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Milk Quotes

Nothing worse than Kurds in your milk. General, make sure i never see another Kurd again.
Saddam Hussein

'Nothing more appalling than Kurds in my cereal. General, guarantee that I never witness another Kurd again.'
Authors on Milk Quotes: Ron Paul Rush Limbaugh George Carlin Martin Luther Mary Lamb Clifton Fadiman Jesse Peyronel Danny Garcia Sarah Gilda Radner Dan Piraro Arthur Conan Doyle Gayle Forman Ovid John Mortimer Dwight D. Eisenhower Sherrilyn Kenyon Friedrich Schiller Carol Alt Saddam Hussein George R. R. Martin Pete Doherty Andy Rooney Albert Szent-Gyorgyi H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Jonas Eriksson Dianne Feinstein Tori Amos Kerry Washington Erwin W. Lutzer Werner Herzog Marge Piercy Michael Pollan
I don't like looking back. I'm always constantly looking forward. I'm not the one to sort of sit and cry over spilt milk. I'm too busy looking for the next cow.
Gordon Ramsay

Never cry over spilt milk, because it may have been poisoned.
W. C. Fields

... every time I got disappointed I'd remember the Roseannadanna philosophy that says that you shouldn't cry over split milk 'cause if you spill some milk and instead of cleaning it up you just walk over it and start crying, they're gonna put you on lithium.
Gilda Radner

Every time you have a glass of cow milk, some calf is not.
Gary Yourofsky

Styrofoam and plastic milk jugs are biodegradable! Do you know what isn't biodegradable? Paper!
Rush Limbaugh

Stay crunchy, even in milk.
Joss Whedon

Get off your horse and drink your milk.
John Wayne

As is gloriously sung in the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta "H.M.S. Pinafore," in the words of W. S. Gilbert: "Things are seldom as they seem, Skim milk masquerades as cream."
W. S. Gilbert

If the milk industry can make their product seem sexy and increase consumer demand, there must be hope for music.
Gary Arnold

If you're eating or drinking something made from cow's milk, it's because a calf chained in a box somewhere isn't.
Dan Piraro

Photography is like making cheese. It takes a hell of a lot of milk to make a small amount of cheese just like it takes a hell of a lot of photos to get a good one.
Robert Gillis

The floor is milk, churn it and make it butter.
Crazy Legs

If a man be new-born, he will desire the sincere milk of the word.
Thomas Boston

Circumstantial evidence is occasionally very convincing, as when you find a trout in the milk, to quote Thoreau's example.
Arthur Conan Doyle

Don't cry over spilt milk.

Introducing Tac-os! It's meat, cheese, and lettuce flavored O's in a tortilla bowl... it even makes the milk taste like tacos!
Harry Styles

Prayer is good, but when baked potatoes and milk are needed, prayer will not supply their place.
Brigham Young

I like all sorts of chocolate. Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, anything.
Freddie Highmore

My father was a milkman. So, I delivered milk.
Karl Malden

Coconut milk is the only thing on this planet that comes identically to mother's milk.
Dick Gregory

Oh, you can milk just about anything with nipples.
Ben Stiller

Don't cry over spilled milk
Benjamin Franklin

Law may prescribe that the male nipples be made equal to the female ones, but they still will not give milk.
Allan Bloom

Then what's a synonym for woman?" "Entrails." "You're not very poetic, are you? Well, then, what's the antonym for entrails?" "Milk.
Osamu Dazai

It's no use crying over spilt milk, because all of the forces of the universe were bent on spilling it.
W. Somerset Maugham

I love revision. Where else can spilled milk be turned into ice cream?
Katherine Paterson

Women are beginning to feel that they are not fairly represented. As we say, 2% may be fine for fat in milk, but not for the United States Senate.
Dianne Feinstein

No use crying over spilled milk.
Francesca Marciano

The shelf life of the modern hardback writer is somewhere between the milk and the yoghurt.
John Mortimer

My great grandma always told me to drink a lot of milk because it's good for the skin.
Barbara Palvin

Written by a sponge dipped in warm milk and sprinkled with sugar.
John Ciardi

I don't believe that you have to be a cow to know what milk is.
Ann Landers

You also get so wound up playing a show that a lot of people need something to bring them down. People who don't know how to handle the situation take drugs. I didn't. I went back to my room with milk and cookies.
Johnny Ramone

Sometimes a milk mustache is just a milk mustache.
Jesse Peyronel

Take a cat, nourish it well with milk and tender meat, make it a couch of silk.
Geoffrey Chaucer

Mix your drinks, and it's best not to cry over spilt milk, but put it back in the bottle.
Pete Doherty

Keep a cow, and then the milk won't have to be watered but once.
Josh Billings

Faith is like porridge. Better with milk and honey.
George R. R. Martin

A big blizzard proves there's no global warming in the same way being out of milk proves there's no such thing as cows.
Dana Gould

They told me I gave the best milk mustache of anybody.
Yasmine Bleeth

I might use milk if I was using a touch of milk to make like a lasagna or a baked pasta. But cream? That is totally not the way they do it in Italy, and it's not a very good thing. It's kind of a blanket for flavor.
Mario Batali

I asked the waiter, 'Is this milk fresh?' He said, 'Lady, three hours ago it was grass.'
Phyllis Diller

We can't behave like crocodiles and cry over spilled milk and broken eggs.
Giovanni Trapattoni

I won't eat any cereal that doesn't turn the milk purple.
Bill Watterson

The Romans did not see [the tale of Romulus, Remus and the she-wolf] as a charming story; they meant to show that they had imbibed wolfish appetites and ferocity with their mother's milk.
Terry Jones

Manhandling the open here spout on a milk carton so badly that one has to resort to using the illegal side.
Rich Hall

He who distributes the milk of human kindness cannot help but spill a little on himself.
James M. Barrie

Knowledge is a sacred cow, and my problem will be how we can milk her while keeping clear of her horns.
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Coffee in England is just toasted milk.
Christopher Fry