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Miami Quotes

The Miami Heat floor is great, but a lot of them are not.
Dwyane Wade

Authors on Miami Quotes: Dave Barry Ruben Blades Emily Procter Nina Jacobson Sidney Poitier David Caruso Nicolas Sarkozy Rajon Rondo Aaron Carter Luol Deng Iggy Azalea Channing Tatum Jonathan Vilma Lil Wayne Sunny Mabrey Desi Arnaz Lenny Bruce Tom Wolfe Ozzie Guillen Chris Bosh Jillian Barberie Ryan Guzman Dwyane Wade Jamie Foxx Girl Talk Sean Kingston Evan Sayet Neil Patrick Harris Boti Bliss Mickey Rourke DJ Khaled Jeb Bush Gloria Estefan
I grew up in a gym in Miami, the one where Muhammad Ali trained. I had 142 amateur fights and lost three.
Mickey Rourke

I will never play for the Miami Heat.
Rajon Rondo

I feel like 'CSI: Miami' was just a license to do all sorts of horrible things that I'd always wanted to do.
Emily Procter

The Miami Beach audience is the greatest audience in the world!
Jackie Gleason

I tried the religion scam in Miami, so I know how hard that gig is. But, if you can get it to work, starting your own religion is a license to print money.
Lenny Bruce

It was wonderful, a stunning happy ending to what began as another tragic rock & roll story, as if Bob Dylan had been arrested in Miami for jacking off in a seedy little XXX theater while stroking the spine of a fat young boy.
Hunter S. Thompson

The French like burgers, Madonna and Miami Vice.
Nicolas Sarkozy

Almost everything strange washes up near Miami.
Rick Riordan

Miami is a melting pot in which none of the stones melt. They rattle around.
Tom Wolfe

Jews don't care about ancient rivalries. We worry about humidity in Miami.
Evan Sayet

I really love Miami, but I don't think the architecture matches the city. It's a bit too commercial.
Zaha Hadid

180 episodes of 'CSI: Miami' and never the same lipstick twice!
Emily Procter

So I went to Miami in '74 with my family and while I was there it became obvious that we needed money and we needed to do something, because my family, we left without anything really, and we didn't have any money to begin with.
Ruben Blades

So that when I came to New York again, it was, I'm not too sure right now, but it was '74 or '75. I went to Miami in '74 and then I came to New York, I think, at the end of '74.
Ruben Blades

So that when I came from Panama... my family was exiled in 1973 and they went to Miami.
Ruben Blades

More than 10,000 ballots in Miami-Dade County have been rejected by some machine without any opportunity for a human being to take a look. That is just not right.
Patricia Ireland

I had learned something of Miami from people who had visited there, so I knew what to expect.
Sidney Poitier

[I do] my manicure/pedicure once a week. When I'm on the road, I use the hotel or whoever I call. But in Miami I have my own person.
DJ Khaled

It happened in Miami, in Coral Gables, a great big ol' Cuban wedding. It was pretty intense.
Jon Secada

Jamaica is kind of similar to Miami, but to go from there to Miami, and then Miami to L.A., it's crazy.
Sean Kingston

I wanted to work in either Miami or L.A. After Canada, I wanted warm weather
Jillian Barberie

The oil spill is getting bad. There is so much oil and tar now in the Gulf of Mexico, Cubans can now walk to Miami.
David Letterman

No money, no family, 16 in the middle of Miami.
Iggy Azalea

Miami drivers will attempt to pass you inside a car wash.
Dave Barry

Why else do we have Miami, if not to give me material?
Dave Barry

In Miami, there's a Latin flavor, and I just love every bit of it.
Ryan Guzman

Only audiences decide what's a franchise. Only audiences decide what's a hit. I have always been mindful of not wanting to be the Miami Heat of movies.
Nina Jacobson

Miami is one of the great cultural melting pots in the world. I love working and living here.
David Caruso

As good as Miami is, we'd rather go to Miami.
Luol Deng

We have people who were actually CSIs on set [CSI: Miami], so definitely I have learned a lot just having them around.
Boti Bliss

Coming from the University of Miami, I developed really good study habits.
Jonathan Vilma

People - just weird people are attracted to Miami. And they come there not for serious reasons, usually.
Dave Barry

Miami has embraced me and I love them for that.
Lil Wayne

In 1934 there were very few Cubans in Miami.
Desi Arnaz

I love the Miami atmosphere.
Shaquille O'Neal

I’m excited to join Power 105.1 in New York and The Beat in Miami and expand my brand even further in the coming months.
Angie Martinez

In life there are worse things (then being fired by the Miami Marlins) and I have experienced them. I have lived through bad moments and I will get through this with support.
Ozzie Guillen

Miami, you can never run out of material. As long as you have Miami around you, you will never, never stop being amused.
Dave Barry

In L.A. you can hide. I can hide at the beach, hide up in the hills. In Miami everybody is looking at you.
Jamie Foxx

A lot of times when I say I didn't do anything I was actually in Miami doing a show.
Girl Talk

I love the crowds in Miami. I feel that is one of the tournaments where I get more support. That helps me a lot.
Rafael Nadal

I don't stay up and rent private jets and go on yachts and whoop it up in Miami.
Neil Patrick Harris

My wife and I are living large in our beloved Miami and I'm working on the things that are important to me.
Jeb Bush

Of course in Miami, not denouncing Fidel Castro at every turn is almost as bad as saying Gloria Estefan can't sing.
Gloria Estefan

The University of Miami is not a campus with visible school spirit, just visible tan lines.
Lisa Birnbach

I still do a weekly opinion column for the Miami Herald, and it's like shooting fish in a barrel. Rotten fish.
Carl Hiaasen

In Miami they're building all these hideous monstrosities. It's just so easy to be an architect, once you've got the ability to do your computer drawings. They just knock off each other. There's nothing creative in any of them.
Barbara Hulanicki

I went down to Miami, and somebody saw me on the streets, and that's how I got into modeling.
Channing Tatum

I went to Paris when I was about 18 and then went to Miami and New York. I did all of that alone. I did it to myself.
Sunny Mabrey