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Scoundrels Quotes

Everyone who does not agree with me is a traitor and a scoundrel.
George III

All who dissent from me are traitors and reprobates.
Authors on Scoundrels Quotes: Peter O'Toole Neal Boortz Vladimir Nabokov Ambrose Bierce Friedrich Nietzsche Philip James Bailey Ira Remsen Theodore Roosevelt Arthur Schopenhauer Fyodor Dostoevsky Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour Nelson Rodrigues Remy de Gourmont Antoinette du Ligier de la Garde Deshoulieres Mason Cooley Dean Burk George III Steve Martin Murray Kempton William Blake Coco Chanel Georges Danton H. L. Mencken Honore de Balzac William Nordhaus Bob Dylan Gilbert K. Chesterton
What scoundrels we would be if we did for ourselves what we are ready to do for Italy.
Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour

Scoundrels are always sociable.
Arthur Schopenhauer

In revolutions authority remains with the greatest scoundrels.
Georges Danton

General good is the plea of the scoundrel, hypocite, flatterer.
William Blake

It is no great misfortune to oblige ungrateful people, but an unsupportable one to be forced to be under an obligation to a scoundrel.
Philip James Bailey

No great scoundrel is ever uninteresting.
Murray Kempton

Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!
Fyodor Dostoevsky

There are many occasions when the highest praise one can receive is the attack of some given scoundrel.
Theodore Roosevelt

Human nature is a scoundrel's favorite explanation.
Mason Cooley

I have formed a very clear conception of patriotism. I have generally found it thrust into the foreground by some fellow who has something to hide in the background. I have seen a great deal of patriotism; and I have generally found it the last refuge of the scoundrel.
Gilbert K. Chesterton

Religion is all-too-often a refuge for scoundrels.
Neal Boortz

They (ACS) lie like scoundrels.
Dean Burk

To be with another woman, that is French. To be caught, that is American.
Steve Martin

Whereas scoundrels become reconciled after knifing one another,
lovers break up irrevocably over a mere glance or word.
Honore de Balzac

He's a scoundrel, young Brad Pitt, who led me, his elderly colleague, astray more than once.
Peter O'Toole

Every man who has declared that some other man is an ass or a scoundrel, gets angry when the other man conclusively shows that the assertion was erroneous.
Friedrich Nietzsche

It's very hard not to be a scoundrel nowadays. Everywhere there are pressures that work towards our personal and collective debasement.
Nelson Rodrigues

The pleasure of being a scoundrel can be adequately savored in silence.
Remy de Gourmont

Fahlberg is a scoundrel. It nauseates me to hear my name mentioned in the same breath with him.
Ira Remsen

What every Englishman thinks about patriotism, the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Coco Chanel

An economist is a scoundrel who tells you the way things are rather than the way you want them to be.
William Nordhaus

I am not, and never was, and never could have been, a brutal scoundrel.
Vladimir Nabokov

Patriotism: The first resort of a scoundrel.
Ambrose Bierce

We begin as dupes and end as scoundrels.
Antoinette du Ligier de la Garde Deshoulieres

Whenever A annoys or injures B on the pretense of saving or improving X, A is a scoundrel.
H. L. Mencken

Patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings.
Bob Dylan