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Rudolf Steiner Quotes

Austrian philosopher and author (b. 1861), Death: 30-3-1925 Rudolf Steiner Quotes
Love is higher than opinion. If people love one another the most varied opinions can be reconciled - thus one of the most important tasks for humankind today and in the future is that we should learn to live together and understand one another. If this human fellowship is not achieved, all talk of development is empty.
Rudolf Steiner

To be free is to be capable of thinking one's own thoughts - not the thoughts merely of the body, or of society, but thoughts generated by one's deepest, most original, most essential and spiritual self, one's individuality.
Rudolf Steiner

Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility—these three forces are the very nerve of education.
Rudolf Steiner

Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom.
Rudolf Steiner

Greet the young ones with respect, nurture them with affection, and bid them farewell with autonomy.
The heart of the Waldorf method is that education is an art-it must speak to the child's experience. To educate the whole child, his heart and his will must be reached, as well as the mind.
Rudolf Steiner

The core of the Waldorf approach is that teaching is an art-it must resonate with the child's life. To cultivate the entire student, his emotions and his desires must be engaged, as well as the intellect.
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When human beings meet together seeking the spirit with unity of purpose then they will also find their way to each other.
Rudolf Steiner

When people come together in unison of heart and mind, they will discover the path to one another.
Where is the book in which the teacher can read about what teaching is? The children themselves are this book. We should not learn to teach out of any book other than the one lying open before us and consisting of the children themselves.
Rudolf Steiner

We are fully human only while playing, and we play only when we are human in the truest sense of the word.
Rudolf Steiner

We are entirely ourselves only when we indulge in play, and can only do so when we truly embody our humanity.
Quote Topics by Rudolf Steiner: Spiritual World Men Soul Thinking Real Art Children Spirit Teacher People Understanding Humans Artist Important Ideas Responsibility Character Knowledge Expression Knowing Love Is Purpose Unity Tasks Imagination Feelings Doe Perception Lying
To truly know the world, look deeply within your own being; to truly know yourself, take real interest in the world.
Rudolf Steiner

To fathom the depths of your own character, explore the expanse of the universe; to discover yourself, invest genuine curiosity in all that surrounds you.
May my soul bloom in love for all existence.
Rudolf Steiner

If a child has been able in his play to give up his whole loving being to the world around him, he will be able, in the serious tasks of later life, to devote himself with confidence and power to the service of the world.
Rudolf Steiner

We must be educated in inner human modesty, so we can recognize that we are not, even for a moment, complete as human beings. Instead, we continue to develop from birth until death. We must recognize that every day of life has a special value, that it is not without purpose that we must learn to live through our thirties right after we have just gone through our twenties. We need to learn that each new day and each new year offers continual revelation.
Rudolf Steiner

A healthy social life is found only, when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living.
Rudolf Steiner

A thriving communal atmosphere is cultivated when each individual's character is mirrored in the collective and every person's virtue shines through the whole.
You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are.
Rudolf Steiner

'You will not be successful educators if you only concentrate on what you do and not your character.'
Music is the expression of the will of nature while all other arts are expressions of the idea of nature.
Rudolf Steiner

The smallest thing in its rightful place can lead to the highest goals.
Rudolf Steiner

Wherever love and compassion are active in life, we can perceive the magic breath of the spirit blowing through the sense world.
Rudolf Steiner

In the future no human being is to find peace in the enjoyment of happiness if others beside him are unhappy.
Rudolf Steiner

If humanity is to live in the future in a socially right way, humanity must educate its children in a socially right way.
Rudolf Steiner

The sun with loving light makes bright for me each day, the soul with spirit power gives strength unto my limbs. In sunlight shining clear I revere, Oh God, the strength of humankind, which thou has planted in my soul, that I may with all my might, may love to work and learn. From thee stream light and strength to thee rise love and thanks.
Rudolf Steiner

When the human being hears music, he has a sense of wellbeing, because these tones harmonize with what he has experienced in the world of his spiritual home.
Rudolf Steiner

Each one of us has it in themselves to be a free spirit, just as every rose bud has in it a rose.
Rudolf Steiner

You'll be able to gain insight and reach a conclusion only by applying the powers of mind, intellect, soul, heart, spirit, and imagination. This is what 'looking at something spiritually' really means.
Rudolf Steiner

If we do not believe within ourselves this deeply rooted feeling that there is something higher than ourselves, we shall never find the strength to evolve into something higher.
Rudolf Steiner

We have to live over into the other; we have to dissolve with our soul into the other.
Rudolf Steiner

Most naughtiness arises because the children are bored and lack a relationship with the teacher.
Rudolf Steiner

The common trait of all evil is nothing other than egoism... Basically all human evil comes from what we call the selfishness.
Rudolf Steiner

Reverence, enthusiasm, and a sense of guardianship, these three are actually the panacea, the magical remedy, in the soul of the educator and teacher.
Rudolf Steiner

He who perceives in the spiritual world must know that at times Imaginations are assigned to him which at first he must forego understanding; he must receive them as Imaginations and let them ripen in his soul as such. In spiritual experience, much depends on a man having the patience to make observations, at first to simply accept them, and to wait with understanding them until the right moment arrives.
Rudolf Steiner

We must eradicate root and branch any fear and dread in our soul concerning the future that is coming towards us... We must develop composure with regard to all the feelings and sensations we have about the future; we must anticipate with absolute equanimity whatever may be coming towards us, thinking only that whatever it may be will be brought to us by the wisdom-filled guidance of the universe.
Rudolf Steiner

For what lies inside of man is the whole spiritual cosmos in condensed form. In man's inner organism we have an image of the entire cosmos.
Rudolf Steiner

Each individual is a species unto him/herself.
Rudolf Steiner

The task of art is to take hold of the shining, the radiance, the manifestation, of that which as spirit weaves and lives throughout the world. All genuine art seeks the spirit. Even when art wishes to represent the ugly, the disagreeable, it is concerned, not with the sensory - disagreeable as such, but with the spiritual which proclaims its nature in the midst of unpleasantness. If the spiritual shines through the ugly, even the ugly becomes beautiful. In art it is upon a relation to the spiritual that beauty depends.
Rudolf Steiner

When we raise ourselves through meditation to what unites us with the spirit, we quicken something within us that is eternal and unlimited by birth and death. Once we have experienced this eternal part in us, we can no longer doubt its existence. Meditation is thus the way to knowing and beholding the eternal, indestructible, essential centre of our being.
Rudolf Steiner

It is important that we discover an educational method where people learn to learn and go on learning their whole lives
Rudolf Steiner

Love starts when we push aside our ego and make room for someone else.
Rudolf Steiner

Our highest endeavour must be to develop individuals who are able out of their own initiative to impart purpose & direction to their lives.
Rudolf Steiner

In a community of human beings working together, the well-being of the community will be the greater, the less the individual claims for himself the proceeds of the work he has himself done; i.e., the more of these proceeds he makes over to his fellow workers, and the more his own requirements are satisfied, not out of his own work done, but out of work done by the others.
Rudolf Steiner

Man is not a being who stands still, he is a being in the process of becoming. The more he enables himself to become, the more he fulfills his true mission.
Rudolf Steiner

For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure.
Rudolf Steiner

Live through deeds of love, and let others live with tolerance for their unique intentions.
Rudolf Steiner

For human beings, love is the most important fruit of experience in the sense world.
Rudolf Steiner

People who are unable to use their hands skillfully for all kinds of work, will not become good thinkers and will behave awkwardly in life. It is not the head alone, but the whole human being that is a logician. Activities demanding manual and bodily skill, such as knitting, leads to the enhancement of the faculty of judgment. This faculty is actually developed least of all by exercises in logic.
Rudolf Steiner

For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure. I believe that there is a healing potential locked inside plants which is integral with their evolution, just as it is part of human evolution to learn to tap this wonderful gift of Nature.
Rudolf Steiner

Heights of the spirit can only be climbed by passing through the portals of humility.
Rudolf Steiner

Colour is the soul of Nature and of the entire cosmos.
Rudolf Steiner

Man is effective in the world not only through what he does, but above all through what he is.
Rudolf Steiner

Nothing is better for the human being than to add the right amount of honey to his food.
Rudolf Steiner

Beauty is not the divine in a cloak of physical reality; no, it is physical reality in a cloak that is divine. The artist does not bring the divine on to the earth by letting it flow into the world; he raises the world into the sphere of the divine.
Rudolf Steiner

The time has come to realize that supersensible knowledge has now to arise from the materialistic grave.
Rudolf Steiner