Start where you are, with what you have. Make something of it and never be satisfied.
George Washington Carver
Begin from your present circumstances, utilizing what you possess. Produce something significant and never be contented.
Progress cannot be generated when we are satisfied with existing situations.
Taiichi Ohno
Advancement cannot be achieved when we are content with current circumstances.
The enjoyment of God is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied.
Jonathan Edwards
The fulfillment of God is the only satisfaction that can quench our souls.
True contentment is not having everything, but in being satisfied with everything you have.
Oscar Wilde
Real joy is not possessing all, but finding fulfillment in everything one has.
Day by day, be content with whatever you have and satisfied with whatever happens. Everything else will then fall naturally into place.
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Progress gradually, be content with what you possess and gratified with whatever occurs. All else will then follow suit.
Never limit yourself, never be satisfied, and smile-it's free!
Jennie Finch
The problem for us is not are our desires satisfied or not. The problem is how do we know what we desire.
Slavoj Žižek
As we interact with God, we'll find ourselves more satisfied in Him and less satisfied with things much less important.
John Wimber
Happiness is something you get from yourself. If you're completely satisfied with yourself, nobody can take it away from you.
You can't satisfy everybody; especially if there are those who will be dissatisfied unless not everybody is satisfied.
Robert Nozick
If you are not satisfied with what is coming to you, start to work and change your mental attitude and mental states, and you will see a change gradually setting in.
William Walker Atkinson
We can be satisfied. We are loved, wanted, seen, delighted in, provided for, cherished, chosen, known, and planned on. We are set apart, believed in, invited, valued, of immeasurable worth, and blessed.
Stasi Eldredge
I will never be satisfied. Life is one constant search for the betterment for me.
Jayne Mansfield
Learn to be satisfied. It is just as easy as being dissatisfied-and much more pleasant.
Jacob de Jager
Is a man satisfied, merely because he is perfumed himself, to mingle with a malodorous crowd?
Edward Bellamy
I've felt that dissatisfaction is the basis of progress. When we become satisfied in business, we become obsolete.
J. Willard Marriott
Once you are satisfied with your goal, it is the real happiness.
Saina Nehwal
There is much more of God available than we have ever known or imagined, but we have become so satisfied with where we are and what we have that we don’t press in for God’s best.
Tommy Tenney
If i can't have what i want . . . then my job is to want what i've got and be satisfied that at least there is something more to want
Nikki Giovanni
Do the best you can . . . enjoy the present . . . rest satisfied with what you have.
Seneca the Younger
Our desires cannot be, and were never meant to be, satisfied by earthly pleasures alone.
Alister E. McGrath
Maybe if I didn't have the talent in chess I'd find the talent in something else. The only thing I know is that I have talent in chess, and I'm satisfied with that.
Magnus Carlsen
I am satisfied ... I see, dance, laugh, sing.
Walt Whitman
It is a dangerous thing to be satisfied with ourselves.
Teresa of Avila
The only thing that counts is a satisfied customer.
Jan Carlzon
The rare case where the conquered is very satisfied with the conqueror.
Konrad Adenauer
I'd like to be remembered as someone who wasn't satisfied with just one level of musicianship ... as someone who was a pioneer.
Amy Winehouse
I'm not satisfied with the explanations I get from tv or from school.
Erykah Badu
I think if I ever get satisfied, I’ll have to stop. It’s the frustration that drives you.
Eve Arnold
The true gardener, like an artist, is never satisfied.
H. E. Bates
The main thing is to be satisfied with your work yourself. It's useless to have an audience happy if you are not happy.
Aaron Copland
Love a single an additional and you will be satisfied. It really is as easy and as challenging as that.
Michael Leunig
To be haunted by past failures or satisfied with past successes is to arrest forward motion.
Conrad Hilton
There is a restlessness within us that cannot be satisfied until we rest fully in God.
Aiden Wilson Tozer
I do believe deeply in perfection. I'm never satisfied.
Michael Jackson
I'm not one to sit around and be satisfied about something. I can always get better.
Derek Jeter
I can never stand still. I must explore and experiment. I am never satisfied with my work. I resent the limitations of my own imagination.
Walt Disney
Let everything be allowed to do what it naturally does, so that its nature will be satisfied.
I am satisfied with the dissatisfaction that never rests until it is satisfied and satisfied again.
Smith Wigglesworth
If a ballplayer is satisfied, he's going to slip. You have to keep fighting to improve.
Nellie Fox
Women's total instinct for gambling is satisfied by marriage
Gloria Steinem
To be satisfied with what one has; that is wealth.
Mark Twain
Nothing goes perfectly for us. But... being incomplete is what pushes us onward to the next something... If we were even perfectly satisfied, what meaning would the rest of our lives hold, right?
Takehiko Inoue
Nature is satisfied with little; and if she is, I am also.
Baruch Spinoza
It's possible to be satisfied with a day's work or a cake, but a life... what is a life but a history of events badly remembered?
Kevin McCloud
He who is not satisfied with a little, is satisfied with nothing .