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Ruth Quotes

Don't worry about it. Babe Ruth struck out on occasion, too.
Walter Annenberg

Authors on Ruth Quotes: Alice Sebold Casey Stengel Joe Dugan Billy Graham Reggie Jackson David Letterman Mickey Mantle Sammy Sosa George Steinbrenner Brian K. Vaughan Ian Rankin Lou Holtz Tommy Lasorda Eva Ibbotson Brandon Mull Hank Aaron Conan O'Brien Ludwig Feuerbach Tris Speaker Carol Matas John Milton Kate DiCamillo Christy Carlson Romano Seth Rogen Donna Leon Jenny Slate Walter Annenberg Kathleen Norris Bill Dickey Simon Sinek Dizzy Dean Meg Cabot Wes Streeting
If I'm compared to Babe Ruth or Willie Mays, that's great. But I'm just going to go out there and be myself.
Ken Griffey, Jr.

I don't want people to forget Babe Ruth. I just want them to remember Henry Aaron.
Hank Aaron

[T]ruth is considered profane, and only illusion is sacred
Ludwig Feuerbach

He (Babe Ruth) was very brave at the plate. You rarely saw him fall away from a pitch. He stayed right in there. No one drove him out.
Casey Stengel

Don't compare me to Babe Ruth. God gave me the opportunity and the ability to be here at the right time, at the right moment, just like he gave Babe Ruth when he was playing. I just hope I can keep doing what I've been doing - keep taking care of business.
Sammy Sosa

I want to live like music sounds."- Ruth
Eva Ibbotson

Don't let failure get you down. Babe Ruth struck out over 1,300 times.
Lou Holtz

I always just wanted to be a movie actress, like Lily Tomlin or Ruth Gordon. I just imagined myself being in a movie, wearing stylish women's clothing the way I saw Amy Irving wearing it.
Jenny Slate

I usually shop at Charlotte Ruth and Bebe.
Christy Carlson Romano

Mr. Rickey, I'll put more people in the park than anybody since Babe Ruth.
Dizzy Dean

He (Babe Ruth) hits a ball harder and further than any man I ever saw.
Bill Dickey

Born? Hell, Babe Ruth wasn't born. He fell from a tree.
Joe Dugan

Babe Ruth made a great mistake when he gave up pitching.
Tris Speaker

It's always the same, Combs walks, Koening singles, Ruth hits one out of the park, Gehrig doubles, Lazzeri triples. Then Dugan goes in the dirt on his can.
Joe Dugan

Ruth and I are happily incompatible.
Billy Graham

Ruth was probably the greatest athlete to perform in any sport. Never has there been anybody like him.
George Steinbrenner

(B)ut who can start over when memories never leave you? —Ruth Mendenberg
Carol Matas

The biggest inspiration for everything I do is, of course, my wife, playwright Ruth McKee.
Brian K. Vaughan

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fell asleep during Obama's speech. She woke up with the other justices drawing a gavel on her face.
Conan O'Brien

Babe Ruth was great. I'm just lucky.
Reggie Jackson

End of Construction. Thank you 'for your patience. " Inscription on Ruth Bell Graham's grave -- inspired hy a road sign she saw.
Billy Graham

I don't think I have one particular favourite writer. I have many whose works I will always buy or reread - Muriel Spark, Anthony Powell, Robert Louis Stevenson, Ruth Rendell, James Ellroy, William McIlvanney, Kate Atkinson, John Burnside, Louise Welsh, Iain Banks.
Ian Rankin

Tim Tebow has been on the bench longer than Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
David Letterman

I've had heroes in my life - Joe DiMaggio, Babe Ruth.
Tommy Lasorda

The greatest thing I ever saw was Roger Maris breaking Babe Ruth's record.
Mickey Mantle

Do you miss Susie?" Because it was dark, because Ruth was facing away from her,because Ruth was almost a stranger, Lindsey said what she felt. "More than anyone will ever know.
Alice Sebold

Why shouldn't he break Ruth's record? He's got more power than Stalin.
Casey Stengel

Ruth hadn't talked to my sister since before my death, and then it was only to excuse herself in the hallway at school. But she'd seen Lindsey walking home with Samuel and seen her smile with him. She watched as my sister said yes to pancakes and no to everything else. She had tried to imagine herself being my sister as she had spent time imagining being me.
Alice Sebold

Normally, Edward would have found intrusive, clingy behavior of this sort very annoying, but there was something about Sarah Ruth. He wanted to take care of her. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to do more for her. (page 135)
Kate DiCamillo

The current Babe Ruth of improv? Sacha Baron Cohen. He's pretty amazing.
Seth Rogen

Look homeward, Angel, now, and melt with ruth.
John Milton

When you come to a place where you have to left or right, go straight ahead.
Kathleen Norris

Babe Ruth was not afraid to strike out. And it was this fearlessness that contributed to his remarkable career.
Simon Sinek

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the most liberal and illumined of the nine Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Donna Leon

You sat there and watched our colleague Ruth Smeeth abused at a Labour event. Your words are hollow.
Wes Streeting

I'll not have my grandson subjected to the humiliation of his reading becoming public. We have to cope with this disgrace discreetly -- Grandma Ruth
Brandon Mull

And that whole do-able/undo-able thing? Yeah. Need I point out that neither Ruth nor I have ever "done" anybody in our lives?
Meg Cabot

Like a medical procedure,' Ruth said. 'Intricate surgery is needed to patch up the planet.
Alice Sebold