Clark

The problem is not cop killers...it's killer cops.
Tom Morello

I'm a future legend. And you're the legend killer.
Zack Ryder

Executing a murderer is the only way to adequately express our horror at the taking of an innocent life. Nothing else suffices. To equate the lives of killers with those of victims is the worst kind of moral equivalency. If capital punishment is state murder, then imprisonment is state kidnapping and restitution is state theft.
Don Feder

Sometimes it is difficult to remember, but other times it is very easy to remember. Sleep deprivation is the killer.
Andy Samberg

You gotta learn to love when you're failing.... The embracing of that, the discomfort of failing in front of an audience, leads you to penetrate through the fear that blinds you. Fear is the mind killer.
Stephen Colbert