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Listening Quotes

If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much more than you can by talk.
Robert Baden-Powell

Pay attention and observe rather than speak to acquire greater knowledge.
Authors on Listening Quotes: Pauline Oliveros Nhat Hanh Mark Nepo Brian Eno Brenda Ueland Gordon Hempton John Green Rush Limbaugh Henri Nouwen Rachel Naomi Remen Thom Yorke Rumi Terry Tempest Williams Robert Breault Charles Dickens Eckhart Tolle Barack Obama Vijay Iyer Rick Riordan Richard Branson Rajneesh Paulo Coelho Maynard James Keenan Andrea Bocelli Oscar Wilde Paul Lansky Dietrich Bonhoeffer Alan Watts Adyashanti Daniel Barenboim Tom Waits Robert Smith Frederick Lenz
The reality of the other person is not in what he reveals to you, but in what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says but rather to what he does not say.
Khalil Gibran

Listen with your heart, you will understand.

Heed with your soul, you will comprehend.
Seungri, are you listening? I love you.

'Seungri, heed my words! My affection for you is immense.'
The big catalyst was seeing my sister, when I was 11, doing a dramatic recital. When I saw her on the stage and everyone listening to her so patiently, quietly, that's all I wanted: for someone to look at me and listen to me, but in some beautiful and artistic way.
Gene Wilder

There is within each one of us a potential for goodness beyond our imagining; for giving which seeks no reward; for listening without judgment; for loving unconditionally.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

We possess within ourselves the capacity for compassionate acts that can surpass our comprehension; for altruistic contribution without expectation of recompense; for attentive receptiveness without condemnation; for adoring without restrictions.
...we discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being. It is not acquired by listening to words, but in virtue of experiences in which the child acts on his environment. The teacher's task is not to talk, but to prepare and arrange a series of motives for cultural activity in a special environment made for the child.
Maria Montessori

My relationship with God has gotten so much stronger. He's always had his hand on me. He always guided me. I didn't always go where he wanted me to go. But He always had me. Now that I'm actually listening and being obedient, life is so much better.

Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.
Alan Watts

I named this place Listening Point because only when one comes to listen, only when one is aware and still, can things be seen and heard. Everyone has a listening point somewhere. It does not have to be in the north or close to the wilderness, but someplace of quiet where the universe can be contemplated with awe.
Sigurd F. Olson

Keep listening to music, it gets you through everything. I promise.
Mitch Lucker

Continue listening to music, it will get you through everything. I guarantee.
Change comes from listening, learning, caring and conversation.
Gwen Ifill

Adjustment ensues from heeding, educating, empathizing and discourse.
We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less.

'We should employ our ears twice as much as we use our tongue.'
Always preach in such a way that if the people listening do not come to hate their sin, they will instead hate you
Martin Luther

Go out in the world and work like money doesn't matter, sing as if no one is listening, love as if you have never been hurt, and dance as if no one is watching.
Victor Hugo

Explore the world and strive as though riches were of no account, vocalize as if there were no audience, cherish like you have never experienced disappointment, and move to the rhythm with no one observing.
The purest form of listening is to listen without memory or desire.
Wilfred Bion

Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and listen to every other person.
John Coltrane

Tell yourself whatever you need to hear, you're the only one listening.
Gia Carangi

You have to stop listening in categories. The music is either good or it's bad.
Duke Ellington

Music is more than just listening to it. People use the music for them protection at times.
Burning Spear

In outstanding classrooms, teachers do more listening than talking, and students do more talking than listening. Terrific teachers often have teeth marks on their tongues.
Alfie Kohn

Never think that success is down to your own performance alone. If you start listening only to yourself you take the first step back towards the bottom. The flowers of victory belong in many vases.
Michael Schumacher

Everything I wrote about wasn't about me, but about the people listening.
Chuck Berry

Concentrate on what you want to say to yourself and your friends. Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness. You say what you want to say when you don't care who's listening.
Allen Ginsberg

Science is the engine of prosperity. But you'd never know it, listening to some of the politicians. They're lawyers and businessmen, not scientists. Lawyers and businessmen massage wealth; they don't create it.
Michio Kaku

In prayer, more is accomplished by listening than by talking.
Jane Frances de Chantal

I took advice from none but the best. I listened, how I listened! That's how I finally became my own expert.
Peggy Guggenheim

Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself?
Martyn Lloyd-Jones

If you look at your past and are depressed it means that you are listening to the devil.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Take time to pray and listen to God...say, 'Sir, what should I say at this moment? What should I do? My ears are open and my eyes are open. I'm listening.'
Kenneth Copeland

I listen to both oldies and contemporary stations. I enjoy listening to current stuff because there's an energy to it that's inspiring.
Carole King

The subconscious is ceaselessly murmuring, and it is by listening to these murmurs that one hears its truth.
Gaston Bachelard

One of the most important elements in teaching, conducting, and performing, all three, is listening.
Itzhak Perlman

Connecting with Canadians isn't about what you say, it's about what you're listening to. It's about what you understand.
Justin Trudeau

The problem with listening, of course, is that we don't. There's too much noise going on in our heads, so we never hear anything. The inner conversation simply never stops. It can be our voice or whatever voices we want to supply, but it's a constant racket. In the same way we don't see, and in the same way we don't feel, we don't touch, we don't taste.
Philip Glass

People are watching the way we act, more than they are listening to what we say.
Max Lucado

Listening can make the difference between a mediocre organization and a great one.
Lee Iacocca

Because we fail to listen to each other's stories, we are becoming a fragmented human race.
Madeleine L'Engle

Coaches who start listening to fans often wind up sitting next to them.
Pat Summitt

I cannot move, I cannot even want to move, unless I hear the music first.
George Balanchine

The first service that one owes to others in the fellowship consists of listening to them. Just as love of God begins with listening to his word, so the beginning of love for our brothers and sisters is learning to listen to them.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

More than anything, I want to just have the largest amount of people possible listening to my music. This is the biggest thing to me.
Kim Nam-joon

At a certain point, you say to the woods, to the sea, to the mountains, the world, Now I am ready. Now I will stop and be wholly attentive. You empty yourself and wait, listening.
Annie Dillard

I know how I could beat myself: by not being disciplined, by slacking, by not dedicating myself to my craft, by not working hard, by not listening, by thinking I know it all - short like that.
Floyd Mayweather, Jr.

Everyone Is God speaking. Why not be polite and Listen to Him?

Somewhere we know that without silence words lose their meaning, that without listening speaking no longer heals, that without distance closeness cannot cure.
Henri Nouwen

No one can listen to your body for you... To grow and heal, you have to take responsibility for listening to it yourself.
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Are you learning to say things after listening to God, or are you saying things and trying to make God's word fit in?
Oswald Chambers

Good listeners, like precious gems, are to be treasured.
Walter Anderson

To listen is very hard, because it asks of us so much interior stability that we no longer need to prove ourselves by speeches, arguments, statements or declarations. True listeners no longer have an inner need to make their presence known. They are free to receive, welcome, to accept.
Henri Nouwen