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Remembrance Quotes

A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you then a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah
Ibn Taymiyyah

A misfortunate event that causes you to seek guidance from Allah is more beneficial to you than a fortunate occurrence which leads you away from paying homage to Allah.
Authors on Remembrance Quotes: William Shakespeare Elie Wiesel Khalil Gibran Washington Irving Marcus Tullius Cicero Ibn Taymiyyah Jane Austen Samuel Johnson Brother Lawrence Victor Hugo Jonathan Safran Foer George W. Bush Edgar Allan Poe Ralph Waldo Emerson Terry Pratchett Alexander Pope Charles Simeon Miguel de Cervantes William Makepeace Thackeray Seneca the Younger Franz Grillparzer Luis Bunuel Dante Alighieri Viktor E. Frankl Marcus Aurelius Jean Paul Paulo Coelho Ibn Sirin Bill Vaughan Charlotte Bronte Reginald Heber Gilbert K. Chesterton Logan Pearsall Smith
Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.
Marcel Proust

Recollection of days gone by is not necessarily the recollection of events as they actually occurred.
Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Elie Wiesel

Choose a side. Nonpartisanship assists the oppressor, never the oppressed.
Never lose hope. Stay close to Allah and when you mess up, go back to Him. Never, ever stop going back to Him. Repent often. Cry to Allah. And hold on tight-with your life-to His remembrance and to prayer. If you do this, you may get wet, but insha Allah never drown in this ocean of dunya.
Yasmin Mogahed

Forgetfulness of self is remembrance of God.
Bayazid Bastami

I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation.
Elie Wiesel

The test of enjoyment is the remembrance which it leaves behind.
Logan Pearsall Smith

To be a surrealist means barring from your mind all remembrance of what you have seen, and being always on the lookout for what has never been.
Rene Magritte

If we don't end war, war will end us.
H. G. Wells

It takes a moment to make memories and a lifetime to forget them.
Andy Mineo

A community receives light from its history, it becomes aware of itself by remembrance of its history.
Muhammad Iqbal

Forgetfulness of your real nature is true death; remembrance of it is rebirth.
Ramana Maharshi

By recollecting the pleasures I have had formerly, I renew them, I enjoy them a second time, while I laugh at the remembrance of troubles now past, and which I no longer feel.
Giacomo Casanova

You have to begin to lose your memory, if only in bits and pieces, to realize that memory is what makes our lives. Life without memory is no life at all... Our memory is our coherence, our reason, our feeling, even our action. Without it we are nothing.
Luis Bunuel

Forgetfulness leads to exile while remembrance is the secret of redemption.
Baal Shem Tov

Remembrance of the past kills all present energy and deadens all hope for the future
Maxim Gorky

In the end, what would you gain from everlasting remembrance? Absolutely nothing. So what is left worth living for? This alone: justice in thought, goodness in action, speech that cannot deceive, and a disposition glad of whatever comes, welcoming it as necessary, as familiar, as flowing from the same source and fountain as yourself.
Marcus Aurelius

I desire to leave to the men that come after me a remembrance of me in good works.
Alfred the Great

A cigar is as good as memories that you have when you smoked it.
Raul Julia

There's rosemary, that's for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember.
William Shakespeare

I am I and you are you, whatever we were to each other that we still are.
Henry Scott Holland

Madam President,
speaking here in Dublin Castle it is impossible to ignore the weight of history,
as it was yesterday when you and I laid wreaths at the Garden of Remembrance.
Queen Elizabeth II

Remembrance is to the heart what water is to the fish. And what is the state of a fish that leaves water?
Ibn Taymiyyah

As the generation of Holocaust survivors and liberators dwindles, the torch of remembrance, of bearing witness, and of education must continue forward.
Dan Gillerman

Adversity often activates a strength we did not know we had.
Joan Walsh Anglund

Not only did secular scientists rout the Christian fundamentalists, they placed themselves in the posture of knowing more, on the basis of their own very short-term investigations, than the collective remembrances of the rest of humankind.
Vine Deloria Jr.

Seeking to forget makes exile all the longer; the secret of redemption lies in remembrance.
Richard von Weizsaecker

Black History Month must be more than just a month of remembrance; it should be a tribute to our history and reminder of the work that lies in the months and years ahead.
Marty Meehan

These martyrs of patriotism gave their lives for an idea.
Schuyler Colfax

If we have been pleased with life, we should not be displeased with death, since it comes from the hand of the same master.

The living owe it to those who no longer can speak to tell their story for them.
Czeslaw Milosz

Perhaps creating something is nothing but an act of profound remembrance.
Rainer Maria Rilke

Freemasonry is a moral order, instituted by virtuous men, with the praiseworthy design of recalling to our remembrance the most sublime truths, in the midst of the most innocent and social pleasures, founded on liberality, brotherly love and charity.
Andrew Jackson

My dear brother, we must not mind a little suffering for Christs sake. When I am getting through a hedge, if my head and shoulders are safely through, I can bear the pricking of my legs. Let us rejoice in the remembrance that our holy Head has surmounted all His suffering and triumphed over death. Let us follow Him patiently; we shall soon be partakers of His victory
Charles Simeon

There's rosemary and rue. These keep Seeming and savor all the winter long. Grace and remembrance be to you.
William Shakespeare

Everyone dies but not everyone lives.
William Wallace

Remembrance restores possibility to the past, making what happened incomplete and completing what never was. Remembrance is neither what happened nor what did not happen but, rather, their potentialization, their becoming possible once again.
Giorgio Agamben

No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away.
Terry Pratchett

Remembrance of things past.
William Shakespeare

Where do all the women who have watched so carefully over the lives of their beloved ones get the heroism to send them to face the cannon?
Kathe Kollwitz

Nothing sorts out memories from ordinary moments. It is only later that they claim remembrance, when they show their scars.
Chris Marker

Khashyah (fear) is to fear Allah until His fear comes between you and your sins - that is true khashyah. And Dhikr (remembrance) is to obey Allah so whoever obeys Him has indeed remembered Him, and whoever does not obey Him is not a dhakir - even if he makes abundant tasbih (glorification) and recites much of Qur'an.
Ibn Sirin

If the ego is in the slightest way separated from its source, it yearns to find it again. This search comes from the remembrance of unity and plenitude. As every experience emanates from the non-experience which is our real being, the me also bears the scent of its source. This remembering is awakened through those moments of desirelessness and in deep sleep.
Jean Klein

O, heavenly Father: we thank thee for food and remember the hungry. We thank thee for health and remember the sick. We thank thee for friends and remember the friendless. We thank thee for freedom and remember the enslaved. May these remembrances stir us to service, That thy gifts to us may be used for others. Amen.
Abigail Van Buren

This is my firm persuasion, that since the human soul exerts itself with so great activity, since it has such a remembrance of the best, such a concern for the future, since it is enriched with so many arts, sciences, and discoveries, it is impossible but the being which contains all these must be immortal.
Cato the Younger

It is surmounting difficulties that makes heroes.
Louis Pasteur

Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.
Elie Wiesel

For me, religiosity is ... the constant remembrance of the presence of the soul.
Gabriela Mistral

A Mark that spoke of loss was still a Mark, a remembrance. You could not lose something you never had.
Cassandra Clare

Make peace with silence, and remind yourself that it is in this space that you'll come to remember your spirit. When you're able to transcend an aversion to silence, you'll also transcend many other miseries. And it is in this silence that the remembrance of God will be activated.
Wayne Dyer