Dhaka the city of mosques has become the city of Hindu temples.
Delwar Hossain Sayeedi
Dhaka, the metropolis of mosques, has transmogrified into the metropolitan area of Hindu shrines.
You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed - that has nothing to do with the business of the State.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
I found the Divine within my Heart.
Everyone, whether he is self-denying or self-indulgent, is seeking after the Beloved. Every place may be the shrine of love, whether it be mosque or synagogue.
Some in the West suggest that Isam needs a separation of mosque and state. However, in the case of Iran at least what is needed is a separation lof religion and business.
Amir Taheri
I'm trying to photosynthesize like a plant. I'm off eating. Although I am making a lot of banana daiquiries in my room in the blender I've got, with lots of powdered vitamins in them. This tour I'm going to get some Afghani hangings and put them in my room, so that my hotel rooms look like mosques.
Jimmy Page
There`s some nastiness, there`s some meanness there. There`s something going on in the mosques and other places.
Donald Trump
Every mosque that is tied to jihad-related activity should be shut.
Pamela Geller
I believe in Christianity, Judaism and Islamism, but I stay away from churches, synagogues and mosques.
Ted Lange
When I enter the studio, I leave my body at the door the way the Moslems leave their shoes when they enter the mosque, and I only allow my spirit to go in there and paint.
Pablo Picasso
I, as a Muslim woman living in 1993, I want to have two things - the mosque and the satellite, both at the same time. And no one can mutilate me by telling me I cannot have the mosque or the Koran.
Fatema Mernissi
Marco Rubio calling [Donald] Trump`s ban all Muslims proposal, quote, "offensive and outlandish," it`s the same Rubio who was one upping Trump`s promise to shut down mosques. Mr. Rubio was saying he would shut down not just mosques but any place where Muslims might be radicalized - cafes, diners, any place.
Rachel Maddow
Someone else is going to read for me or go at my place to the mosque, and/or to tell me you shouldn't take anything from the West because the West is the enemy and so on. It is to me to decide.
Fatema Mernissi
Churches and mosques you shall not heed / The religion of Albanians is Albanism
Pashko Vasa
It's been our experience that any time a Muslim community anywhere seeks to expand or establish a mosque or some other kind of institution, there will be some type of opposition, when you scratch the surface, often there is a tremendous level of bigotry and stereotyping in the opposition.
Ibrahim Hooper
If you [Donald Trump] do visit this country [UK], take time to visit the Mosques. Take time to reflect on how dangerous that kind of rhetoric is.
Sarah Wollaston
We do have to look at the mosques very carefully. The mosques, a lot of things are happening in there, folks, a lot of things.
Donald Trump
There are some mosques with facilities for women; it's usually a back room with a back-door entrance.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
I leave it to the faithful to burn each other's churches and mosques and synagogues, which they can be always relied upon to do
Christopher Hitchens
Reader! To whatever visible church, synagogue, or mosque you may belong! See if you do not find more true religion among the host of the excommunicated than among the far greater host who excommunicated them.
Moses Mendelssohn
It's difficult isn't it, when you're in a Mosque and everyone's praying and you really enjoy leapfrog.
Milton Jones
I'd love to go and visit the Mosque in Mecca again, just for the sheer beauty of it, not for God - much the way a non-Catholic might go to Vatican City because of the beauty of the buildings and the artifacts.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
At Jerusalem, I went to the mosque and sat down. A man asked me what I wanted. I told him I was a Muslim. Now I realize I can get direct contact with God, unlike Christianity or any other religion.
Cat Stevens
I go to mass every Sunday, but love going to mosques too. Muslims pray in a beautiful way.
Yann Martel
Nazis don't have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust Museum in Washington. We would never accept the Japanese putting up a site next to Pearl Harbor. There's no reason for us to accept a mosque next to the World Trade Center.
Newt Gingrich
We have too many mosques in America.
Peter King
I've always said I'm the worst representative of Muslim-Americans that's ever existed, because I've been inside more bars than mosques.
Aasif Mandvi
If synagogues are attacked, this would give Jewish extremists an excuse to attack mosques.
Mohammed Dahlan
Ask me, it's a sin to pervert faith with religion. Despite every church, mosque, & synagogue in it, this is not the world any God worth his salt would have created.
Ellen Hopkins
We are hearing the imams that are preaching in places like the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. The imam preached there to the migrants go in to Western Europe, build your enclaves there, breed their women and do not associate or assimilate into the broader society.
Steve King
There's more than one mosque in the world that used to be a church and before that was a temple. Because it's a lot easier to just change the sign on the top and say under new management than it is to change the whole building.
Bill Maher
Six days after 9/11 George W. Bush visited a mosque and said quote, "Islam is peace."
Wolf Blitzer
We have our values from the church, the temple, the mosque. Do not rob, do not murder. But our behaviour changes the minute we go into the corporate place. Suddenly all of this is irrelevant.
Anita Roddick
The real story of the Ground Zero mosque is that the project only became feasible because of the appalling and astonishing fecklessness of the officials who were charged with the reconstruction of the site and the neighborhood all the way back in 2001.
John Podhoretz