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Professional Life Quotes

I've never credited myself with a professional life. But, basically, it has been that.
Ella Baker

Authors on Professional Life Quotes: Kareena Kapoor Ella Baker Harold Budd Douglas MacArthur Jose Mourinho Bonnie Raitt Moby Susan Downey Philip Warren Anderson Oleta Adams Ethel Merman
I wouldn't change one thing about my professional life, and I make it a point not to dwell on my mistakes
Ethel Merman

I've been fortunate to live a very full professional life. Most of it has happened through God's graciousness and not from something I've imagined.
Oleta Adams

I am of Virginia and all my professional life I have studied of Lee and Jackson
Douglas MacArthur

Warner Bros., where I spent pretty much most of my professional life, they continue to make a lot of movies but so many of the studios are pulling back.
Susan Downey

My professional life has nothing to do with my personal life and vice versa.
Kareena Kapoor

I had to get out of America to get a professional life going where I could actually make a living
Harold Budd

I enjoy the work, I enjoy every minute of my professional life.
Jose Mourinho

I'm one of those people who just doesn't plan my personal life. I plan my professional life.
Bonnie Raitt

I just have to remind myself that my daily quotidie in life has almost nothing to do with any aspect of my professional life as a public figure.

The prize seemed to change my professional life very little.
Philip Warren Anderson