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Life Experience Quotes

If you are open-minded and ready to learn, there are many things which you can learn not only from books and instructors but from the very life experience itself.
Haile Selassie

If you have an expansive outlook and are prepared to acquire knowledge, there are countless lessons that can be gleaned not just from textbooks and teachers but also from life itself.
Authors on Life Experience Quotes: Esther Hicks Mike Leigh Sonia Sotomayor Yara David Letterman Jessica Alba Gail Sheehy Alex Meraz Liv Ullmann Eyvind Johnson Fred Durst Rush Limbaugh Colin Powell Mary Kay Zuravleff Jake Owen Tony Robbins Bernie Siegel Jonathan Kellerman Natasha Lyonne T.I. Amanda Seyfried Howard Schultz Dorianne Laux Letty Cottin Pogrebin Sela Ward Alan Dershowitz Phylicia Rashad Keith Urban Cheryl Richardson Julia Roberts Kate Bosworth Sally Field Anne Waldman
My life. The life I'm living that's where all my inspiration comes from. Real life experiences.
Fred Durst

A sense of freedom is something that, happily, comes with age and life experience.
Diane Keaton

Find your passion and do it totally. The more life experience you get, the better you'll be at whatever you want to do.
Jessica Alba

Nothing can occur in your life experience without the invitation of it through your thought.
Esther Hicks

Life experience is priceless.
Amanda Seyfried

Life experiences become acting experiences, which in turn become life experiences.
Liv Ullmann

Live by your experience and do not let limited beliefs alter your life experience.
Bernie Siegel

The body isn’t the foundation of your health. The body is the physical manifestation of the sum of your life experiences.
Lissa Rankin

Live your life, experience something, and then you're going to have a lot of things to say. But if you hang around in Hollywood, then you're going to say the same thing as everyone else - nothing.
Luc Besson

I try and create for the audience something that relates to real-life experience.
Mike Leigh

A seasoned woman is spicy. She has been marinated in life experiences. Like a complex wine, she can be alternately sweet, tart, sparkling, mellow. She is both maternal and playful. Assured, alluring, and resourceful.
Gail Sheehy

I'm not looking for Bible verses to back up a lifestyle of passiveness. I'm looking for Bible verses and life experiences to teach me to live more radically for Christ.
Mike Bickle

Proximity is power. If you can get proximity with people that are the best in the world, things can happen because all of the people they know, the insights they have and the life experience they have. They can save you a decade of time by one insight.
Tony Robbins

Our thoughts, words and actions produce feelings; and these feelings become the currency with which we produce our life experiences.
Cheryl Richardson

I feel like only now in my life do I really get it -- do I feel that sense of calm. And I feel very grounded. I feel much more confident. I feel, you know, sexier, more intelligent, more to offer, more wisdom, more life experience to draw from.
Sela Ward

Inspiration for my music just comes from, you know, my life experiences.
Avril Lavigne

Never negotiate with kids. They don't have life experience, and they don't have repercussions for bad decisions; they still get fed and housed.
Gene Simmons

Life experience makes the best music. That's the thing that nobody else can offer. Nobody else can offer my life. I have a life that is fit for movies, music, and so forth. Nobody else can give that.

The act of giving expands one's entire life experience because nothing is more fulfilling than one's capacity to give.
Phylicia Rashad

Your life experience is unfolding in the precise response to the vibrations that radiate as a result of your thoughts, whether you know it is or not.
Esther Hicks

I have friends who were friends of mine before I did music and they are my friends now, and we share life experiences. It's no fun unless you're sharing with people, looking out for them as they are looking out for you.
James Blunt

The success of any stand-up act comes out of life experience.
Howie Mandel

A writer's work often reflects what he or she has been exposed to in life; experiences which are the groundwork of a poem or a story.
Eyvind Johnson

Failure is a part of life and you have to learn to deal with it. Failure is something that is part of life's cycle and it's from failure that you gain life experience.
Colin Powell

There are various names for this 'Spirit of Life' because there are various life experiences.
Jürgen Moltmann

If you’re the type of person who wants to associate exclusively with those who perfectly mirror your own ethical worldview, you’re reducing significantly the scope of your potential life experience.
Chuck Klosterman

I've had a life experience that's full of warts, full of successes.
Jeb Bush

I'm not interested in a marketable product: I'm interested in what I know from my life experience to be standards of excellence
Barney Kessel

In the wider context, what I believe I was - the point I was making was that our life experiences do permit us to see some facts and understand them more easily than others.
Sonia Sotomayor

I came to politics later in life so I bring a different life experience to it.
Kathleen Wynne

Aging allows us to drop the baggage. It is only through life experiences that our incredible power can be brought forward in all its glory.
Susan Jeffers

Optimism is denial for chumps with no life experience". "What's pessimism?" I said. "Religion without God.
Jonathan Kellerman

The only way that we can truly have a purpose and an enriching life experience is to do all things in Christ and through the power of Christ. What happens when we're all about doing good works and we're doing that outside of the power of Christ is that we end up getting the glory and the whole point of this deal is that God gets the glory. That verse beautifully illustrates that point.
Lance Berkman

I don't have to go to church. The church is within me and the experience is my own. It's my life experience.
Mariel Hemingway

Although wisdom is built on life experiences, the mere accumulation of years guarantees nothing.
Sonia Sotomayor

The roles... the deep roles that I've gotten to play have turned my course. They've changed my life experience.
Sally Field

Your trade becomes very much impacted by the quality of your life experiences and your capacity to process them.
Natasha Lyonne

Like any other actor, I draw on life experience.
Donnie Yen

For me there is a poesis, a poetics, around the trope of the road that is embedded within many life experiences of the people I've been close to.
Anne Waldman

Other than life experience, nothing left a deeper imprint on my formative self than the movies.
Letty Cottin Pogrebin

I'm just free. And I can express my sensuality. I can express my pain, vulnerability, my strength. All of those things. Because I had a sheltered upbringing doesn't mean I haven't been a woman. I'm a woman that has had life experiences.
Beyonce Knowles

You go through life experiences. Each record captures a different turning point in my life.
Keith Urban

I've got research, I have my own life experience I can apply, and I have my imagination.
Chris Cooper

I make a lot of music with other desis - that's hugely important to me, but it can't be the sum total of who I am and what I do. It's not accurate; it doesn't reflect my life experience.
Vijay Iyer

Acting is a life experience. I'm always learning things when I'm making a movie. So the fame part of it is fine when you consider what you get out of this job.
Kate Bosworth

I have very smart parents. I feel I learned a lot from both of my parents and life experience.
Julia Roberts

Underneath the forms of fiction and poetry, you can bet your ass the ground comes from someone's actual life experience.
Lidia Yuknavitch

Customers have different need states and life experiences.
Howard Schultz

Anyone who can only write about themselves or their life experiences, in my mind, isn't a very good writer.
Robert Rodriguez