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Netflix Quotes

Clearly the success of the Netflix model, releasing the entire season of 'House of Cards' at once, proved one thing: The audience wants the control. They want the freedom. If they want to binge as they've been doing on 'House of Cards' and lots of other shows, we should let them binge.
Kevin Spacey

Authors on Netflix Quotes: Werner Herzog Juan Pablo Escobar Laura Prepon Bill Burr Mitchell Hurwitz Reed Hastings Errol Morris Harland Williams Conan O'Brien Robert Barry Adam Sandler Niklas Zennstrom Baron Vaughn Sophia Amoruso Adelaide Kane Mark Hart Tara Brown Eli Roth Kathryn Bigelow Billy Bob Thornton Miles Teller Spencer Grammer Carrie-Anne Moss Kevin Spacey Sara Paxton Eliot Paulina Sumner Harvey Weinstein Bojana Novakovic Krysten Ritter Famke Janssen Denise Duhamel Jeffrey DeMunn Keiynan Lonsdale
I immediately said yes for one reason and one reason only....Netflix rhymes with Wet Chicks.
Adam Sandler

Netflix is something I watch.
Famke Janssen

We need Netflix. We in the independent sector more than anybody need Netflix, because they care about what we do.
Harvey Weinstein

The Netflix brand for TV shows is really all about binge viewing. The ability to get hooked and watch episode after episode.
Reed Hastings

I don't really watch a lot of TV, to be honest. I'm more of a movie girl, or I Netflix stuff.
Adelaide Kane

If I were paying to display images of my father [like Netflix does] in the United States, I am sure I would face legal sanctions and I would even be killed for doing it. And Netflix receives applause instead of criticism for it.
Juan Pablo Escobar

Our brand at Netflix is really focused on movies and TV shows.
Reed Hastings

Some Internet operators are concerned that video services such as Netflix and YouTube consume lots of the bandwidth on the network. While there is some truth to this, my guess is that the operators wished they could provide the same kind of services with the same success as Netflix and YouTube.
Niklas Zennstrom

When I get "too busy" to pray, I envision Jesus at the Pearly Gates showing me the time I wasted looking for something to watch on Netflix.
Mark Hart

With each project, I'm going for something that makes viewers think, 'Wow, I've never seen a film like this before,' and later think, 'Wow, I've only seen a film like this once before. I saw it in theaters and am watching it now on Netflix or a similar streaming service.'
Kathryn Bigelow

The problem with binge-watching on Netflix is that you lose three days of your life.
Harland Williams

Netflix is amazing 'cause they trust the creator to do their job, and they trust us to do our job. They're really smart and just let us do our thing and deliver a great job.
Laura Prepon

I'm not in the camp that believes that Netflix is going to take over the world...technology makes it impossible to have a monopoly.
Bob Iger

For me, personally, I watch pretty much everything on Netflix, and I watch all the episodes in a row, when I can.
Laura Prepon

Netflix is like sitting at the cool kids’ table. Netflix is amazing. We’re the biggest fans of not only working there, but of the company, in general.
Krysten Ritter

Actually they [ Netflix] were telling us to push it further and I've never gotten a nod like that from anybody in the industry, so it's been awesome to work with them. I'm very happy where we're at.
Bill Burr

How would Elvira run the state of California? Well, there isn't much I could do that is worse than what Arnold Schwarzenegger has done. Running it into the damn ground. If I was running the whole nation? I would have free Netflix movies for everyone.
Cassandra Peterson

I'm breathing out of my mouth and thinking things I have only seen on Netflix in the foreign-movie section.
Tara Brown

I'm asked unendingly to become involved in series involving true crime and as it so happens the Netflix series that I'm working on is about a true crime.
Errol Morris

Netflix trusted me in a way that was very, very pleasant.
Werner Herzog

The idea of a streaming service, like Netflix for music, I'm not totally against it. It's just we won't put all of our music on it until there are enough subscribers for it to make sense.
Patrick Carney

Now, if you want to do realistic, kind of heavier acting stuff, you do it on Amazon or Netflix or whatever or HBO.
Billy Bob Thornton

I hope to take advantage of the Netflix organism and see if there are ways to get in new material and see if there are ways to do deleted scenes.
Mitchell Hurwitz

I love going to movie theaters, even in the era of movies on-demand and Netflix. When you are in a movie theater, no one can reach you by phone or other means.
Denise Duhamel

In fact, part of the Netflix series is drama.Beyond re-enactments. Why not invent something new?
Errol Morris

I had complete freedom. They [Netflix] knew roughly what I was doing.
Werner Herzog

One of the great things about working for Netflix is that they haven't placed any restrictions on content or artistically.
Penelope Mitchell

I dont have a television. All I have is Netflix and Apple TV and Hulu.
Bojana Novakovic

I dont watch a lot of T.V. I only watch things via Netflix, so I only watch the things that Im choosing to watch.
Gaby Hoffmann

Netflix will know everything. Netflix will know when a person stops watching it. They have all of their algorithms and will know that this person watched five minutes of a show and then stopped. They can tell by the behavior and the time of day that they are going to come back to it, based on their history.
Mitchell Hurwitz

The other great innovation are things like Transparent or One Mississippi on Amazon, Master of None on Netflix, and those half-hours. It's a lot easier to watch a load of those because it's far more palatable to go, "You know, I'm just going to do one more of these."
Tom Riley

I have Netflix, but I don't watch television.
Jeffrey DeMunn

If I need romance, that's what Netflix is for.
Becca Fitzpatrick

Netflix knew I was going to North Korea and Ethiopia and Iceland. They saw the film and liked it and that was that.
Werner Herzog

I always find time to hang with friends at least once a week or just watch TV and play video games. The combination of Netflix and food is just the best.
Keiynan Lonsdale

I just got an iPhone, which is cool, but I don't download movies, I don't watch Hulu, I don't have Netflix. I don't do any of that. But I do geek out to music.
Miles Teller

Netflix is very protective with their information .
Baron Vaughn

I like a lot of good European films, good - anything really. I'm a big fan of Netflix and I get films from them all the time. If I hear about something that I don't know, that I haven't seen, forgot about, I immediately jot it down and add it to my Netflix list or if there's a film that's available that I haven't seen for many years, I get that.
Robert Barry

But, I like the challenge of, "How can we stretch this out? Where can we go with it?" It's an open road, especially at Netflix. You can take it anywhere you want.
Jenji Kohan

The Obama administration announced a deal with Iran that would prevent the Iranians from making a nuclear weapon. In exchange, we're giving the Iranians Netflix.
Conan O'Brien

I'm strictly a movie person. I mean, I watch the HBO documentaries and Netflix.
Maria Thayer

We live in an age now where so many people watch movies based on what Netflix recommends. It learns your taste and they really understand viewer habits.
Eli Roth

More people have seen 13th on Netflix than have seen all my films put together between the Sundance winners and Selma, and the whole international distribution of film.
Ava DuVernay

Throughout the series [Narcos], I appear younger and younger - I don't know why that is particular to Netflix, to show the evolution of Pablo Escobar's children in that manner.
Juan Pablo Escobar

It's definitely scary to follow a book that's been turned into a Netflix series and found as much success as Girlboss did.
Sophia Amoruso

I guess I can't live without Netflix because I would have nothing to do. All I do is sit home and watch movies.
Sara Paxton

I try to read, but my attention span is so bad, and ever since Netflix was invented, that's all I do in my spare time, which is really bad, but it's like a chore to read for me.
Eliot Paulina Sumner

The beauty of Netflix is on the 28th of October they push a button and the film will be in 190 countries at the same moment in 17 languages.
Werner Herzog

It’s been a dream to work with Netflix because they don’t have any pressure from advertisers.
Bill Burr