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Scott Eastwood Quotes

American actor, Birth: 21-3-1986 Scott Eastwood Quotes
My life doesn't change. I still have to go out and work hard every day, and do the best that I can do. I'm a third generation Californian, and there's a lot of talented, good-looking guys in California, so I'm just happy to be working, and lucky to be working.
Scott Eastwood

There are 16 year olds competing at the olympics and i still push on pull doors & struggle getting through the whole day without a nap.
Scott Eastwood

I want to be a man's man - not a kid actor or a glitzy pop star but a no-bullshit leading man.
Scott Eastwood

Keep your head down, work hard, and don't ever believe your own hype, because... you just keep working.
Scott Eastwood

My old man is a man of few words.
Scott Eastwood

Similar Authors: Ronald Reagan Woody Allen Will Rogers Drake Michael Jackson Steven Wright Bruce Lee Conan O'Brien Mitch Hedberg Mike Tyson Robin Williams Clint Eastwood Steve Martin Zach Braff Chris Rock
People assumed that I would have everything handed to me, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I was on my own just doing the grind.
Scott Eastwood

If it's a good romantic movie like The Notebook or...The Longest Ride . No, I don't know. I thought it would be great to work on one of those genres and we made a pretty darn good version of one of those. There are some that come off as sort of cheesy, but this one was pretty good.
Scott Eastwood

I have tough skin. I don't really read any of the comments unless they are positive. I don't accept that much negativity in my life. It's not an option.
Scott Eastwood

Quote Topics by Scott Eastwood: Thinking People Guy Naps Interesting Actors Hard Work Home Character Dad Nutrition Film Littles Moving Kids Father Media Would Be Fans Stuff Want Stones Cowboy Grew Up Believe Men Play Notebook Fun Stories
I grew up on movie sets, getting to see storytelling happen up close.
Scott Eastwood

Really I'm a fan of any movie, whether it's suspense, action, or comedy, anything that has a good story.
Scott Eastwood

[I normally go-to] whiskey on the rocks. Or a beer. Or with dinner, a glass of white wine.
Scott Eastwood

I definitely have a piece of tape over my computer at home.
Scott Eastwood

My dad is really old school: "Whatever you do, just be the best at it." He didn't really care if I was a plumber or a roofer. It didn't matter what I did. He said, "Go out and find out what you like to do, and be the best at it."
Scott Eastwood

Dive bars are much more my thing. They're no-nonsense.
Scott Eastwood

I hate watching myself. It's terrible. It's horrifying.
Scott Eastwood

A cross between Leo [DiCaprio]'s character in Catch Me If You Can and ... I don't know, I really like any of his movies.
Scott Eastwood

I couldn't say a specific thing, but the media is not really held to high standards anymore.
Scott Eastwood

I'm a fan of horror movies that have really good stories.
Scott Eastwood

I had fun to be a little bit of a nerd.
Scott Eastwood

I don't want to talk about the vampire schedule. That's just gonna upset me.
Scott Eastwood

What I've discovered from working with my father is that I'm still learning. I'm just a kid in this business. And I've seen from my father transitioning into being a director, that's where the power lies. And, like he says, it's feast or famine for an actor. If you're not creating your own material, then you're just fighting for whatever's out there. I definitely have the desire to go to the other side.
Scott Eastwood

I remember something Clint Eastwood told me early on. I don't remember how old I was when you told me this, Dad. But you said, "As an actor, I never went back to my trailer. I always hung out on set and learned." That stuck with me.
Scott Eastwood

I lived with my mom in Hawaii until I pissed her off. And then I came to live with my dad and pissed him off. He made me hustle, and claw, and fight. That's all stuff you want. You want that drive.
Scott Eastwood

What Clint Eastwood meant was when you are directing and starring in a film, there's a temptation to spend more time on the other actors' performances, and then when you get to your own work, you kind of go, "Oh, yeah, well, let's cut that." And he said, "Take your time and make sure you do your work right." It's especially good advice if you're going from one career to another.
Scott Eastwood

My father's definitely old-school. And he raised me with integrity - to be places on time, show up, and work hard.
Scott Eastwood

Romantic dramas? I love The Notebook. Titanic was great. Classic.
Scott Eastwood

For movies like The Longest Ride, I got to hang out with cowboys at rodeos and learned how to ride a bull, essentially.
Scott Eastwood

There's the acting side of it so you work with a coach. Dissect a script. If it's a character, then obviously a character study. Just depends on if there is training needed.
Scott Eastwood

I grew up on movie sets and traveling the world with my pops.
Scott Eastwood

I feel like it's really important for an actor to play different roles so people can see, "Oh, he can play that guy or he can play this guy." You're not just "THAT guy," that cowboy guy, that whatever guy. Then you are limiting yourself.
Scott Eastwood

I just do what Clint Eastwood does: Keep moving forward. You can't look back or think about that kind of stuff too much. You just keep making movies; hopefully you make some good ones.
Scott Eastwood

Be the leads of big films that are entertaining and maybe then cross over to stuff that moves people and has a little bit more texture to it.
Scott Eastwood

[Some outlets] shouldn't even call themselves news providers; they're just entertainment gossip without any sort of accountability or fact-checking.
Scott Eastwood

You cannot out-train bad nutrition. It's impossible.
Scott Eastwood

I mean, there's obviously only one Leo [DiCaprio] but I look at guys like Mark Wahlberg and Tom Cruise and think I'd like to have that type of career... that would be really great if I could have that.
Scott Eastwood

Not write, maybe develop. Direct, sure. As an actor, you work on so many films, you sort of start to see who directs well and who doesn't.
Scott Eastwood

You understand what good directing is, you can identify it pretty easily.
Scott Eastwood

I'm just looking to be in the best movies possible and do the best work possible and try to become a better actor and make better movies.
Scott Eastwood

I thought this was pretty timely and it was pretty interesting [to film in Snowden].
Scott Eastwood

Oliver Stone. Is that not enough?
Scott Eastwood

I like a lot of Tom Cruise's roles, he's this action hero.
Scott Eastwood

I'm pathetic when it comes to the Internet and getting stuff done.
Scott Eastwood

It would be creepy if you knew my home address.
Scott Eastwood

Sometimes people just show up, which is kind of scary. And then you are like, 'Okay guy... got to leave'.
Scott Eastwood

I think you just learn a lot of stuff in general about all the stuff he [Edward Snowden] released. I think there's probably a lot that we don't know. That's what is really interesting.
Scott Eastwood

They [media] don't care if they're hurting anybody's family or hurting their reputation. The most interesting thing about it is that it's people doing it to other people. It's somebody who has a sister or a brother or a daughter or a son or a family. They don't care.
Scott Eastwood

This guy [Edward Snowden] was a patriot. He believed very strongly in his beliefs and what he was doing for his country. So it was easy to tap into that and go, "OK, this is what this guy believes in."
Scott Eastwood

Working with David Ayer...the guy is a great filmmaker.
Scott Eastwood

He [Oliver Stone] is great. I really like working with directors who know what they want and aren't afraid to tell you, "Do it like this. Don't do it like that."
Scott Eastwood

My father always told me that. "Nobody knows anything, so don't listen to anyone else."
Scott Eastwood