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Neurosis Quotes

The scars left from the child's defeat in the fight against irrational authority are to be found at the bottom of every neurosis.
Erich Fromm

Authors on Neurosis Quotes: Sigmund Freud Carl Jung Jean-Paul Sartre Terence McKenna Albert Ellis Tom Robbins Marie-Louise von Franz Pema Chodron Marcel Proust Mason Cooley Anais Nin Thomas Szasz Oscar Isaac Chuck Spezzano Jim Piddock Robert Holden Rajneesh Paulo Coelho Fran Drescher Sebastian Horsley Arthur Miller Lionel Trilling Natalie Goldberg Ti West Craig Finn Joanne Woodward James Hollis Robert Winston Ralph Waldo Emerson Daniel Pinchbeck Richard Brautigan Andrew Graham-Dixon Karl Abraham
If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell.
Sylvia Plath

Neurosis is just a high-class word for whining.
Albert Ellis

The sensitiveness claimed by neurotic is matched by their egotism: they cannot abide the flaunting by others of the sufferings to which they pay an even increasing amount of attention in themselves.
Marcel Proust

The neurotic has problems; the psychotic has solutions.
Thomas Szasz

The main interest of my work is not concerned with the treatment of neuroses but rather with the approach to the numinous. But the fact that the approach to the numinous is the real therapy, and inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experience you are released from the curse of pathology. Even the very disease takes on a numinous character.
Carl Jung

Especially in times of collective neurosis, the existence of . . . mature people is of crucial importance.
Marie-Louise von Franz

Doubt is to certainty as neurosis is to psychosis. The neurotic is in doubt and has fears about persons and things; the psychotic has convictions and makes claims about them. In short, the neurotic has problems, the psychotic has solutions.
Thomas Szasz

A neurosis is a secret that you don’t know you are keeping.
Kenneth Tynan

Neurosis is the suffering of a soul which has not discovered its meaning.
Carl Jung

A human being in a neurotic state might very well be compared to a bewitched person, for people caught in a neurosis are apt to behave in a manner uncongenial and destructive towards themselves as well as others.
Marie-Louise von Franz

I swim in a pool of my own neurosis. I carry love, grief deeply, like an Irishman.
Richard Harris

Far more unwaveringly, the neurotic keeps before his eye his God, his idol, his ideal of personality and clings to his guiding principle, losing sight in the meanwhile of reality, whereas the normal person is always ready to dispense with this crutch, this aid, and reckon unhampered with reality.
Alfred Adler

We can actually put the essence of neurosis in a single word: blaming - or damning.
Albert Ellis

Sexuality is the key to the problem of the psychoneuroses and of the neuroses in general. No one who disdains the key will ever be able to unlock the door.
Sigmund Freud

Even in my first analysis of a depressive psychosis, I was immediately struck by its structural similarity with obsessional neurosis.
Karl Abraham

Neurosis is an inner cleavage-the state of being at war with oneself.
Carl Jung

Sunday neurosis, that kind of depression which afflicts people who become aware of the lack of content in their lives when the rush of the busy week is over and the void within themselves becomes manifest.
Viktor E. Frankl

Whining about your own, others', or the world's failings is a main element in what we usually call neurosis.
Albert Ellis

if you force yourself to be the same as everyone else. It causes neuroses, psychoses, and paranoia. it's a distortion of nature, it goes against God's laws, for in all the world's woods and forests he did not create a single leaf the same as another.
Paulo Coelho

A movie set is like a petri dish for neuroses, you know? It's just, like, egos and weird personalities and, more than anything, fear.
Oscar Isaac

Sanity is permanent, neurosis is temporary.
Chogyam Trungpa

the wealthy ... live in marble mausoleums surrounded by the suspicions and neuroses that have replaced the medieval moats which once isolated so-called aristocrats from reality.
Elsa Maxwell

What I regretted in La Nausee was not to have put myself completely into the thing. I remained outside my hero's disease, protected by my neurosis which, through writing, gave me happiness.
Jean-Paul Sartre

Recipe for the upbringing of a poet: 'As much neurosis as the child can bear.
W. H. Auden

A neurosis is wherever we are allied against our true nature.
James Hollis

National isolation breeds national neurosis.
Hubert H. Humphrey

Everything but happiness is neurosis.
Anais Nin

I feel like schizoid is a precursor to schizophrenia or manic depression. I feel like I'm manic. I have parts of schizoid, parts of Asperger's. I'm a smorgasbord of neuroses.
Jim Shaw

I used to be neurotic. I didn't like myself very much. But somewhere in my mid-40s, my neuroses stopped seeming so important. I developed a sense of humor.
Joanne Woodward

If you get hung up on everybody else's hang-ups, then the whole world's going to be nothing more than one huge gallows.
Richard Brautigan

A certain degree of neurosis is of inestimable value as a drive, especially to a psychologist.
Sigmund Freud

Neurosis is the way of avoiding non-being by avoiding being.
Paul Tillich

I'm not sure I want all my neuroses cleared up
Patty Duke

If you can't handle your neurosis, your neurosis will handle you.
Chuck Spezzano

It takes a lot of energy and a lot of neurosis to write a novel. If you were really sensible, you'd do something else.
Lawrence Durrell

If you be sick, your own thoughts make you sick
Ben Jonson

As every man is hunted by his own daemon, vexed by his own disease, this checks all his activity.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Intelligence will be used in the service of the neurosis.
Sigmund Freud

The characteristic of every neurosis is to represent itself as natural.
Jean-Paul Sartre

I like people with big talents and small neuroses - not always an easy combination to find. I've discovered that if the neurosis is too big, it diminishes the talent and you wind up working too hard for what you get.
Mel Brooks

My work is not about my life history. It's not about the story of my neurosis
Anish Kapoor

Somehow the past is a safe place to explore our collective cultural neuroses.
Tom Hiddleston

Perhaps someday everyone will have neurosis.
Vincent Van Gogh

Religion (is) a universal obsessional neurosis.
Sigmund Freud

Somehow we manage it: to like our friends, to tolerate not only their little ways but their huge neuroses, their monumental oddness: "Oh well," we smile, "it's one of his funny days."
Fleur Adcock

The good writing of any age has always been the product of someone's neurosis.
William Styron

Neurosis is no worse than a bad cold; you ache all over, and it's made you a mess, but you won't die from it.
Mignon McLaughlin

The only thing to know is how to use your neurosis.
Arthur Adamov

Neurosis is the natural by-product of pain avoidance.
Carl Jung