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Over It Quotes

All I know is it destroyed my family, it destroyed my marriage to Sylvester and I will never get over it.
Brigitte Nielsen

'It ruined my family unit, it broke apart my relationship with Sylvester and the pain will linger forever.'
Authors on Over It Quotes: Jeffrey Eugenides Brigid Brannagh Henry James Emmanuelle Chriqui Kate Flannery Triple H Ralph Waldo Emerson John Feldmann Chris Hardwick Frank Yerby E. Lockhart Galway Kinnell William Faulkner Jeanette Winterson Ben Elton Itzhak Perlman Suzanne LaFleur Brigitte Nielsen Fyodor Dostoevsky Erin Siegal McIntyre Flume Scott McNealy Samuel Richardson Jodi Picoult Christian Nestell Bovee George W. Bush D. H. Lawrence Natalie Imbruglia William Glasser Dave Grohl Haruki Murakami Ruth Ozeki Alistair Cooke
This Game is not over, it is just beginning.
Triple H

This competition has only just commenced.
If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within.
James Madison

If our country is ever subjugated, it will be conquered internally.
I was educated once - it took me years to get over it.
Mark Twain

I was schooled once - it took me ages to recover.
The very first schoolbook that was written had God all over it.
Dave Mustaine

When something is over, it is over.
Norman Lear

You already have zero privacy - get over it.
Scott McNealy

You never get over it, but you get to where it doesn't bother you so much.
Jeffrey Eugenides

I just wanna make the world a better-looking place. If you don't like it, you can paint over it!

Life's not fair, get over it!
Bill Gates

One has to discover everything for oneself. And get over it all alone.
Tove Jansson

Some people are gay. Get over it!
John Barrowman

It is women who love horror. Gloat over it. Feed on it. Are nourished by it. Shudder and cling and cry out-and come back for more.
Bela Lugosi

You don't get over it because 'it' is the person you loved.
Jeanette Winterson

They best pass over the world who trip over it quickly; for it is but a bog. If we stop, we sink.
Elizabeth I

You hit a bad shot, you have to get over it right there and then so you can get focused on the next one.
Tiger Woods

When it's all over, it'll seem like a dream.
Haruki Murakami

Jews are living in the past and they can't get over it.
Jackie Mason

Is there a mechanism of death, that so mutilates existence no one, gets over it not even the dead?
Galway Kinnell

To be depressed or neurotic is passive. It happened to us; we are its victim, and we have no control over it.
William Glasser

I'm now much more aware of my mental state. I have a lot more control over it and can choose how I feel.

If computers take over, it will serve us right.
Alistair Cooke

Normally you can't hear you're own voice because you're talking over it.
Karl Pilkington

What was so terrible about grief was not grief itself, but that one got over it.
P. D. James

Survival of the fittest is over. Get over it. We need survival of the wisest.
Deepak Chopra

I started singing rhythmically, and now I'm learning from Otis Redding to push a song instead of just sliding over it
Janis Joplin

The worst thing about being a great power is when you're not one any more. It takes centuries to get over it.
Ben Elton

From the time that 'Nevermind' came out in September of 1991 to the time that Nirvana was over, it was really just a few years, and a lot happened in those few years.
Dave Grohl

But in the time it takes to say now, now is already over. It's already then.
Ruth Ozeki

I'd have to acknowledge that I have a weakness for the fairer sex - and I hope I never get over it.
Chuck Robb

The HD revolution is over, it happened. HD won. Everybody wants HD.
Steve Jobs

I've been a little haphazard about how nude I get, and the only thing that keeps me from getting anxious about it is that I've had complete control over it.
Lena Dunham

Decide to get over it. You know, just let it go. It can be that simple.
Danielle LaPorte

Get a grip, get a life, and get over it.
Justin Johnson

You never have to get over it you just have to get on with it.
Pam Muñoz Ryan

The world is his who has money to go over it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

When it was over, it was not really over, and that was the trouble.
Frank Yerby

The past isn't over. It isn't even past.
William Faulkner

A sponge has that much absorbent capability and after a while you can pour water over it and nothing stays.
Itzhak Perlman

I learned that once it's over, it's really over, and to not take anything for granted.
John Feldmann

God, just shoot me the day I start making music you can just put on in the car and have a conversation over it.
Jack Antonoff

God has no power over the past except to cover it with oblivion.
Pliny the Elder

It seemed like all the way to tomorrow and over it to the days beyond.
J. R. R. Tolkien

The less the difference, the greater the quarrel over it.
Christian Nestell Bovee

Teenage rebellion is for suburban schoolchildren. Get over it.
Neal Shusterman

For a while you get mad, then you get over it.
Robin Williams

The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it.
Frank Herbert

...I know good design when I fail to trip over it.
Spider Robinson

I love doing voice-over. It's so fun.
Emmanuelle Chriqui

Once you produce a product and it goes out into the world, whether that's to a newswire or an agency or whatever, you don't have control over it.
Erin Siegal McIntyre