Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.
Joseph Campbell
'The significance of existence is self-created; to inquire about the purpose of life is an exercise in futility, for you are the source of your own worth.'
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.
Wayne Dyer
Affection is the capacity and eagerness to let those whom you hold dear be what they pick for themselves without any demand that they gratify you.
Life is too deep for words, so don't try to describe it, just live it.
C. S. Lewis
'Life is too profound for verbal expression, so don't attempt to articulate it, just experience it.'
I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally I became that person. Or he became me.
Cary Grant
Perhaps the feelings that we experience when we are in love represent a normal state. Being in love shows a person who he should be.
Anton Chekhov
Your future is not ahead of you, it's trapped within you
Myles Munroe
You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.
Wayne Dyer
It is not always possible to be the best, but it is always possible to improve your own performance.
Jackie Stewart
If today you are a little bit better than you were yesterday, then that's enough. And, if tomorrow you are a little bit better than you were today, then that's enough.
David A. Bednar
It is bad enough that so many people believe things without any evidence. What is worse is that some people have no conception of evidence and regard facts as just someone else's opinion.
Thomas Sowell
By stretching yourself beyond your perceived level of confidence you accelerate your development of competence.
Michael J. Gelb
Courage consists not in blindly overlooking danger, but in seeing it, and conquering it.
Jean Paul
Your Destiny is chosen by God, Your future is certain, whether you arrive there is up to you
Myles Munroe
Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.
Life is about becoming a better version of yourself.
Lucy Hale
Before you can really start setting financial goals, you need to determine where you stand financially.
David Bach
I gazed at every mirror on the planet, not one gave back my reflection.
Jorge Luis Borges
In the last analysis, the individual person is responsible for living his own life and for 'finding himself.' If he persists in shifting his responsibility to somebody else, he fails to find out the meaning of his own existence.
Thomas Merton
If you forget you have to struggle for improvement you go backward.
Geoff Hickson
No amount of self-improvement can make up for any lack of self-acceptance.
Robert Holden
Someone once asked me how I hold my head up so high after all I have been through. I said it's because no matter what, I AM a SURVIVOR, NOT a victim.
Patricia Buckley
Live up to the best that is in you: Live noble lives, as you all may, in whatever condition you may find yourselves.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
What you dislike in another take care to correct in yourself.
Thomas Sprat
Each person's task in life is to become an increasingly better person.
Leo Tolstoy
When you get before great people you don't talk a lot, you ask questions
Myles Munroe
I do not want to die... until I have faithfully made the most of my talent and cultivated the seed that was placed in me, until the last small twig has grown.
Kathe Kollwitz
Nobody's perfect, but all of us can be better than we are.
Jackie Stewart
What you become directly influences what you get.
Jim Rohn
Whoever in debate quotes authority uses not intellect, but memory.
Leonardo da Vinci
To have more than you've got, become more than you are.
Jim Rohn
God has entrusted me with myself.
First you fuel the desire, then the desire will fuel you.
Napoleon Hill
You are not free until your past has no effect on your future
Myles Munroe
There is no such thing as an insignificant improvement.
Tom Peters
The greatest enemy of progress is your last success, you could become so proud of what you've already accomplished that you stop moving ahead to what you can still accomplish
Myles Munroe
you can measure the size of a person by what makes him or her angry
Dale Carnegie
He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows nor judge all he sees.
Benjamin Franklin
When you do a good turn you feel rich, even if you are broke.
Lionel Blue
A person does what he does because he sees the world as he sees it.
Alfred Korzybski
I don't mind what the critics say, so long as I get some reaction. The worst thing is to be ignored.
Les Dawson
When you stop needing more of everything, more of what you desire seems to arrive in your life.
Wayne Dyer