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Moustache Quotes

Life is like a moustache. It can be wonderful or terrible. But it always tickles.
Nora Roberts

Authors on Moustache Quotes: P. G. Wodehouse Jenson Button James Branch Cabell Pierre Boulez Moss Hart Nora Roberts Billy Childish Jean-Paul Sartre Sebastian Vettel Joe Jonas Rich Sommer John Newcombe Isla Fisher
I think there is nothing sexier than a handlebar moustache.
Isla Fisher

Why is the King of Hearts the only one that hasn't a moustache?
James Branch Cabell

I do not think therefore I am a moustache
Jean-Paul Sartre

I don't have the confidence to pull off a moustache.
Rich Sommer

I suggested that it was not enough to add a moustache to the Mona Lisa: it should simply be destroyed.
Pierre Boulez

They wrote it that my moustache was insured for 13 million.
John Newcombe

You'd be surprised how many kings are only a queen with a moustache.
Moss Hart

My 'Movember' moustache was never going to be as big as Nigel Mansell's, but I tried my best. The amazing thing is that when you try to grow a moustache, you notice everyone else's. There are some amazing moustaches on the grid.
Jenson Button

I'm German but I didn't say that. I have no moustache.
Sebastian Vettel

I loved moustaches. I used to draw myself with one. When I was 14, I was really into war and Van Gogh.
Billy Childish

A lesser moustache, under the impact of that quick, agonised expulsion of breath, would have worked loose at the roots.
P. G. Wodehouse

I can't grow a moustache.
Joe Jonas