The more complex the network is, the more complex its pattern of interconnections, the more resilient it will be.
Fritjof Capra
First, you have to be visible in the community. You have to get out there and connect with people. It's not called net-sitting or net-eating. It's called networking. You have to work at it.
Ivan Misner
Social networking is playing a huge role in creating awareness and mobilizing support for all kinds of common interests. What better way to use this remarkable tool than to change the world?
Natalie Portman
With the advent of Twitter and Facebook and other social networking sites, genuine privacy can only be found by renting a private villa for a holiday. Hotels are now out of the question for my wife and I.
Robert Powell
Personal relationships are always the key to good business. You can buy networking; you can't buy friendships.
Lindsay Fox
Networking is marketing. Marketing yourself, marketing your uniqueness, marketing what you stand for.
Christine Comaford-Lynch
Younger Arabs are much less satisfied with education in the region than their elders, and are more comfortable networking and communicating via digital means.
Joe Saddi
Networking is the No. 1 unwritten rule of success in business.
Sallie Krawcheck
The Internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom.
Jon Stewart
Networking is not about hunting. It is about farming. It's about cultivating relationships. Don't engage in 'premature solicitation'. You'll be a better networker if you remember that.
Ivan Misner
I consider us to be one of the first Internet-based bands, especially because we basically started our entire band via the Internet. Before MySpace Music even existed, we had a band MySpace page. We were one of the first fifty bands on PureVolume(.com), and we really built everything from the Internet. That's how we started talking to record labels, that's how we booked our first tours. Without the Internet social networking, like Twitter, we definitely wouldn't be where we are today. It is a huge part of the band.
Jack Barakat
One of the issues of social networking silos is that they have the data and I don't.
Tim Berners-Lee
Create a website that expresses something about who you are that won't fit into the template available to you on a social networking site.
Jaron Lanier
Social networking helps reach people easier and quicker.
Bill Cosby
I'm a very optimistic person. I have the chance to listen to so much phenomenal music. Connecting with social networking to create music is a progression of what electronic music does anyway - it connects people.
Paul van Dyk
Generally, social networking sites can be hugely promising and beneficial in opening new friendships and vistas and knowledge of the world, but they are also fraught with peril, when young people are reckless or headless.
Richard Blumenthal
In today's world, working for yourself is actually the safer route, and working for a corporation has become the riskier proposition.
Paul Zane Pilzer
I think women are really good at making friends and not good at networking. Men are good at networking and not necessarily making friends. That's a gross generalization, but I think it holds in many ways.
Madeleine Albright
We are at a crossroads in the music business: with the rise of the internet, the world we live in has changed, and the past is not coming back. But I see the glass as half-full: the internet and social networking are new avenues for the next Bob Dylan to be born on.
Jon Bon Jovi
The blogs have been great and everything, but I think, for me, it's better to have a central place on the Internet for all my fans to go and show their friends my YouTube, Twitter, and social networking sites. To have that spread all on its own and have a central station to get everything Mac Miller.
Mac Miller
Figure out what you are meant to contribute to the world and make sure you contribute it. If this requires public speaking or networking or other activities that make you uncomfortable, do them anyway. But accept that they're difficult, get the training you need to make them easier, and reward yourself when you're done.
Susan Cain
Man, Farmville is so huge! Do you realize its the second-biggest browser-based social-networking-centered farming game in the world?
Randall Munroe
Networking is an enrichment program, not an entitlement program.
Susan RoAne
Networking is more about farming than it is about hunting.
Ivan Misner
In my coming-of-age time, there was no internet, no social networking, nothing. It was just show after show, hoping one day somebody would notice you.
Madonna Ciccone
Young people know how to use these social networking tools, and they know how to use them effectively.
Edward Norton
The internet and social networking are new avenues for the next Bob Dylan to be born on.
Jon Bon Jovi
I am actually turned off when I look at an account and don’t see any selfies, because I want to know whom I’m dealing with. In our age of social networking, the selfie is the new way to look someone right in the eye and say, 'Hello, this is me.'
James Franco
Search without Google is like social networking without Facebook: unimaginable.
Evgeny Morozov
This social-networking thing takes you to crazy places.
Bill Gates
I think the whole aspect of social networking is vulgar and repulsive in a lot of ways.
Trent Reznor
Social networks are like grease - in some cases, gasoline - for our personal business networking machines. If you aren't plugged in, you will be out-done by better-connected, hyper-networked colleagues and competitors.
danah boyd
The [film] industry, from the franchise on, has dramatically changed, not just with us, but with social networking. The social working has changed dramatically, especially in the way you promote films. It's instant.
Tara Reid
In the digital universe, our personal history and its sense of narrative is succeeded by our social networking profile - a snapshot of the current moment. The information itself - our social graph of friends and likes - is a product being sold to market researchers in order to better predict and guide our futures.
Douglas Rushkoff
There's a fast-track if you can do the networking. For some personalities it works, but for mine it doesn't.
Idris Elba
We're currently living with a generation of established novelists who are embarrassingly out of date with respect to social networking, internet skills, and so on.
Charles Stross
A good browser, apps, good camera, and fast networking in your smartphone is just expected today.
Thorsten Heins
Social Networking should never replace face-to-face time.
Germany Kent
My Golden Rule of Networking is simple: Don't keep score.
Harvey Mackay
I had been in the technology business for so long, I had seen the PC-bubble come and burst, I had seen the local area and wide area networking-bubble come and burst, it was no shock that the internet-bubble was going to burst.
Mark Cuban
I must admit that I don't really understand social networking models that well, and I haven't tried to because I have just not been enthused about this whole thing.
David Cheriton
Connecting expands possibilities - in work and in life - for ourselves as well as for others.
Adele Scheele
Networking that matters is helping people achieve their goals.
Seth Godin
The future success of online social networking sites as an advertising medium depends on its acceptance as an advertising vehicle that can deliver a message to a micro-target in a manner that will be well received and that increases the likelihood of interaction.
Mary Louise Kelly
If you're not networking, you're not networking.
Denis Waitley
Whatever you're selling, storage or networking or security, you're going head to head with the incumbent players.
Marc Andreessen
Social networking, I believe, has completely changed the relationship between band-members and fans.
Beau Bokan
Pubcon is always one of the first shows I put on my calendar. Content is excellent, social is excellent, networking opportunities are excellent.
Jim Banks