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Opening Up Quotes

The function of entrepreneurs is to reform or revolutionize the pattern of production by exploiting an invention or, more generally, an untried technological possibility for producing a new commodity or producing an old one in a new way, by opening up a new source of supply of materials or a new outlet for products, by reorganizing an industry and so on.
Joseph A. Schumpeter

Authors on Opening Up Quotes: Donald Trump Hu Jintao Lisa Kleypas Yann Martel Richelle Mead Hillary Clinton Alice Cooper Leon Daudet Benedict Cumberbatch Fareed Zakaria Eckhart Tolle Shane Koyczan John Hodgman Bill Richardson Ivy Meeropol Evelyn Underhill Shelby Harris Mary Pope Osborne Sarah Dessen James Taylor Channing Tatum Harlan Cleveland Aaron Scheidies Steve King Julie Schumacher Kenneth Frampton George Lucas Dawn Fraser Zhang Xin Lizz Wright Paul Auster Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy John Lehman
It is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects.
Nikola Tesla

The black market was a way of getting around government controls. It was a way of enabling the free market to work. It was a way of opening up, enabling people.
Milton Friedman

opening up your soul to someone, letting them into your spirit, thoughts, fears, future, hopes, dreams ... that is being naked.
Rob Bell

Our country, like every modern state, needs profound democratic reforms. It needs political and ideological pluralism, a mixed economy and protection of human rights and the opening up of society.
Andrei Sakharov

You know that I can make hits. You know I can do all these rap records. So, I'm going to start opening up and letting you know my struggles.

Leaders are problem solvers by talent and temperament, and by choice. For them, the new information environment-undermining old means of control, opening up old closets of secrecy, reducing the relevance of ownership, early arrival, and location-should seem less a litany of problems than an agenda for action. Reaching for a way to describe the entrepreneurial energy of his fabled editor Harold Ross, James Thurber said" 'He was always leaning forward, pushing something invisible ahead of him.' That's the appropriate posture for a knowledge executive.
Harlan Cleveland

In the past 20 years and more since China embarked on the road of reform and opening up, we have moved steadfastly to promote political restructuring and vigorously build democratic politics under socialism.
Hu Jintao

Peace is only possible when one of the warring sides takes the first step, the hazardous initiative, the risk of opening up dialogue, and decides to make the gesture that will lead not only to an armistice but to peace.
Jacques Derrida

Friendship is all about opening up and letting in the highest-quality people you can find. It's about trusting a person enough to know that your dreams are supported and safe in his airspace, as well as supporting him in the same way when he needs it.
Sean Stephenson

The essence of the question is the opening up, and keeping open, of possibilities.
Hans-Georg Gadamer

Reading is the basic springboard for learning. And books provide the liftoff. They are the great equalizer, opening up new worlds to everyone.
Mary Pope Osborne

Pay more attention to the silence than to the sounds. Paying attention to outer silence creates inner silence: the mind becomes still. A portal is opening up.
Eckhart Tolle

Probably the greatest single obstacle to the progress and happiness of the American people lies in the willingness of so many men to invest their time and money in multiplying competitive industries instead of opening up new fields, and putting their money into lines of industry and development that are needed.
John D. Rockefeller

Some people stay away from the door for the chance of it opening up.
Billy Joel

I think all jocks have a sensitive side. It's just, will they show it to anybody? Will they let their guard down and stop being tough and the cool jock guy around their friends, or just relax? I don't know if it's best to say opening up, but just relax and really say what you're actually thinking, and not what you think people want to hear.
Channing Tatum

I had this fantasy of becoming a neurosurgeon. You know, the normal Jewish boy fantasy, but I wanted to be a neurosurgeon for some reason. So I started in this unpleasant way. I was an assistant to the coroner, opening up corpses, taking the innards out, opening skulls, taking the brains out.
Joseph Brodsky

I have never made fun of religion. Religion is something I don't even want to mess with, because I am really afraid of the clouds opening up and my being struck by lightning.
Alice Cooper

I always thought that feminine, softer side was just too vulnerable to put out there, because then it's like you're opening up a door for everybody to come in, and you don't know who's going to come in that door.
Grace Jones

When you have Enough, you have everything you need. There's nothing extra to weigh you down, distract, or distress you. Enough is a fearless place. A trusting place. An honest and self-observant place ... To let go of clutter, then, is not deprivation; it's lightening up and opening up space and time for something new and wonderful to happen.
Vicki Robin

When you put aside your preconceived ideas, your self-centered scale of values, and let intuition have its way with you, you open up by this act new levels of the world. Such an opening-up is the most practical of all activities.
Evelyn Underhill

Saying yes, opening up, and loving: these are the keys that will unlock the prison door.
Arnaud Desjardins

When I arrived in America, though I had left the war physically far behind, in my mind, the soldiers were still chasing to kill me, my stomach was always hungry, and my fear and distrust kept me from opening up to new friendships. I thought the war was over when I left Cambodia, but I realize now that for survivors and all those involved, the war is never over just because the guns have fallen silent.
Loung Ung

...a Conservative backbencher called Margaret Thatcher managed, despite front bench opposition, to get enacted her Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, which was aimed at opening up council meetings to both press and public.
Clive Ponting

I sit before flowers 鈥╤oping they will train me in the art 鈥╫f opening up
Shane Koyczan

China will stay firmly committed to the basic state policy of opening-up. We will actively and effectively use foreign investment, improve its structure, diversify its form and open up more channels and sectors so as to facilitate investment.
Hu Jintao

To be creative, an idea must also be appropriate - useful and actionable. It must somehow influence the way business gets done by improving a product, for instance, or by opening up a new way to approach a process.
Teresa Amabile

The world worlds, and is more fully in being than the tangible and perceptible realm in which we believe ourselves to be at home...By the opening up of a world, all things gain their lingering and hastening, their remoteness and nearness, their scope and limits. In a world's worlding is gathered that spaciousness out of which the protective grace of the gods is granted and withheld. Even this doom of the god remaining absent is a way in which the world worlds...All coming to presence...keeps itself concealed to the last.
Martin Heidegger

Ah, well,屎 said Abe, idly studying his fingertips. 屎I have it on good authority there使s going to be a new 鈥榞ate使 opening up soon over on the south side of the wall." The truth dawned on me. 屎Oh lord. You使re the one who使s been doling out C4.屎 屎You make it sound so easy,屎 he said with a frown. 屎That stuff使s hard to get a hold of.
Richelle Mead

When I was a teenager, my biggest lessons came from Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, George Strait, Rascal Flatts and Brad Paisley. I learned so much from opening up for those artists, and it also taught me how to treat your opening acts and make them feel like they're part of a family, not just a tour.
Taylor Swift

The blessing hands of Christ are like a roof that protects us. But at the same time, they are a gesture of opening up, tearing the world open so that heaven my enter in, may become "present" within it.
Pope Benedict XVI

We got to do something about these Asians coming in and opening up business and dirty shops. They ought to go.
Marion Barry

When I cannot get that moment of truth where you feel yourself opening up like a flower, I absolutely loathe the bloody camera. I can just feel this black hole eyeing me, sucking me in, and I feel like smashing it to smithereens.
Nastassja Kinski

...it is appropriate to have an over representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis.
Al Gore

When I have a bad day, I dream about opening up a gelato stand on the streets of Sydney, Australia. Doesn't everyone have a random escape fantasy?
Nancy Lublin

We are opening up an enormous new era in archaeology. Time capsules in the deep oceans.
John Lehman

Faith in God is an opening up, a letting go, a deep trust, a free act of love - but sometimes it was so hard to love.
Yann Martel

In my earlier paintings, I wanted the space between the picture plane and the spectator to be active. It was in that space, paradoxically, the painting 'took place.' Then, little by little, and to some extent deliberately, I made it go the other way, opening up an interior space... so that there was a layered, shallow depth.
Bridget Riley

What pornographic literature does is precisely to drive a wedge between one's existence as a sexual being - while in ordinary life a healthy person is one who prevents such a gap from opening up
Susan Sontag

There is nothing better than being in a classroom with really, really brilliant students, and opening up new worlds to them. That's what I love doing.
Condoleezza Rice

...opening up a newspaper is the key to looking classy and smart. Never mind the bronze-plated stuff about the role of the press in a democracy - a newspaper, kiddo, is about Style.
Garrison Keillor

There's really no secret about our approach. We keep moving forward - opening up new doors and doing new things - because we're curious. And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. We're always exploring and experimenting. We call it Imagineering - the blending of creative and imagination with technical know-how.
Walt Disney

Opening up to the wrong person is like putting ammo in their hands.
Lisa Kleypas

Im coming out with a wine... Im actually a restaurateur. I have Famous Famiglia Pizzeria that has opened up in the Sacramento airport. Im also working with my business partner on opening up the Linnethia Lounge.
NeNe Leakes

An ideology critique that does not clearly accept its identity as satire can, however, easily be transformed from an instrument in the search for truth into one of dogmatism. All too often, it interferes with the capacity for dialogue instead of opening up new paths for it.
Peter Sloterdijk

The Internet is a whole new world opening up.

From there, I tried out for a community theatre play, joined an improv group... it all started opening up.
Kevin James

I don't think my work is so much about opening up wounds. I think it's about understanding the nature of the wound. I'm not bleeding on the canvas. I, like most people, have suffered traumatic events. The character of a person's life is determined by the way they deal with those events. I am a creative person and I deal with it creatively.
Eric Fischl

I guess there seems to be clubs opening up again, which is strange.
Todd Barry

The SECRET to Love is in OPENING up your Heart
James Taylor