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Paul Ince Quotes

English footballer and manager, Birth: 21-10-1967 Paul Ince Quotes
Marcel Desailly was pretty hard when I played against him in a Milan derby.
Paul Ince

We do not want to be giving quality sides such as Southampton, Palace, Norwich and the rest eight or nine points start and expect to get back up with them.
Paul Ince

It's a shame the Manchester United situation turned sour.
Paul Ince

The problem is, when you come back in you're sweating, so I wait until the very last minute before putting on my shirt so that it's not covered in sweat.
Paul Ince

As long as we are successful on the pitch, then I will be here-unless Manchester United put in a call. But I don't think Sir Alex Ferguson is planning to step down just yet!
Paul Ince

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Liverpool fans were great to me, I still live near the city and they always come up and shake my hand.
Paul Ince

Back in my time, and I sound old now, it was black and white boots and that was it. Now you've got snoods, people wearing headphones when they are doing interviews, which I find disrespectful, pink boots, green boots, you name it they've got it, tights - they'll be wearing skirts next.
Paul Ince

I am happy to be a role model for anybody - whether they are black, white, yellow, pink or purple.
Paul Ince

Quote Topics by Paul Ince: Football Sex Games Tackling Want Millionaire Player Mistake England Milan Eight Should Long Giving Hands Thinking Soccer Sweat Names Purple Next Boots Limelight Manchester United Knowing Shame Best Players Jobs Drawing Derby
When I retire I'm gonna bet on Wolves drawing every game. I'll be a multi-millionaire!
Paul Ince

We have to be careful not to let our game not be the game we know it should be.
Paul Ince

Of course, I will keep myself fit, keep my boots clean and you never know.
Paul Ince

I love tackling, it's better than sex!
Paul Ince

I love tackling, love it. Its better than sex.
Paul Ince

It's not just what you do on the pitch, it's what you do off the pitch.
Paul Ince

I like to knuckle down and get on with my job. I'll make mistakes, I'm bound to, but I'll write them down and I'll learn from them.
Paul Ince

I just didn't want to walk away from football without knowing what it meant to be a manager, or even wondering what it was like to be sacked.
Paul Ince

I don't like publicity, being in the limelight.
Paul Ince

I hope to be back in management in the next future
Paul Ince

The best player I've ever played with was Paul Gascoigne. He had everything. He was amazing.
Paul Ince