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Odd Things Quotes

Fame is an odd thing. It bugs you a little bit, but it's really not bad.
John Corbett

Authors on Odd Things Quotes: Robert Jordan Stephen Fry Joe Eszterhas Andrew Dice Clay Denis Johnston Garry Hynes Patricia Briggs Logan Pearsall Smith Robert Downey, Jr. John Corbett William Golding Douglas Coupland Ken Follett Ernest Hemingway Sophie Blackall Peter York Jude Deveraux Richard Dawkins Charlaine Harris James M. Barrie David Byrne Philip K. Dick Jenny Offill Ricky Gervais Chris Hardwick Nora Ephron David Gemmell Paula Gunn Allen Lloyd Alexander Rita Mae Brown Bill Condon Norm MacDonald David Small
What an odd thing a diary is: the things you omit are more important than those you put in.
Simone de Beauvoir

The odd thing in this world is that an eager-beaver type, with no original ideas, who mimes those in authority above him right to the last twist of necktie and scrape of chin, always gets noticed. Gets selected. Rises.
Philip K. Dick

Comics, a lot of them, are really depressed people, and I happen to be somebody that does have a lot of confidence. That's the odd thing about my stand-up. I am very confident. I always was.
Andrew Dice Clay

Philosophy is an odd thing... There is no particular Socratic or Dimechian or Kantian way to live your life. They don't offer ethical codes and standards by which to live your life.
Stephen Fry

One of the odd things about being a writer is that you never reach a point of certainty, a point of mastery where you can say, Right. Now I understand how this is done.
Jenny Offill

Odd things happen to all of us on our way through life without our noticing for a time that they have happened.
James M. Barrie

It's an odd thing about this universe that, though we all disagree with each other, we are all of us always in the right.
Logan Pearsall Smith

It's an odd thing to go to New York to shoot a movie that is set in Indiana.
Bill Condon

The odd thing about this form of communication is you're more likely to talk about nothing than something. But I just want to say that all this nothing has meant more to me than so many... somethings. So, thanks.
Nora Ephron

I've probably done the odd thing. I've probably done more than I would have done and some things you don't say no to. You don't say no to working with "The Simpsons"... the greatest comedy show on television. You mustn't. Even though going to my bad judgment, I remember saying that all I can do is make this show slightly worse.
Ricky Gervais

I do not like odd things until I can understand them.
Robert Jordan

An odd thing occurs in the minds of Americans when Indian civilization in mentioned: little or nothing.
Paula Gunn Allen

It's become this really odd thing where even some of the folks who build the things that we wear for entertainment are contacted by DARPA-esque companies who are saying, "Yeah, we're really doing that, and we want to talk to you."
Robert Downey, Jr.

The odd thing about recurring dreams is that, no matter how many times you dream the same thing, it always takes you by surprise.
David Small

It's kind of great being a group without a lead singer, because the possibilities are sky high. Odd things become the lead singer, noises become the lead singer. It actually makes the thing much more flexible.
Paul Morley

Trevor realized that the odd thing about English is that no matter how much you screw sequences word up up, you understood, still, like Yoda, will be. Other languages don't work that way. French? Dieu! Misplace a single le or la and an idea vaporizes into a sonic puff. English is flexible: you can jam it into a Cuisinart for an hour, remove it, and meaning will still emerge.
Douglas Coupland

Philosophy is an odd thing. When we use the word in everyday speech, you know, you sometimes hear it hilariously.
Stephen Fry

It was difficult, and yet I was very eager to do it. It was a really odd thing. I really wanted to do that story. I really wanted to write the death of Captain Kirk. I really wanted to do it in the movie.
Ronald D. Moore

Love is an odd thing. As odd a thing as there is.
Robert Jordan

It's an odd thing about love. When someone you love cries, your heart melts. But when someone you don't love cries, you look at them and think, Why are you telling 'me' this?
Jude Deveraux

Pity is a really odd thing with abused women. You don't want anyone to think that you feel bad - even though you might.
Kristen Stewart

The-one of the odd things that's going on with smoking these days is that in the '90s, smoking at movies in the '90s, there were more movies showing smoking than there were in the '60s.
Joe Eszterhas

Every time I finish a record, it's sort of feels like, "I can't believe that I'm hanging out and having a conversation, and people are gonna listen to this." It's an odd thing, but it's really cool.
Chris Hardwick

The odd thing about Cripple of Inishmaan is its never actually been performed on the island.
Garry Hynes

The very odd thing about sagas ... is that they very rarely mention dry mouths and full bladders.
David Gemmell

Odd thing about death ... it reaffirms life.
Rita Mae Brown

It was an odd thing to do, to stand in a street in the hope of seeing someone who hardly knew him, but he did not want to move.
Ken Follett

The Cross is a gibbet - rather an odd thing to make use of as a talisman against bad luck, if that is how we regard it. Or is it, instead, a cynical reminder that Virtue usually gets pilloried whenever it makes one of its occasional appearances in this world?
Denis Johnston

Time was such an odd thing. One moment you could talk to someone, then suddenly, they were gone.
Patricia Briggs

In India the odd thing is that English is this almost artificial language floating on the surface of a place with about fifty other languages. The same is true of Nigeria but even more so.
William Golding

Bigotry is an odd thing. To be bigoted you have to be absolutely sure you are right and nothing makes that surety and righteousness like continence. Continence is the foe of heresy.
Ernest Hemingway

Odd things happen in New York, which is why it's such a great source of stories.
Sophie Blackall

-I'm trying to make myself invisible. -That's an odd thing to attempt.
Lloyd Alexander

Stephen Jones' hats are what we used to call 'creations'; extravagant, odd things for extravagant, odd people like Madonna or Lady Gaga. They're worn in a parallel universe.
Peter York

The odd thing about tradition is, the longer it's been going, the more people seem to take it seriously - as though sheer passage of time makes something which to begin with was just made up, turns it into what people believe as a fact.
Richard Dawkins

It's a very odd thing with Hollywood, where you do stand-up, you're good at it, then they go, "How would you like to be a horrible actor?" Then you say, "All right, that sounds good. I'll do that."
Norm MacDonald

I added to my mental list of the odd things I'd done that day. I'd entertained the police, sunbathed, visited at a mall with some fairies, weeded and killed someone. Now it was powdered-corpse removal time. And the day wasn't over yet.
Charlaine Harris

People will do odd things if you give them money.
David Byrne

The corpse's hand reached up and grabbed Shaisam by the throat. He gasped, thrashing, as the corpse opened its eye. "There's an odd thing about disease I once heard, Fain," Matrim Cauthon whispered. "Once you catch a disease and survive, you can't get it again.
Robert Jordan