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Olivia Newton-John Quotes

English-Australian singer-songwriter and actress, Birth: 26-9-1948 Olivia Newton-John Quotes
Let me hear your body talk.
Olivia Newton-John

I don't know what my path is yet. I'm just walking on it.
Olivia Newton-John

Cancer got me over unimportant fears, like getting old.
Olivia Newton-John

My cancer scare changed my life. I'm grateful for every new, healthy day I have. It has helped me prioritize my life.
Olivia Newton-John

Family, nature and health all go together.
Olivia Newton-John

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My biggest mistake was my best lesson... you don't learn anything when everything is going perfectly.
Olivia Newton-John

To me luxury is to be at home with my daughter, and the occasional massage doesn't hurt.
Olivia Newton-John

Fight each round take it on the chin. And never never never ever give in.
Olivia Newton-John

Quote Topics by Olivia Newton-John: Cancer Song Thinking Mother Fun Grateful Years People Inspirational Beautiful Careers Love Animal Wisdom Giving Journey Blessed Men Daughter Pain Body Self Symphony Feelings Reality Believe Nature Father Grease Country
I believe love is what makes the world go round. No matter how old or young, love is why we are here. It is the very essence of one's being.
Olivia Newton-John

I live every day to its fullest extent and I don't sweat the small stuff.
Olivia Newton-John

I love that quiet time when nobody's up and the animals are all happy to see me.
Olivia Newton-John

I look at my cancer journey as a gift: It made me slow down and realisethe important things in life and taught me to not sweat the small stuff.
Olivia Newton-John

Nature is the most beautiful thing we have. It's better than art because it's from the creator.
Olivia Newton-John

I do have high standards, but I don't expect anything from anyone that I don't expect from myself.
Olivia Newton-John

To 'be loved' is the most basic of human needs. Like a flower, it waters the human soul. But 'to love' is a true blessing.
Olivia Newton-John

The only weights I lift are my dogs.
Olivia Newton-John

I love life and nothing intimidates me anymore.
Olivia Newton-John

I respect my parents' opinion very much. No matter how old you are, what your parents think is very important. If they like your boyfriend or if they like some work you've done. And if they don't, it's more shattering than anybody else telling you, because they're the most honest.
Olivia Newton-John

We women should remember that we are much more than just breasts.
Olivia Newton-John

I don't have the desire that I think a lot of performers feel - to get the applause. It's not life or death for me. I love it and it's exciting, but it's not something I crave or miss, so I don't need to perform; I don't have that desire. I like to sing, and I love doing what I'm doing, but it's not a dire need.
Olivia Newton-John

Once you face your fear, nothing is ever as hard as you think.
Olivia Newton-John

My memories are inside me - they're not things or a place - I can take them anywhere.
Olivia Newton-John

I am extremely grateful. And that brings me back to reality on the days I am complaining about something.
Olivia Newton-John

We wake up and are grateful for the day. Not taking away from the pain, because the pain will be there. But you live on.
Olivia Newton-John

Early detection is key," she said. "And if I hadn't found my lump early, I don't know what would have been. I am still here and I want to encourage women to do that on a regular basis.
Olivia Newton-John

For me I have learned to enjoy everything, especially performing live, so much more. I used to get horrible stage fright when I was younger and today and just love to sing for anyone who still turns up at my shows!
Olivia Newton-John

As for the industry, it has certainly changed. I think with all of these television shows and YouTube and the internet, you have so much less time to develop as an artist and perfect your craft. So many things today are "instant" and, that's not always a good thing.
Olivia Newton-John

Being a breast cancer survivor, as I like to call myself - it will be twenty years next year - I did it to make it possible for women to do regular self breast examinations. It's really important - and, it makes common sense: you know your body better than the doctor does who only sees you once a year, you know?
Olivia Newton-John

I had a good, sound upbringing with sensible people around me. I was brought up by intelligent parents. My mother always said to me, "You've got to work at your career and you've got to be good at it. Okay, you've had a bit of success but that's not longevity. You've got to really work for a long time."
Olivia Newton-John

I live my life in gratitude.
Olivia Newton-John

I am not embarrassed to say that when I was at my worst I took anti-depressants because I think people need to hear that. I think if you are in a dark place where you can't pull yourself out, you may need to ask for help.
Olivia Newton-John

A lot of songs are inspiration and help people through pain, grief and loss.
Olivia Newton-John

I took you to an intimate restaurant, then to a suggestive movie. There's nothing left to talk about, unless it's horizontally.
Olivia Newton-John

I think that I've always been on a search. I have my own kind of belief in love is the being, but I think that I've always been searching for truth and I think there's lots of truths and I think we should respect that in each other, and that's really what I wanted to bring across.
Olivia Newton-John

I want to get physical, let's get into physical, let me hear your body talk, your body talk.
Olivia Newton-John

I would not be comfortable appearing in a country where they have permitted the destruction of such beautiful and intelligent animals.
Olivia Newton-John

There's a balance in my life, there's reality and there's the part that looks really glamorous, but we're all just people in the end.
Olivia Newton-John

I'm happy, and I think being happy keeps you looking young.
Olivia Newton-John

I simply have a marvellous life, a very lucky life.
Olivia Newton-John

My wish is that all all women age 20 and above perform monthly breast self-examinations.
Olivia Newton-John

I love you. I honestly love you.
Olivia Newton-John

I feel so fortunate and grateful to be a survivor of breast cancer. I see it as a gift.
Olivia Newton-John

Nothing I have done professionally will top the feeling I got when singing with John Farnham at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.
Olivia Newton-John

'Grease' changed my life in the most amazing way, and I've had such an amazing life. When things go wrong, you've got to believe you will get through them and focus on the positive things in your life.
Olivia Newton-John

A lot of people lose a sense of reality when they achieve success. That's a terrible danger because you have to remember who you were and who you are basically and that you're still a person and all that out there is a kin of magic - what people see out there is magic, it's media magic. It's not very real and it's very glamorous, but you have to keep a sense of you through it all.
Olivia Newton-John

Acting is a difficult profession, it really is. It's different than singing. With singing you may have one song and four people to record it - but they'll all do it differently and they'll all have that option. Whereas with actors there might be one part, and five hundred actors all want the same role - it's so much more competitive. It's an incredibly painful profession because you get so much rejection.
Olivia Newton-John

As for highlights, of course "Grease" changed my life and I will always be grateful for that experience.
Olivia Newton-John

I have really been blessed in my career with some wonderful songwriters and in turn, songs.
Olivia Newton-John

I just wanna do my music.
Olivia Newton-John

When you have a cavity in your tooth and you let it get worse, eventually you have to get a root canal. If you have something that isn't right, the earlier you treat it the easier the treatment is going to be. That's kind of common sense.
Olivia Newton-John