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Liberty Quotes

A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday does not know where it is today.
Robert E. Lee

A country which fails to recall its past cannot comprehend its present.
Authors on Liberty Quotes: Thomas Jefferson James Madison Benjamin Franklin Ludwig von Mises Ayn Rand Ron Paul Frederic Bastiat Alexander Hamilton John Adams Friedrich August von Hayek Ronald Reagan Abraham Lincoln H. L. Mencken Milton Friedman Mahatma Gandhi Thomas Sowell George W. Bush Thomas Paine Samuel Adams Murray Rothbard Rush Limbaugh Edmund Burke Walter E. Williams Ralph Waldo Emerson George Washington John Stuart Mill Baron de Montesquieu Harry Browne Mikhail Bakunin Samuel Johnson Joseph Sobran John Locke Albert Camus
History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.
Douglas MacArthur

When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner.
Baron de Montesquieu

If you can cut the people off from their history, then they can be easily persuaded.
Karl Marx

If you can sever the people from their past, then they can be easily manipulated.
They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin

Those who would surrender fundamental freedom to gain a momentary security, merit neither liberty nor safety.
There is only one way to kill capitalism - by taxes, taxes, and more taxes.

Levy taxes heavily to eradicate capitalism.
He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security.
Benjamin Franklin

One who would exchange freedom for transient safety, merits neither liberty nor security.
A Bill of Rights that means what the majority wants it to mean is worthless.
Antonin Scalia

A charter of liberties that is subject to the whims of the majority is useless.
We must complain. Yes, plain, blunt complaint, ceaseless agitation, unfailing exposure of dishonesty and wrong - this is the ancient, unerring way to liberty and we must follow it.
W. E. B. Du Bois

We must protest. Yes, forthright complaint, persistent agitation, consistent disclosure of deception and injustice - this is the traditional, infallible way to freedom and we must pursue it.
Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither.
Benjamin Franklin

People who surrender freedom for safety will acquire neither.
Democracy is necessarily despotism, as it establishes an executive power contrary to the general will; all being able to decide against one whose opinion may differ, the will of all is therefore not that of all: which is contradictory and opposite to liberty.
Immanuel Kant

Security without liberty is called prison.
Benjamin Franklin

'Safety without freedom is termed incarceration.'
I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I would rather endure peril than servitude.
Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.
Thomas Jefferson

Our autonomy is dependent on the press having independence, and that cannot be curtailed without being forfeited.
The United States appear to be destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of liberty.
Simon Bolivar

It appears that Fate has ordained the United States to afflict America with distress in the guise of freedom.
It is easy to cut down the tree of liberty, but not so easy to restore it to life.
Toussaint Louverture

It is effortless to fell the tree of freedom, but far more problematic to resurrect it.
Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: First a right to life, secondly to liberty, and thirdly to property; together with the right to defend them in the best manner they can.
Samuel Adams

Patterning your life around other's opinions is nothing more than slavery.
Lawana Blackwell

Molding your life to the thoughts of others is nothing but bondage.
Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.

Oppression is defined as that which is permissible for the government but forbidden to the populace.
True liberty is not the power to live as we please, but to live as we ought.
Arthur W. Pink

True freedom is not the ability to do as we wish, but to act as we should.
Excessive liberty and excessive servitude are equally dangerous, and produce nearly the same effect.

Too much freedom and too much subjugation are both equally perilous, and yield almost indistinguishable results.
The best way to make every one poor is to insist on equality of wealth.
Napoleon Bonaparte

The most effective way to ensure poverty for all is to demand absolute economic parity.
The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.
George Washington

I will never forsake the Constitution as my lodestar.
When a man spends his own money to buy something for himself, he is very careful about how much he spends and how he spends it. When a man spends his own money to buy something for someone else, he is still very careful about how much he spends, but somewhat less what he spends it on. When a man spends someone else's money to buy something for himself, he is very careful about what he buys, but doesn't care at all how much he spends. And when a man spends someone else's money on someone else, he does't care how much he spends or what he spends it on. And that's government for you.
Milton Friedman

Being tolerant does not mean that I share another one's belief. But it does mean that I acknowledge another one's right to believe, and obey, his own conscience.
Viktor E. Frankl

Acknowledging another individual's entitlement to adhere to their own convictions despite not agreeing with them.
We, today, stand on the shoulders of our predecessors who have gone before us. We, as their successors, must catch the torch of freedom and liberty passed on to us by our ancestors. We cannot lose in this battle.
Benjamin E. Mays

There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal.
Friedrich August von Hayek

Distinguishing between individuals without discrimination as opposed to striving for uniformity.
Let no man think we can deny civil liberty to others and retain it for ourselves.
Robert M. La Follette, Sr.

No one should believe that we can uphold our own civil liberties while denying them to others.
Anytime anyone is enslaved or in any way deprived of his liberty, that person, as a human being, as far as I'm concerned he is justified to resort to whatever methods necessary to bring about his liberty again.
Malcolm X

Life in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
Thomas Hobbes

Existence in the condition of wilderness is desolate, destitute, disagreeable, savage, and fleeting.
Though I bequeath you no estate, I leave you in the enjoyment of liberty.
William Bradford

I bequeath to you no property, yet I give you the blessing of freedom.
It is seldom, that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Slavery has so frightful an aspect to men accustomed to freedom, that it must steal upon them by degrees, and must disguise itself in a thousand shapes, in order to be received.
David Hume

'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
Friedrich August von Hayek

I would die to preserve the law upon a solid foundation; but take away liberty, and the foundation is destroyed.
Alexander Hamilton

I would sacrifice my life to uphold the law upon a firm basis; but remove freedom, and the foundation is ruined.
A nation may lose its liberties in a day and not miss them in a century.
Baron de Montesquieu

A nation may relinquish its freedoms in the blink of an eye and not recognize their absence for a hundred years.
The work of the Spirit is to impart life, to implant hope, to give liberty, to testify of Christ, to guide us into all truth, to teach us all things, to comfort the believer, and to convict the world of sin.
Dwight L. Moody

Democracy is the road to socialism.
Karl Marx

Egalitarianism is the path to collectivism.
Now that I look back, I realize that a life predicated on being obedient is a very comfortable life indeed. Living in such a way reduces to a minimum one's own need to think.
Adolf Eichmann

Reflecting retrospectively, I comprehend that following orders is a tranquil way of life. Acting in such a fashion minimizes the need to contemplate independently.
The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.
Friedrich August von Hayek

The enigmatic mission of economics is to show people how limited their knowledge is regarding what they believe they can create.
Remember civil and religious liberty always go together: if the foundation of the one be sapped, the other will fall of course.
Alexander Hamilton

Commemorate the inextricable link between civil and religious freedom; should one be undermined, the other will inevitably crumble.
Our union is now complete; our constitution composed, established, and approved. You are now the guardians of your own liberties.
Samuel Adams

Our solidarity is now whole; our charter crafted, ratified and accepted. You are now the custodians of your own freedoms.
I started with this idea in my head, "There's two things I've got a right to, death or liberty."
Harriet Tubman

I initiated this concept in my mind, "I have a right to either freedom or death."
I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity.
B. R. Ambedkar

I am in favor of the faith that advocates freedom, fairness, and camaraderie.
Mankind are governed more by their feelings than by reason.
Samuel Adams

Humankind are ruled more by their emotions than by logic.
We prefer poverty in liberty than riches in slavery.
Ahmed Sekou Toure

We choose destitution in freedom over affluence in servitude.
Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.
Milton Friedman

The majority of debates against the open market are rooted in an absence of faith in liberty itself.
There can be no such thing as 'fairness in taxation.' Taxation is nothing but organized theft, and the concept of a 'fair tax' is therefore every bit as absurd as that of 'fair theft.'
Murray Rothbard

Our country may be likened to a new house. We lack many things, but we possess the most precious of all - liberty!
James Monroe

Our nation may be likened to a freshly constructed abode. We lack some amenities, yet we possess the most invaluable of all - freedom!
Federalism isn’t about states’ rights. It’s about dividing power to better protect individual liberty.
Elizabeth Price Foley

Federalism is not just about granting states autonomy; it is about distributing authority to safeguard individual freedom.
At times some people use force or fraud to take from others without willful, voluntary consent. Normally, the initiation of force to take life is murder, to take liberty is slavery, and to take property is theft. It is the same whether these actions are done by one person acting alone, by the many acting against a few, or even by officials with fine hats and titles.
Ken Schoolland