Never explain yourself to anyone, because the one who likes you would not need it, and the one dislikes you wouldn't believe it.
Ali ibn Abi Talib
Do not justify yourself to anyone, as those who appreciate you will understand without an explanation and those who don't won't believe it regardless.
Am I in a relationship? Yeah. I'm already in a relationship with everybody that likes me.
'I'm already in a liaison with all who appreciate me.'
We're like licorice. Not everybody likes licorice, but the people who like licorice really like licorice.
Jerry Garcia
'We're like marmite. Not everybody likes marmite, but the people who do really enjoy it.'
I'll tell you what the public likes more than anything, it's the most rare commodity in the world - honesty.
Merle Haggard
I am nothing; I am but an instrument, a tiny pencil in the hands of the Lord with which He writes what he likes. However imperfect we are, he writes beautifully.
Mother Teresa
I am a mere speck; I am merely a tool, a miniscule implement in the palms of the Almighty with which He crafts what he desires. Despite our flaws, He composes exquisitely.
If everyone likes you, you're not doing it right.
Bette Davis
If everyone approves of you, something is amiss.
Whatever you like to do, make it a hobby and whatever the world likes to do, make it a business.
Warren Buffett
Great discoveries are made accidentally less often than the populace likes to think.
Wilhelm Rontgen
I'm a person who likes to develop. I like for people to see me grow.
Joey Badass
It doesn't matter who likes you or doesn't like you, all that matters is that God likes you. He accepts you, he approves of you.
Joel Osteen
Churchill , he is a great man. He is, of course, our enemy and has always been the enemy of Communism, but he is an enemy one must respect, an enemy one likes to have.
Josip Broz Tito
You know, the funny thing about Lorne and that show is that, you can go over one million things, but in a business of bean counters, he still likes to laugh at small things and creates a show around it.
Colin Quinn
The thing you hate about yourself tends to be the thing that everyone likes about you.
Nicole Kidman
Don't wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.
Mark Twain
I'm not a great actress, and I never thought I was. But I happen to have something the public likes.
Jean Harlow
There are two things a Highlander likes naked, and the other one is Malt Whisky
R. H. Bruce Lockhart
Not everybody likes or understands a drum solo, so I like to bring in effects and sounds to keep their interest.
John Bonham
If everybody likes you, you're pretty dull.
Bette Davis
Handshakes and hugs will always trump likes and shares.
C.C. Chapman
Chocolate is the greatest gift to women ever created, next to the likes of Paul Newman and Gene Kelly. It's something that should be had on a daily basis.
Sandra Bullock
That very church which the world likes best is sure to be that which God abhors.
Charles Spurgeon
I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
What I loved about playing the corpse is that obviously somebody else got to do the physical part. It appeals to the part of me that likes playing character parts and getting the chance to get away from my own physicality.
Helena Bonham Carter
For someone who likes tattoos, the most precious thing is bare skin.
Whenever you correct someone's grammar just remember that nobody likes you.
Jim Gaffigan
The pharmaceutical industry likes to depict itself as a research-based industry, as the source of innovative drugs. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is their incredible PR and their nerve.
Marcia Angell
I come from a place that likes grandeur; it likes large gestures; it is not inhibited by flourish; it is a rhetorical society; it is a society of physical performance; it is a society of style.
Derek Walcott
Not everyone likes all our flavors, but each flavor is someone's favorite.
Irv Robbins
A plan that everyone dislikes for different reasons is a success. A plan everyone dislikes for the same reason is a failure. A plan that everyone likes for the same reason is an act of God!
Richard Carson
The layman's constitutional view is that what he likes is constitutional and that which he doesn't like is unconstitutional.
Hugo Black
The curvy woman likes to show skin in the right ways - and she should!
Candice Huffine
A woman should always be more concerned with standing up for what is right than making sure everyone 'likes' her.
Laura Schlessinger
It comes from the likes of you! Take what you can get! Grab the chances as they come along! Act in hallways! Sing in doorways! Dance in cellars!
Alexander Woollcott
La di da di, we likes to party
We don't cause trouble, we don't bother nobody.
Slick Rick
Everyone likes pussy. It's un-American not to like pussy.
Sam Zell
This body of ours has one fault: the more you indulge it, the more things it discovers to be essential to it. It is extraordinary how it likes being indulged.
Teresa of Avila
There is love in me the likes of which you've never seen. There is rage in me the likes of which should never escape. If I am not satisfied int he one, I will indulge the other.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Never tell a loved one of an infidelity: you would be badly rewarded for your troubles. Although one dislikes being deceived, one likes even less to be undeceived.
Ninon de L'Enclos
Sometimes I feel like the kid left out - the weirdo with the silver hair that no one likes to talk to.
Emilia Clarke
Free will is not the liberty to do whatever one likes, but the power of doing whatever one sees ought to be done, even in the very face of otherwise overwhelming impulse. There lies freedom, indeed.
George MacDonald
You're not funny and nobody likes you!
CM Punk
You know who likes to get fisted? Sock puppets.
Daniel Tosh
Now the only decent way to get something done is to get it done by somebody who quite likes doing it.
D. H. Lawrence
I think the audience likes to be entertained.
Bray Wyatt
Freedom to do what one likes is really bondage, while being free to do what one must, what is right, is real freedom.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Everybody likes each other until things get tough. Then you will find out what kind of team you have.
Doc Rivers