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Salmon P. Chase Quotes

American jurist and politician, Birth: 13-1-1808 Salmon P. Chase Quotes
My agency in promoting the passage of the National Banking Act was the greatest mistake of my life. It has built up a monopoly which affects every interest in the country
Salmon P. Chase

True Democracy makes no enquiry about the color of the skin, or the place of nativity. Wherever it sees a man, it recognizes a being endowed by his Creator with original inalienable rights
Salmon P. Chase

There came a time in my life when I doubted the divinity of the Scriptures, and I resolved as a lawyer and a judge I would try the Book as I would try anything in the courtroom, taking evidence for and against. It was a long, serious and profound study and using the same principles of evidence in this religious matter as I always do in secular matters, I have come to the decision that the Bible is a supernatural Book, that it has come from God, and that the only safety for the human race is to follow its teachings.
Salmon P. Chase

The way to resumption is to resume.
Salmon P. Chase

The law of the Creator, which invests every human being with an inalienable title to freedom, cannot be repealed by any interior law which asserts that man is property.
Salmon P. Chase

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No nation can be strong except in the strength of God, or safe except in His defense. The trust of our people in God should be declared on our national coins.
Salmon P. Chase

States Rights died at Appomattox.
Salmon P. Chase

My agency in promoting the passage of the National Bank Act was the greatest financial mistake of my life. It has built up a monopoly, which affects every interest in the country. It should be repealed, but before that can be accomplished, the people will be arrayed on one side and the banks on the other, in a contest such as we have never before seen in this country.
Salmon P. Chase

Quote Topics by Salmon P. Chase: Men Slave Mistake States Territory Rights Unions Agency Country Law White United States Religious Justice Color Intelligent Constitution Perfect Looks Purpose Strong Resumption Born President Way Graves Love Titles Office Uniforms
The Constitution, in all its provisions, looks to an indestructible Union composed of indestructible States.
Salmon P. Chase

If Congress sees fit to impose a capitation, or other direct tax, it must be laid in proportion to the census; if Congress determines to impose duties, imposts, and excises, they must be uniform throughout the United States. These are not strictly limitations of power. They are rules prescribing the mode in which it shall be exercised... This review shows that personal property, contracts, occupations, and the like have never been regarded by Congress as proper subjects of direct tax.
Salmon P. Chase

The legal tender quality [of money] is only valuable for the purposes of dishonesty.
Salmon P. Chase

How wrong it is for those who love, not to express their love.
Salmon P. Chase

All men are born equally free.
Salmon P. Chase

Once I should have been, if not satisfied, partially, at least, contented with suffrage for the intelligent and those who have been soldiers; now I am convinced that universal suffrage is demanded by sound policy and impartial justice.
Salmon P. Chase

No more slave States and no more slave territory.
Salmon P. Chase

I never refused my help to any person black or white; and I liked the office nonetheless because there were neither fees nor salary connected with it.
Salmon P. Chase

A resignation is a grave act; never performed by a right-minded man without forethought or with reserve.
Salmon P. Chase

No more slave States; no slave Territories.
Salmon P. Chase

What you have said, Mr. President, fully satisfies me that you have given to every proposition which has been made, a kind and candid consideration. And you have now expressed the conclusion to which you have arrived, clearly and distinctly.
Salmon P. Chase

What can be indissoluble if a perpetual Union, made more perfect, is not?
Salmon P. Chase