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Louis-Ferdinand Celine Quotes

French physician and author (b. 1894), Birth: 27-5-1894, Death: 1-7-1961 Louis-Ferdinand Celine Quotes
Even diseases have lost their prestige, there aren't so many of them left. Think it over... no more syphilis, no more clap, no more typhoid... antibiotics have taken half the tragedy out of medicine.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

There's no such thing as intelligent vanity. It's an instinct. And you'll never find a man who is not first and foremost vain.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Well, you know... experience is a muffled lantern that throws light only on the bearer...it's incommunicable.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

I have never voted in my life... I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it's certain they will win.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

An Immense hatred keeps me alive... i would live for a thousand years if i were certain of seeing the whole world croak.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

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An unfamiliar city is a fine thing. That's the time and place when you can suppose that all the people you meet are nice. It's dream time.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Not much music left inside us for life to dance to. Our youth has gone to the ends of the earth to die in the silence of the truth. And where, I ask you, can a man escape to, when he hasn't enough madness left inside him? The truth is an endless death agony. The truth is death. You have to choose: death or lies. I've never been able to kill myself.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

To hell with reality! I want to die in music, not in reason or in prose.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Quote Topics by Louis-Ferdinand Celine: Men People Hate Way Sleep Past Thinking Lying Two Believe Life Is Dream Years Intelligent War Kissing Feelings Distance Poodles Light Reality Boredom Life Vanity Journey Looks Long Wells Heart Doe
I piss on you all from a considerable height.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Living, just by itself - what a dirge that is! Life is a classroom and Boredom's the usher, there all the time to spy on you; whatever happens, you've got to look as if you were awfully busy all the time doing something that's terribly exciting - or he'll come along and nibble your brain.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

You can lose your way groping among the shadows of the past. It's frightening how many people and things there are in a man's past that have stopped moving. The living people we've lost in the crypts of time sleep so soundly side by side with the dead that the same darkness envelops them all. As we grow older, we no longer know whom to awaken, the living or the dead.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Our journey is entirely imaginary. That is its strength.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

The biggest defeat in every department of life is to forget, especially the things that have done you in, and to die without realizing how far people can go in the way of crumminess. When the grave lies open before us, let's not try to be witty, but record the worst of human viciousness we've seen without changing one word. When that's done, we can curl up our toes and sink into the pit. That's work enough for a lifetime.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

The more one is hated, I find, the happier one is.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

The plain truth, I may as well admit it, is that I've never been really right in the head.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Never believe straight off in a man's unhappiness. Ask him if he can still sleep. If the answer's "yes," all's well. That is enough.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

So many vaginas, stomachs, cocks, snouts, and flies you don't know what to do with them ... shovelsfull! ... but hearts? ... very rare! in the last five hundred million years too many cocks and gastric tubes to count ... but hearts? ... on your fingers!.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Almost every desire a poor man has is a punishable offence.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Maybe I'd never see him again... maybe he'd gone for good... swallowed up, body and soul, in the kind of stories you hear about... Ah, it's an awful thing... and being young doesn't help any... when you notice for the first time... the way you lose people as you go along ... the buddies you'll never see again... never again... when you notice that they've disappeared like dreams... that it's all over... finished... that you too will get lost someday... a long way off but inevitably... in the awful torrent of things and people... of the days and shapes... that pass... that never stop.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

All that makes a lunatic are the very ordinary ideas of mankind shut up inside a man's head.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

In the whole of your absurd past you discover so much that's absurd, so much deceit and credulity, that it might be a good idea to stop being young this minute, to wait for youth to break away from you and pass you by, to watch it going away, receding in the distance, to see all its vanity, run your hand through the empty space it has left behind, take a last look at it, and then start moving, make sure your youth has really gone, and then calmly, all by yourself, cross to the other side of Time to see what people and things really look like.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

The poetry of heroism appeals irresistibly to those who don't go to a war, and even more to those whom the war is making enormously wealthy. It's always so.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

There are certain advantages in being cursed by all and sundry ... especially, it dispenses you with having to be nice to anybody ... there's nothing more emollient, stultifying, emasculating than wanting to be liked ... "not nice!" ... that does it, you're free!.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

When men can hate without risk, their stupidity is easily convinced, the motives supply themselves.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

When you stay too long in the same place, things and people go to pot on you, they rot and start stinking for your special benefit.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

I crawled back into myself all alone, just delighted to observe that I was even more miserable than before, because I had brought a new kind of distress and something that resembled true feeling into my solitude.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

All great innovations are built on rejections.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Life must go on, even if it's no joke...just pretend to believe in the future.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Reason died in 1914, November 1914 ... after that everybody began to rave.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Philosophizing is simply one way of being afraid, a cowardly pretense that doesn't get you anywhere.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

The whole business of your life overwhelms you when you live alone. One's stupefied by it. To get rid of it you try to daub some of it off on to people who come to see you, and they hate that. To be alone trains one for death.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Since life consists of madness spiked with lies, the farther you are from each other the more lies you can put into it and the happier you'll be. That's only natural and normal. Truth is inedible.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Women always have some mental reservation.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

whenever they get a chance, never fear, people make you waste hours and months ... they use you as a wall to bounce their bullshit off of ... blah! and blah! and blahblahblah! ... you put up with it for an hour, you'll need two weeks to recover ... blah! blah!
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

In the kitchens of love, after all, vice is like the pepper in a good sauce; it brings out the flavor, it’s indispensable.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Man hardly comes in more than two varieties, wherever he is, whatever he does: workers and pimps ... they're either one or the other! ... and inventors, the worst kind of jobholder! ... they stand condemned! ... the writer who doesn't pimp along, peacefully plagiarizing, who doesn't pump out the pop stuff, he's had it! ... everybody hates him!
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

My trouble is insomnia. If I had always slept properly, I'd never have written a line.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

When you're not used to comfort and good things to eat, you're intoxicated by them in no time. Truth's only too pleased to leave you. Very little is ever needed for Truth to let go of you. And after all, you're not really very keen to keep hold of it.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

If it is your duty to croak like the toad, then go ahead! And with all your might! Make them hear you!
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

People avenge themselves for the favors done them.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

You can lose your way groping among the shadows of the past.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

The beginning of genius is being scared shitless.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Troubles are as endless as pleasures are brief.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Life is filigree work. What is written clearly is not worth much, it's the transparency that counts.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

If you aren't rich you should always look useful.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

When it becomes really impossible to get away and sleep, then the will to live evaporates of its own accord.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

I'd seen too many troubling things to be easy in my mind. I knew too much and not enough. I'd better go out, I said to myself, I'd better go out again.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Most people die at the last minute; others twenty years beforehand, some even earlier. They are the wretched of the earth.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Poor people never, or hardly ever, ask for an explanation of all they have to put up with. They hate one another, and content themselves with that.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Truth is a pain which will not stop. And the truth of this world is to die. You must choose: either dying or lying. Personally, I have never been able to kill myself
Louis-Ferdinand Celine