My solitude doesn’t depend on the presence or absence of people; on the contrary, I hate who steals my solitude without, in exchange, offering me true company.
Friedrich Nietzsche
My seclusion has nothing to do with having people around me; in fact, I loathe anyone who intrudes on my privacy without providing genuine companionship.
There is only one winning strategy. It is to carefully define the target market and direct a superior offering to that target market.
Philip Kotler
The most successful approach is to precisely delineate the intended audience and present a high-quality product to that demographic.
Be not lax in celebrating.
Be not lazy in the festive service of God.
Be ablaze with enthusiasm.
Let us be an alive, burning offering before the altar of God.
Hildegard of Bingen
Be fervent in commemorating.
I hope that no one present will suspect me of offering my personal criticism of the Western system to present socialism as an alternative. Having experienced applied socialism in a country where the alternative has been realized, I certainly will not speak for it. The well-known Soviet mathematician Shafarevich, a member of the Soviet Academy of Science, has written a brilliant book under the title Socialism; it is a profound analysis showing that socialism of any type and shade leads to a total destruction of the human spirit and to a leveling of mankind into death.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
... True, we are often too weak to stop injustices; but the least we can do is to protest against them. True, we are too poor to eliminate hunger; but in feeding one child, we protest against hunger. True, we are too timid and powerless to take on all the guards of all the political prisons in the world; but in offering our solidarity to one prisoner we denounce all the tormentors. True, we are powerless against death; but as long as we help one man, one woman, one child live one hour longer in safety and dignity, we affirm man's [woman's] right to live.
Elie Wiesel
Prevailing prayer is that which secures an answer. Saying prayers is not offering prevailing prayer. The prevalence of prayer does not depend so much on quantity as on quality.
Charles Grandison Finney
Succeeding supplication is that which gains a response. Praying is not the same as offering successful petition. The success of prayer does not hinge so much on quantity as on caliber.
To sweat is to pray, to make an offering of your innermost self. Sweat
is holy water, prayer beads, pearls of liquid that release your past.
The more you dance... the more you sweat, the more you pray. The more
you pray, the closer you are to ecstasy.
Gabrielle Roth
Giving material goods is one form of generosity, but one can extend an attitude of generosity into all one's behavior. Being kind, attentive, and honest in dealing with others, offering praise where it is due, giving comfort and advice where they are needed, and simply sharing one's time with someone - all these are forms of generosity, and they do not require any particular level of material wealth.
Dalai Lama
Devotion does not mean only Chanting praise and singing glory of God, nor fasting and offerings made to God. Devotion is a specific attitude towards life and existence.
Pandurang Shastri Athavale
Adoration does not merely involve reciting hymns and extolling the Lord, nor abstention and gifts proffered to the Almighty. Adoration is a particular mindset towards life and reality.
Life isn't about trying to be an expert in everything. It's about being an expert in one thing and offering it to the world.
Bo Sanchez
'Life is not about attempting to excel in all areas; it's about mastering a skill and sharing it with the world.'
Offering a hand up is not a hand-out.
Clara Barton
Providing assistance instead of charity.
When I am dancing, it feels like my prayer. It's like an offering. I offer my head back to the dance, I offer my shoulders back to the dance, my elbows, my hands, my spine, my knees, my feet, my whole self, my bones, my blood, my experience, my suffering... I offer it all back to the dance and I say: take it, do whatever you want with me. Release me.
Gabrielle Roth
Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote...that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.
Samuel Adams
Stopping the endless pursuit of getting somewhere else is the perhaps most beautiful offering we can make to our spirit.
Tara Brach
I looked at all friends, and did not find a better friend than safeguarding the tongue. I thought about all dresses, but did not find a better dress than piety. I thought about all types of wealth, but did not find a better wealth than contentment in little. I thought of all types of good deeds, but did not find a better deed than offering good advice. I looked at all types of sustenance, but did not find a better sustenance than patience.
Why should we not ... instead of the paltry offerings we make, do something that will prove that we are really in earnest in claiming to be followers of him who, though he was rich, for our sake became poor?
Lottie Moon
Empathy is a respectful understanding of what others are experiencing. Instead of offering empathy, we often have a strong urge to give advice or reassurance and to explain our own position or feeling. Empathy, however, calls upon us to empty our mind and listen to others with our whole being.
Marshall B. Rosenberg
Love for the joy of loving, and not for the offerings of someone else's heart.
Marlene Dietrich
Gang violence in America is not a sudden problem. It has been a part of urban life for years, offering an aggressive definition and identity to those seeking a place to belong in the chaos of large metropolitan areas.
Dave Reichert
I believe in nurturing creativity and offering a haven for creators, enabling them to develop their ideas to the fullest. With more and more talented creators being drawn to Cirque in an environment that fulfills them, these are ideal to continue developing great new shows.
Guy Laliberte
My God, since you are with me and since, by Your will, I must occupy myself with external things, please grant me the grace to remain with You, in Your presence. Work with me, so that my work might be the very best. Receive as an offering of love both my work and all my affections.
Brother Lawrence
Offering democracy to an Arab is like bringing a horse to a steakhouse.
Jeff Cooper
True generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love. No strings attached. No expectations. Time and love are the most valuable possession you can share.
Suze Orman
Your best teacher is the person offering you your greatest challenge.
Cheryl Richardson
To the grumbler who complains about the unfairness of the market system only one piece of advice can be given: If you want to acquire wealth, then try to satisfy the public by offering them something that is cheaper or which they like better....Equality under the law gives you the power to challenge every millionaire.
Ludwig von Mises
To obtain an assured favorable response from people, it is better to offer them something for their stomachs instead of their brains.
Albert Einstein
Evangelion is like a puzzle, you know. Any person can see it and give his/her own answer. In other words, we're offering viewers to think by themselves, so that each person can imagine his/her own world. We will never offer the answers, even in the theatrical version. As for many Evangelion viewers, they may expect us to provide the 'all-about Eva' manuals, but there is no such thing. Don't expect to get answers by someone. Don't expect to be catered to all the time. We all have to find our own answers.
Hideaki Anno
We shall draw nearer to God, not by trying to avoid the sufferings inherent in all loves, but by accepting them and offering them to Him; throwing away all defensive armour. If our hearts need to be broken, and if He chooses this as the way in which they should break, so be it.
C. S. Lewis
Prayer is not a way of making use of God; prayer is a way of offering ourselves to God in order that He should be able to make use of us.
William Barclay
Your enthusiasm becomes their enthusiasm; your lukewarm presentation becomes their lukewarm interest in what you're offering.
Bill Walsh
There has been enough blood in the Balkans. Serbia is offering its hand. Let us turn to the future and not deal with the past.
Ivica Dacic
How precious a book is in light of the offering, in the light of the one who has the privilege of this offering. The library tells you of this offering
Louis Kahn
We rarely quote nowadays to appeal to authority... though we quote sometimes to display our sapience and erudition. Some authors we quote against. Some we quote not at all, offering them our scrupulous avoidance, and so make them part of our "white mythology." Other authors we constantly invoke, chanting their names in cerebral rituals of propitiation or ancestor worship.
Ihab Hassan
However, I learned something. I thought that if the young person, the student, has poetry in him or her, to offer them help is like offering a propeller to a bird.
Norman MacCaig
But tomorrow, dawn will come the way I picture her, barefoot and disheveled, standing outside my window in one of the fragile cotton dresses of the poor. She will look in at me with her thin arms extended, offering a handful of birdsong and a small cup of light.
Billy Collins
All that we do without offering it to God is wasted.
John Vianney
No coffee can be good in the mouth that does not first send a sweet offering of odor to the nostrils.
Henry Ward Beecher
For over forty years, in a spirit of love, members of the Church have been counseled to be thrifty and self-reliant; to avoid debt; pay tithes and a generous fast offering; be industrious; and have sufficient food, clothing, and fuel on hand to last at least one year. Today there are compelling reasons to reemphasize this counsel.
Ezra Taft Benson
The plant kingdom covers the entire earth, offering our senses great pleasure and the delights of summer.
Carl Linnaeus
The essence of leadership is not giving things or even providing visions. It is offering oneself and one's spirit.
Lee Bolman
Science and reason liberate us from the shackles of superstition by offering us a framework for understanding our shared humanity. Ultimately, we all have the capacity to treasure life and enrich the world in incalculable ways.
Gad Saad
I'm fishing for men with a certain kind of bait, and the bait that I am offering is not a candy; it's a very specific thing that I'm offering, which is a deep gospel and a deep conversion.
Larry Norman
So the Buddha is presenting awakening not as a single mystical experience that may come upon us at some meditation, some private moment of transcendence, but rather as a new engagement with life. He is offering us a relationship to the world that is more sensitized to suffering and the causes of suffering, and he gives rise to the possibility of another kind of culture, another kind of civilization.
Stephen Batchelor
Unthinking faith is a curious offering to be made to the creator of the human mind.
John Hutchinson
Like the theater, offering food and hospitality to people is a matter of showmanship, and no matter how simple the performance, unless you do it well, with love and originality, you have a flop on your hands.
James Beard
Today's food trucks are far from cheap eats on wheels, there are some seriously gourmet offerings on four wheels.
Tyler Florence
For me, romance isn't an over-the-top act. It's someone offering to help and to support me. Or if that person thinks I'm making the wrong decision, he'll tell me. I want him to be honest, because being that honest takes a lot of guts.
Thora Birch
Micromanaging erodes people's confidence, making them overly dependennt on their leaders. Well-meaning leaders inadvertently sabotage their teams by rushing to the rescue and offering too much help. A leader needs to balance assistance with wu wei, backing off long enough to let people learn from their mistakes and develop competence.
Diane Dreher
I cannot think of a day in my life when the library didn’t exert a potent attraction for me, offering a sense of the specialness of each individual’s curiosity and his or her quest to satisfy it.
Scott Turow
It is only work that is done as freewill offering to humanity and to nature that does not bring with it any binding attachment.
Swami Vivekananda