If you seek nothing but the will of God, He will always put you in the right place at the right time.
Smith Wigglesworth
If you follow only the divine plan, He will always ensure you are at the ideal spot in due course.
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.
Aaron Rose
At the opportune moment, everything is remarkable.
The right time is always right now.
Casey Neistat
'This moment is the ideal occasion.'
We lost the American colonies because we lacked the statesmanship to know the right time and the manner of yielding what is impossible to keep.
Queen Elizabeth II
I'm just a lucky slob from Ohio who happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Clark Gable
To say the right thing at the right time, keep still most of the time.
John W. Roper
If something's bound to happen, it will
happen.. Right time, right person, and for
the best reason.
You will be led to do the right thing at the right time and in the right way.
Charles F. Haanel
No iron can pierce the human heart as chillingly as a full stop placed at the right time.
Isaac Babel
Know that everything will happen at just the right time, at just the right place, with just the right people.
Wayne Dyer
I was always in the right place at the right time, always willing to take advantage of an opportunity.
Frank Abagnale
No trait is more justified than revenge in the right time and place.
Meir Kahane
Death never comes at the right time, despite what mortals believe. Death always comes like a thief.
Christopher Pike
Right time, right place, right people equals success. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong people equals most of the real human history.
Idries Shah
Don't worry about it. The right thing will come at the right time.
Danielle Steel
You have to be there at the right time and you've got to be equipped.
William H. Hastie
There is no right time and right place for love... it can happen any time.
Shahrukh Khan
Everywhere I go, I will make a good payday. But we got to choose the right opponent and the right time and the right venue.
Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Guard yourself and your conscience no one else will and know that a bad decision at the right time can destroy you far more surely than any bullet!
James Clavell
Everybody has own gifts from God. You just need to seize the right time, right place and right person to be found.
Hiroko Sakai
A lot of it [success] is luck. That's a huge part of it that no one wants to talk about. You just got to be in the right place at the right time.
John Carpenter
After hard work, the biggest determinant is being in the right place at the right time.
Michael Bloomberg
Sometimes an active policy is best advanced by doing nothing until the right time - or never.
James Baker
It just felt like the right time to focus on solo material.
Robin Gibb
I always question whether it's the right time for anything I do.
Bruce Willis
For me football is more about making the right pass at the right time.
Michel Patini
If you wait for the right time or the good times to start a business, you wait all your life.
Fran Tarkenton
I think noogies can be effective if done at the right time and place.
Drew Chadwick
I think you have to be in the right place at the right time. And understand that and know when it is your time and how you react to it and how you respond to it.
Anna Sui
There is no such thing as committing adultery with the right woman, at the right time, and in the right way, for it is simply WRONG.
It happens that we DON’T SEE CHRIST AS GOD but simply the right man at the right time at the right place.
Tim Rice
The right time is any time that one is still so lucky as to have.
Henry James
I'm a working stiff. I just happened to be around at the right time, and nobody else wanted the job.
Harry Bridges
Politics is a lot of serendipity. You're in the right place and the right time and you've got the right message, and it either connects for you or, or it doesn't.
Jon Huntsman, Jr.
I am always in the right place at the right time successfully engaged in the right activity whether I know it or not.
Leonard Orr
Everything begins and ends at exactly the right time and place.
Joan Lindsay
Romeo Must Die came at the right time. It was the right vehicle for me.
Don't read a book out of its right time for you.
Doris Lessing
I trust the universe to bring me everything I need at the right time context and order.
Tonto Dikeh
Auspicious coincidence is the right thing happening at the right time.
Sakyong Mipham
Looking back on my career, I think I've been extremely fortunate to be in the right place at the right time in order to have the influence that I did.
Peter Singer
We live in the right time, even if it doesn't always feel like it.
Andrew Solomon
Yes, there's a luck in most things; and in none more than being born at the right time.
Edmund Clarence Stedman
[Buckminster Fuller] would pretend to be deaf at the right times.
Paul Laffoley