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Slides Quotes

Eighteen thousand miles from the moon is some slide, but I'll get up there again some way!
Winsor McCay

Authors on Slides Quotes: Margaret Atwood Elizabeth Wurtzel James Caan Steve Carell Alison Pill Joseph Sugarman Henry Reed Philip Sidney Neal Schon Thomas Jefferson Alan Kay Chris Hayes Gunnar Peterson Kanye West William P. Young Edward Tufte Frank Lloyd Wright Steve Jobs Ann Brashares Joseph Brodsky Mark Teixeira Barbara Kingsolver Marcel Proust Seth Godin Bill Lee Coolio Guy Kawasaki Naomi Judd William Sharp Daniel Cudmore George Herbert Roger Ebert Anne Sexton
It's really easy to slide into a depression fueled by the pointlessness of existence.
Robert Smith

The beautiful thing about when you go through a slide is that you learn from it. Not just saying that you learn from it, but applying the things that you have learned.
Kevin Garnett

He slides into second with a stand-up double.
Jerry Coleman

I thought deeply about this. I ended up concluding that the worst thing that could possibly happen as we get big and as we get a little more influence in the world is if we change our core values and start letting it slide, I can't do that. I'd rather quit.
Steve Jobs

Nobody's perfect. Everyone slides here and there, and they have their ups and downs. When they are down, that is not the time to step all over them.
Neal Schon

Don't show up late. Don't try to slide out early. Don't cheat your rep counts. And definitely, don't hold back. Leave it all in the gym!
Gunnar Peterson

I will never slide, never fall, never fail.
Aaron Dontez Yates

Ever since I turned 22, I've grown weaker. I think I'm going to die after riding a slide once.

I chose the trombone because the trombone players in the marching band got to be up front with the majorettes (because of the slides) and I loved that!
Quincy Jones

My activism has to do with my conscience; I cannot let certain things slide without doing something. My public speaking is part of an art form that is cultural.
Lee Maracle

The inertia of the mind urges it to slide down the easy slope of imagination, rather than to climb the steep slope of introspection.
Marcel Proust

Women are hungry for things of the Spirit, for truths that counter the slide of virtues all around them. Visiting teaching is a measure of the heart, an unselfish work, a sacred trust that blesses both giver and receiver.
Bonnie D. Parkin

If you must use more than ten slides to explain your business, you probably don't have a business.
Guy Kawasaki

I bet you can't play slide piano.
Jimmy Page

You and I are, by birth, by nature, and by choice, inwardly depraved, which is to say that we are entirely corrupt. That's not to say that we have no good in us; we do. However, anything good in us has been tainted with evil. It touches everything. Without the redeeming power of Christ we cannot halt our own moral slide.
Charles R. Swindoll

When reviewers take the trouble to compliment a writer on her style, it is usually because she has made it easy for them to slide from one sentence to another like an otter down a slope.
William H. Gass

Slide slide slippity-slide When you're living in a city it's do or die

Yeah, I'm going to need a leather jacket for when I'm on my hog and need to go into a controlled slide.
George Michael

There are really only three things to learn in skiing: how to put on your skis, how to slide downhill, and how to walk along the hospital corridor.
Benjamin Mancroft, 3rd Baron Mancroft

I don't want to read what is going to slide down easily; there has to be some crunch, a certain amount of resilience.
John Ashbery

In the '70s, anybody who was a connoisseur of collecting vinyl had the velvet brush. Remember the velvet brush? It would clean the record, and you would only grab the record from the sides and you would carefully slide it into the jacket. I never had a velvet brush.
Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five

Your readers should be so compelled to read your copy that they cannot stop reading until they read all of it as if sliding down a slippery slide.
Joseph Sugarman

I would like to think that no one would die anymore if we all believed in daisies but the worms know better, don't they? They slide into the ear of a corpse and listen to his great sigh.
Anne Sexton

You slide down in your seat and make yourself comfortable. On the screen in front of you, the movie image appears—enormous and overwhelming. If the movie is a good one, you allow yourself to be absorbed in its fantasy, and its dreams become part of your memories
Roger Ebert

I never just slide through anything. I explore everything to the fullest, whether good or bad.
Jessica Lange

The only rule I got is if you slide, get up.
Bill Lee

An expert is just somebody from out of town with slides.
Naomi Judd

If I sit and daydream, the images rush by like a succession of colored slides.
Francis Bacon

Words strain, Crack and sometimes break, under the burden, Under the tension, slip, slide, perish, Decay with imprecision, will not stay in place, Will not stay still.
T. S. Eliot

Shallow brooks murmur most, deep and silent slide away.
Philip Sidney

For one thing, she pronounced flowers 'flars' and I couldn't let it slide.
James Thurber

No matter what heights you achieve, even if you're Brad Pitt, the slide is coming, sure as death and taxes.
James Caan

Beware the lessons of a fighter pilot who would rather fly a slide rule than kick your ass!
Ron McKeown

He that is drunken * * * Is outlawed by himself; all kind of ill Did with his liquor slide into his veins.
George Herbert

I'm more of a rhythmic player. My soloing is pretty much limited to playing slide guitar.
George Thorogood

With some films you can sort of slide in, get a haircut and you're in.
Cillian Murphy

When sins are dear to us we are too prone to slide into them again. The act of repentance itself is often sweetened with the thought that it clears our account for a repetition of the same sin.
Thomas Jefferson

From time to time the continent shifts, and everything that isn't fastened down slides into Southern California.
Frank Lloyd Wright

I know that I reached a point where I wasn't going to let the nonsense happening before me slide anymore.
Ariana Madix

But I let it slide, because, hello, hot guy.
Meg Cabot

Taking a hypersensitive approach to life had come to seem so much more pure and honest then joining the ranks of the numb masses who could let it all slide by. What I stopped realizing was that if you feel everything intensely, ultimately you feel nothing at all. Everything registers at the same decibel.
Elizabeth Wurtzel

There are many true statements about complex topics that are too long to fit on a PowerPoint slide.
Edward Tufte

There are moments in your life when the big pieces slide and shift. Sometimes the big changes dong happen gradually but all at once. That's how it was for us. That was the day we discovered that friends can do things for you that your parents can't.
Ann Brashares

...our best task is to move forward without insisting others slide backward.
Barbara Kingsolver

No more than six words on a slide. Ever. There is no presentation so complex that this rule needs to be broken.
Seth Godin

We can slide it Rapidly backwards and forwards: we call this Easing the spring. And rapidly backwards and forwards The early bees are assaulting and fumbling the flowers: They call it easing the Spring.
Henry Reed

The swift years slip and slide adown the steep; The slow years pass; neither will come again.
William Sharp

I seem to be able to just sort of sink and slide under the radar, which is nice.
Daniel Cudmore

I don't want to dive into that mud slide, which is what I consider the literary process.
Joseph Brodsky