Top Quotes
Peter the Great Quotes
Russian emperor (d. 1725)
, Birth:
, Death:
I have conquered an empire but I have not been able to conquer myself
Peter the Great
'I have attained mastery over a kingdom yet I cannot tame my own soul.'
It is my great desire to reform my subjects, and yet I am ashamed to confess that I am unable to reform myself.
Peter the Great
I fervently wish to better the lives of my people, but I am embarrassed to admit that I have failed to improve myself.
Destiny may ride with us today, but there is no reason for it to interfere with lunch.
Peter the Great
Fate may be in the air today, but there is no excuse to miss lunch.
Soldiers' bellies are not satisfied with empty promises and hopes.
Peter the Great
Troops' appetites are not appeased by vain assurances and expectations.
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