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Shawn Phillips Quotes

American-South African singer-songwriter and guitarist, Birth: 3-2-1943
From the beginning, what I was connecting with in the gym was a universal energy source. I would just feel it flowing. Even when I was twenty years old, I called the gym my church. When I was there, it wasn't about being social; it was about doing my practice. I was in it. I was in the zone.
Shawn Phillips

Imagine you were flowing with energy and confidence, free of doubt and fear.
Shawn Phillips

Your body, the only one you will ever have, is the foundation of your life. And it’s either an anchor limiting your freedom and potential or a source of radiant energy, vitality and joy, elevating your life and the lives of those around you. It’s your choice… will yours be a source of strength, from which you will impact the world, or an obstacle, preventing you from your dreams and desires? … As my friend, NFL Hall of Fame quarterback John Elway is fond of saying,'If you’re going to bother setting a goal, aim high!'… My advice to you, aim high; aim for strength.
Shawn Phillips

Yesterday is a memory and tomorrow is a dream. Today is the day to make your mark—to make a difference.
Shawn Phillips

As you'll come to know, the closer you get to your goal, the more it draws you in; success feeds on success. It's like a gravitational pull. Once you get into a rhythm, it's hard to stop. You achieve big visions by doing the little things every day and looking at them in a positive focus.
Shawn Phillips

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For tolls too briefly the sounds of mercy... In fear we ponder the use of thunder for peace
Shawn Phillips

Whether you face reality head on and make a life change, or deny your responsibility, you've made a choice. The way I see it you choose either a life of abundant strength and energy, or you're living in the gap, far beneath the quality of life you could be enjoying.
Shawn Phillips