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Neil Patrick Harris Quotes

American actor and singer, Birth: 15-6-1973 Neil Patrick Harris Quotes
I've been taking a trapeze class for the last couple of years. I'm working on my double back flip right now.
Neil Patrick Harris

Rather than ignore those who choose to publish their opinions without actually talking to me, I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love.
Neil Patrick Harris

Tonight we celebrate Hollywood's best and whitest, sorry... brightest.
Neil Patrick Harris

Parents need to be more accepting of who their kids are and less concerned about what society thinks they need to be.
Neil Patrick Harris

Love is awesome and endless, but it is constantly changing its form. You love something for what it is, then it changes. But that change can make you love it even more.
Neil Patrick Harris

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I'm shocked at how early everything closes here. But people start earlier. I miss the late nightlife in NYC, but then again I sing and burn so much energy in the show that it's probably good - I get to go home and sleep.
Neil Patrick Harris

I've done plenty of daredeviling - from white-water rafting to bungee jumping. But I think the most fearless was hosting the Emmy Awards. It was overwhelming, and I definitely had to leave fear at the door.
Neil Patrick Harris

It's good to have a lot of once-in-a-lifetimes in your lifetime. If you get the chance to skydive, go skydiving. If you're offered a part in a weird Shakespeare play in San Diego, slap on some tights and rock out some iambic pentameter.
Neil Patrick Harris

Quote Topics by Neil Patrick Harris: Thinking People Fun Nice Kids Guy Play Oscars Actors Jobs Awards Games Character Two Interesting Mean Baby Years Want Gay Book Fans Careers Men Roles Night Trying Littles Different Opportunity
Being able to live my life transparently does empower me to feel like I can be myself more. It's easier for me to flirt with girls now that girls know that I'm gay. It almost makes it a sexier encounter than if I was trying to pretend that I was straight.
Neil Patrick Harris

The subject of Citizenfour, Edward Snowden, could not be here for some treason.
Neil Patrick Harris

Tobey's a mellow, cool guy. He's just a good guy. I know that's not the answer you want, and I don't mean that as the political thing to say, but he's a nice guy.
Neil Patrick Harris

I felt a little green, because Shakespeare writes the thought process within the text; it was tricky not to think of what to say and then say it, and instead just deliver the lines.
Neil Patrick Harris

I always thought filet mignon was the steak to beat, but the fat content in a rib eye is fantastic.
Neil Patrick Harris

In my 20s, I mostly ate burritos and nachos, with the occasional burger.
Neil Patrick Harris

I love Buster Keaton. I was a big fan of the stunt shows at Universal Studios. I'm a huge Cirque du Soleil nut.
Neil Patrick Harris

I think flirting is great fun. It doesn't mean that anything's going to come of it but it's fun to be told that you're hot and that your tits look great. You all get your pens out.
Neil Patrick Harris

I have more artistic control in a smaller show. But it doesn't really matter. Sometimes you can have the smallest role in the smallest production and still make a big impact.
Neil Patrick Harris

I'm probably my biggest critic. I worry that if you spend any quality time reveling in good things then karma will slap you upside the head, so I try to stay as even keel as I'm able.
Neil Patrick Harris

I love the American musical for the simplicity of emotion that gets expressed.
Neil Patrick Harris

As I learned from chapters past, it's important to try and stay in the chapter that you're in, and enjoy it while it's lasting. Not be constantly worrying about where this step will take you - living in the potential future. Like a good meal. Like a good chef's tasting meal. You don't want to wonder what's next while you're eating the foie gras.
Neil Patrick Harris

You can't just put gay in a little gay box anymore.
Neil Patrick Harris

I feel like I know where I'm going. And I like where I'm going.
Neil Patrick Harris

I'm lucky that people believe me when I'm in character.
Neil Patrick Harris

This next presenter is so lovely you could eat her up with a spoon
Neil Patrick Harris

I enjoy being a hyphenate. I've always thought of my career as a plate spinner in the circus.
Neil Patrick Harris

May I suggest a drinking game where everytime I do a ridiculously long awkward blink, someone does a shot of some kind of alcohol?
Neil Patrick Harris

If I wrote a musical it wouldn't be about me. Although I do some magic, so it would probably be about a magician who appeared and re-appeared all over the place.
Neil Patrick Harris

It's really something for people who are approaching 30 to take a look at what that means to them. I think turning 30 is a chance to re-identify with yourself.
Neil Patrick Harris

The theater is reaching as many different demographics as it can now.
Neil Patrick Harris

We're in such a volatile climate right now politically. I think they didn't want Assassins to not succeed due to popular opinion and politics, versus on its own merits. I can respect that.
Neil Patrick Harris

I have an unbelievable assistant who handles all of my scheduling! It's like a Tetris game.
Neil Patrick Harris

As an actor, you most often play relatively average parts, so to get to play extreme versions of anything, those are the most exciting parts.
Neil Patrick Harris

I think things through a lot, so I probably use my head more than my heart. That probably comes through in my acting.
Neil Patrick Harris

I'm not the best cruise ship crooner. I'm not the best karaoke guy.
Neil Patrick Harris

I often feel like books find us for reasons, and we read them when we need them the most.
Neil Patrick Harris

It PASSED! Marriage equality in NY!! Yes!! Progress!! Thank you everyone who worked so hard on this!! A historic night!
Neil Patrick Harris

I pride myself in being able to straddle demographics and if that was said as Barney Stinson it would mean a little different thing.
Neil Patrick Harris

The voiceover thing is very selfless. You go in there and they've hired you for your voice, but they know exactly what they want, and the writer's there and he knows exactly how it's supposed to be said. So you can't really argue with them, you just have to let them tell you what to do and then do it.
Neil Patrick Harris

I often teach a graduate theater seminar on Greek tragedy in performance. I usually begin by saying that no matter what technological advances occur, the wisdom of these plays will never be obsolete.
Neil Patrick Harris

I've been very fortunate to go from interesting chapter to interesting chapter.
Neil Patrick Harris

I like to make decisions based on things I'm interested in doing, not what seems like the next move in my quote-unquote career.
Neil Patrick Harris

I think, in life, being nervous about something that's forthcoming is very helpful, whether it's an awards show or a family gathering or a job interview. If you're too calm and confident, then I think you aren't executing to the best of your ability. So I try not to let nerves get the best of me, but I welcome them because it tends to fuel me to try harder.
Neil Patrick Harris

I don't want to have to inadvertently find a gift and go like, "What the hell is? Oh no, that's for me." And then have to pretend like I'm surprised later. If I know where they're hidden, I will not look. I love presents and I hate faking surprises.
Neil Patrick Harris

He's easily the most well-adjusted former child star in the room, please welcome... Jason Bateman.
Neil Patrick Harris

I like the tube more than the NY subway though, you've got cushioned seats.
Neil Patrick Harris

I'm not trying to climb a ladder - I'm casting a bit of a net.
Neil Patrick Harris

I'm a games and theory kind of guy. I love puzzles, so it was fun dissecting Shakespeare's prose.
Neil Patrick Harris

I'm in a play on Broadway, I have an animated TV show coming up, I have a few movies that just came out.
Neil Patrick Harris

My favorite time to dance is at, like, wedding receptions, when it's all ages and everyone seems to be having fun.
Neil Patrick Harris

Benedict Cumberbatch is not only the best name in show business, it's also the response you get when you ask John Travolta to pronounce Ben Affleck.
Neil Patrick Harris