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Realising Quotes

I tell the truth; listen everyone. Only those who have Loved, will realise the Lord
Guru Gobind Singh

I declare the facts; harken all. Those who have experienced Love, will understand the Divine.
Authors on Realising Quotes: John Lennon Swami Vivekananda David Hockney Mark Gatiss D. H. Lawrence Katherine Heigl Siddhartha Mukherjee John Bercow Jimmy Carr Carlos Ruiz Zafon Gunter Grass Orison Swett Marden Veronica Roth Amelie Mauresmo Jennifer Lynch Philippa Perry Helen Dunmore Kameron Hurley Mary J. Blige David Benioff Friedrich August von Hayek A.J. Cronin Harriet Walter Stephen Covey Hillary Clinton Joely Richardson Adora Svitak Guru Gobind Singh Natasha Henstridge Ralph Waldo Trine Anthony Horowitz Jeremy Clarkson Barkhad Abdi
To realise our dreams we must decide to wake up.
Josephine Baker

There comes a moment in every person's life when they realise they adore me.
Salvador Dali

It makes me realise that the fantasy of nature is much larger than my own fantasy. I still have things to learn.
Gunter Grass

In 'Insurgent' we realise how large the world really is
Veronica Roth

If you don't fully take every moment and love every moment and every person that you're with, your life will be over before you realise.
Jessica Chastain

I started to realise that being impolite saves an awful lot of time and costs you nothing.
Jeremy Clarkson

Do you realise that Eve was the only woman who ever took a man's side?
Milton Berle

All history is man's efforts to realise ideals.
Eamon de Valera

The only way to be happy is to realise how much depends on how you look at things
Alain de Botton

When you are older, you realise that everything else is just nothing compared to painting and drawing.
David Hockney

I thought I'd reached the bottom a few times, but then I'd realise there was another 30 floors of despair below that.
Trent Reznor

Brancusi made me realize that what I had learned previously — the quick ways of doing things — was all wrong... It is not the quick solutions. It is not something you learn and apply. After all, it is a search you have to enter into yourself.
Isamu Noguchi

When you're around enormously successful people you realise their success isn't an accident - it's about work.
Ryan Tedder

For me adulthood is realising that there are no grown-ups and everyone else is winging it.
Sarah Beeny

All of a sudden you realise that you are the person who has control of your life.
Jim Henson

There was a time when I didn't like myself at all. I thought I was a cruel joke. But now I've come to realise that maybe I am not cute, but I am beautiful.
Cee Lo Green

We're God too but we don't realise it.
George Harrison

You are extraordinarily attractive to women. And your greatest charm is that you do not realise it.
A.J. Cronin

People do not realise the immense value of utilising spare minutes.
Orison Swett Marden

I'm always having ideas. I'd like to continue being able to realise the ideas I have.
Jamie Hewlett

It was good to be a kid because I did not realise all the things that came with the success. Going to the Games, I was asked what I expected to do.
Nadia Comaneci

Some critics are stimulating in that they make you realise how you could do better, and those are valued.
Francis Ford Coppola

I think people realise that I'm happy with what I've achieved.
Kelly Holmes

It only takes a room of Americans for the English and Australians to realise how much we have in common.
Stephen Fry

I tend to write things and review it afterwards and realise what comes out. I very rarely ever write something and have to take it back.
Ellie Goulding

The more I know, the more I realise I don't know. And the more I realise I'll never truly understand.
Zach Condon

The moment we fully and vitally realise who and what we are, we then begin to build our own World even as God builds his.
Ralph Waldo Trine

I'm not really someone who looks forward to the gym. But I realise it's something that I have to do to perform well on the pitch.
Andrew Flintoff

Once you realise that heroes die, everything becomes that much more terrifying.
David Benioff

Until we realise ourselves as the Absolute, we cannot attain to deliverance.
Swami Vivekananda

One of the things that you never realise while you are young is that things do come to an end.
George Ogilvie

As I've gotten older and learned more, I realise that Hollywood has not told the truth.
Phil Collins

I do realise that when I laugh, it sounds like a seal is being molested.
Jimmy Carr

Many people don't realise until they are on their deathbed and everything external falls away that no thing ever had anything to do with who they are.
Eckhart Tolle

Do you not realise that dance is the pure act of metamorphosis?
Paul Valery

One of the things that is devastating is I realise I haven't been living a different life than when I was, like, 12. I'm shocked at how reclusive I've been since then. I was unaware of it until recently.
Gus Van Sant

I always enjoyed movies and in hindsight I realise how captivating they were to me.
Adam Brody

It took me time to adjust and to realise it was not going to happen like it did in the juniors.
Amelie Mauresmo

The Conservatives must realise that being sceptical is different from being phobic in what is an interdependent world.
John Bercow

When you're doing some things that are damaging you, you don't really realise it at the time.
Natasha Henstridge

Every once in a while, something happens to you that makes you realise that the human race is not quite as bad as it so often seems to be.
Ian Hacking

Man always is perfect, or he never could become so; but he had to realise it.
Swami Vivekananda

Friends always say you don't realise how robust your baby is until you drop it.
Emily Watson

It took a lot of time and practice for me to realise that there's no point trying to be something you're not.
Laura Marling

We don't realise how much the world has affected us. We put God in the background.
Henry Blackaby

We're often so busy cutting through the undergrowth we don't even realise we're in the wrong jungle.
Stephen Covey

Once you realise there's nothing to be afraid of when you die, there's nothing else to worry about.
Michael Thomas Ford

We did not realise how fragile our civilisation was.
Friedrich August von Hayek

How can you talk about power to the people unless you realise the people is both sexes.
John Lennon