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Marc Faber Quotes

Marc Faber Quotes
If we have an economic crisis in the Western world it's because the government makes up 50 percent or more of the economy. This is a cancer that is taking away people's freedom.
Marc Faber

If you print money like in Zimbabwe... the purchasing power of money goes down, and the standards of living go down, and eventually, you have a civil war.
Marc Faber

When you print money, the money does not flow evenly into the economic system. It stays essentially in the financial service industry and among people that have access to these funds, mostly well-to-do people. It does not go to the worker.
Marc Faber

One day the price of gold will be higher than the Dow Jones.
Marc Faber

I think there are some groups of stocks that are highly vulnerable because they're in cuckoo land in terms of valuations.
Marc Faber

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The problem with Mr. Obama is that you get more regulation and it's a disincentive for businessmen to hire people. You probably also get higher taxes, so in terms of the economy, he is very negative in my view.
Marc Faber

Our best long-term and intermediate cycles suggest another slowdown and stock crash accelerating between very early 2014 and early 2015, and possibly lasting well into 2015 or even 2016. The worst economic trends due to demographics will hit between 2014 and 2019. The U.S. economy is likely to suffer a minor or major crash by early 2015 and another between late 2017 and late 2019 or early 2020 at the latest.
Marc Faber

I'd rather buy something that is relatively depressed than something that is relatively high.
Marc Faber

Quote Topics by Marc Faber: Thinking Government People Europe Financial Issues Years Gold Six Credit Clear Real Dow Jones Policy One Day United States Crisis Law Meaningful Negative Doe Should Trends Long Oil Land Break Central Banks Zimbabwe Vintage
Something will break very bad.
Marc Faber

The media has brainwashed the electorate to expect the government to do something. The best economic policy of any government is to do nothing but reduce the size of the government, reduce the size of the laws, and reduce the size of regulations.
Marc Faber

The monetary policies of the US will destroy the world.
Marc Faber

When I look at asset prices; real estate, bonds, equities, vintage cars… I think that gold is actually one of the few assets that is relatively cheap, relatively inexpensive.
Marc Faber

Buy a $100 US bond and frame it to teach your children about inflation by watching the US bond value diminish to almost nothing over the next 20 years.
Marc Faber

I am surprised with the reelection of Mr. Obama. The S&P is only down, like, 30 points. I would have thought that the market on his reelection should be down at least 50%.
Marc Faber

I think Mr. Obama is a disaster for business and a disaster for the United States. Not that Mr. Romney would be much better, but the Republicans understand the problem of excessive debt better than Mr. Obama, who basically doesn't care about piling up debt.
Marc Faber

I think 2015 will see a year where Europe outperforms the U.S. massively.
Marc Faber

What I object to the current government intervention in so-called 'solving the crisis', they haven't solved anything. They've just postponed it.
Marc Faber

Given all the money printing that is going on globally - and not just in the US - and given that the total credit as a percent of the advanced economies is now 30% higher than in 2007 before the crisis hit, I think that gold is a good insurance.
Marc Faber

As an observer of markets - whenever everyone focuses on one thing - like Greece and Europe - maybe they miss issues that are far more important - such as a meaningful slowdown in India and China.
Marc Faber

It is clear to me that the financial sector, including CNBC, loves central banks
Marc Faber

If the U.S. Government was a company, the deficit would be $5 trillion because they would have to account by general accepted accounting principles. But actually they encourage government spending, reckless government spending, because the government can issue Treasury bills at extremely low interest rates.
Marc Faber

You have to say that we are again in a massive financial bubble in bonds, in equities, in [other] asset prices that have gone up dramatically.
Marc Faber

In the economy of the cuckoo people that populate central banks, everything is possible. What you have is gigantic bubbles, the NASDAQ in 2000, then the housing bubble and then commodities in 2008 when oil went from $78 to $147 before plunging to $32 within six months.
Marc Faber