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Robbing Quotes

Robbing someone of their smile and putting it on your own face doesn't make you happy.

Authors on Robbing Quotes: Kim Hyesoon Bertolt Brecht Fran Lebowitz Paul McCartney William Tecumseh Sherman Kim Jong Il Bette Ford Marcus Tullius Cicero Ben Bradlee Tablo Mickey Rourke Bobby Fischer James Cook Daphne Oz Rudyard Kipling Mike Tyson Butch Cassidy Gilbert K. Chesterton Benjamin Franklin Karen Marie Moning Alicia Keys George Vancouver Cole Younger Ilona Andrews Willie Sutton
What is the robbing of a bank compared to the founding of a bank?
Bertolt Brecht

Imperialist aid is a noose of plunder and subjugation, aimed at robbing 10 and even 100 things for one thing that is given.
Kim Jong Il

I rob banks because that's where the money is.
Willie Sutton

The U.S. and Israel have been slaughtering the Palestinians, just slaughtering them, for years. Robbing them and slaughtering them.
Bobby Fischer

...[We] must stop these swarms of Jews who are trading, bartering and robbing.
William Tecumseh Sherman

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all, By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul; But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy, And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: 'If you don't work you die.'
Rudyard Kipling

If an investigative reporter finds out that someone has been robbing the store, that may be 'gotcha' journalism, but it's also good journalism.
Ben Bradlee

If E.F. Harriman paid me what he's paying those guys to stop me from robbing him, I'd stop robbing him.
Butch Cassidy

I would never commit the positively anti-social action of robbing a bank, or worse still, working in one.
Gilbert K. Chesterton

Early on in my career, I was more closed off in every way. I thought I was protecting myself; instead, I was robbing myself of all I could learn and experience.
Alicia Keys

I like entertaining people. I like being on stage. I like being in the life. This is what I do. This is the only thing I know how to do besides rob people and fight. Even when I was robbing people, I was entertaining them. But that's just what I love doing.
Mike Tyson

A British declaration be taken against Martinez for 'capturing and robbing us.
George Vancouver

Robbing life of friendship is like robbing the world of the sun.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

I always knew I'd accomplish something very special - like robbing a bank perhaps.
Mickey Rourke

I never, in all my life, had anything whatever to do with robbing any bank in the state of Missouri.
Cole Younger

Whenever I am doing anything else, which is most of the time, even if it is not something like robbing a bank, I feel felonious. Writing is what I'm supposed to be doing.
Fran Lebowitz

Throughout history government has seldom hesitated from robbing its citizens in a crisis.
James Cook

Some make Conscience of wearing a Hat in the Church, who make none of robbing the Altar.
Benjamin Franklin

I am a tomb robber who is robbing my own tomb. Things from my tomb are exhibited under the radiant sun. Every time it happens I feel crude.
Kim Hyesoon

I hate the idea of success robbing you of your private life.
Paul McCartney

I was a bullfighter. I'd like to see the tradition continue. I'm sorry that Catalonia is robbing itself of a tradition that belongs in Catalonia.
Bette Ford

I tried every diet under the sun and none of them worked but, more importantly, they were robbing me of my love of food.
Daphne Oz

No way. I'm not going in there. I draw the line at grave-robbing, Barrons. It's not your pen.
Karen Marie Moning

When walking into the lair of the dragon after robbing his hoard, the least you could do is hold you head high [...]
Ilona Andrews