More data beats clever algorithms, but better data beats more data.
Peter Norvig
PowerPoint doesn't kill meetings. People kill meetings. But using PowerPoint is like having a loaded AK-47 on the table: You can do very bad things with it.
Peter Norvig
We dont have better algorithms, we just have more data
Peter Norvig
Simple models and a lot of data trump more elaborate models based on less data.
Peter Norvig
One of the best programmers I ever hired had only a High School degree; he's produced a lot of great software, has his own news group, and made enough in stock options to buy his own nightclub.
Peter Norvig
Python has been an important part of Google since the beginning, and remains so as the system grows and evolves. Today dozens of Google engineers use Python, and we're looking for more people with skills in this language.
Peter Norvig
Using PowerPoint is like having a loaded AK-47 on the table.
Peter Norvig
All models are wrong, and increasingly you can succeed without them.
Peter Norvig
When I was in school, working as a team was called cheating.
Peter Norvig
The people who hate SICP are the ones who just want to know how to drive their car on the highway, just like everyone else.
Peter Norvig
Peers can be the best teachers, because they're the ones that remember what it's like to not understand.
Peter Norvig
How can you make informed decisions ... ? The key seems to be to gather experts who are knowledgeable and passionate about the subject matter, and have them cooperatively discuss a series of questions designed to explore the limits of technical feasibility.
They must strive to reach the best decision rather than to persuade each other.
Peter Norvig
I think test-driven design is great. But you can test all you want and if you don’t know how to approach the problem, you’re not going to get a solution.
Peter Norvig
My belief is that PowerPoint doesn't kill meetings. People kill meetings.
Peter Norvig
Pascal and C are special-purpose languages for manipulating the registers and memory of a von Neumann-style computer.
Peter Norvig
Let me just say that, if you ever have the choice of putting your words in powerpoint or having them carved into 30-foot high marble, I'd say go for the marble.
Peter Norvig