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Slow Motion Quotes

Before I was famous, when I was just working in Gilbert's Lodge, everything was moving in slow motion.

Authors on Slow Motion Quotes: Amber Heard Joyce Carol Oates Eminem Stephen Chbosky Walter Kaufmann Julian Casablancas Edward T. Hall Nicholson Baker Tammara Webber Hoagy Carmichael Demetri Martin Henry Rollins Taylor Swift Chris Hedges Jeremy Clarkson Sandra Bullock Bill Paxton Joseph Sobran Robert McKee
Slow motion gets you there faster.
Hoagy Carmichael

A lot of things look cooler in slow motion. Eating isn't one of them.
Demetri Martin

Viewing movies in very slow motion, looking for synchrony, one realizes that what we know as dance is really a slowed-down, stylized version of what human beings do whenever they interact.
Edward T. Hall

If we remain fearful, then we will be further stripped of power as we barrel towards this neofeudalistic state where there is a world of masters and serfs, a kind of permanent underclass. That's what's happening; that's what's being created. Rapacious corporate business interests have shattered all kinds of regulations and controls. They have carried out a coup d'etat in slow motion. And it's over; they've won.
Chris Hedges

Influence is just persuasion in slow motion.
Robert McKee

If Communism was liberalism in a hurry, liberalism is Communism in slow motion.
Joseph Sobran

Life is death in slow motion.
Henry Rollins

Slow motion is so visually cinematic; when you create that, you create it for your audience, you let them have the feeling of what it must be like to be there. And in a movie, you can't forget the audience.
Bill Paxton

When I run on the beach, it's always in slow motion. That's just how I roll.
Amber Heard

Poetry is prose in slow motion.
Nicholson Baker

Writing is thinking in slow motion.
Walter Kaufmann

I've always felt music is the only way to give an instantaneous moment the feel of slow motion. To romanticise it and glorify it and give it a soundtrack and a rhythm.
Taylor Swift

You know, people ask, "How does the chemistry happen?" It's like being in a bar when you're drunk. You see the person, and you don't know why, it just works. And it's like everything goes in slow-motion.
Sandra Bullock

If a football official were to call for a slow-motion replay every time Didier Drogba fell over, each match would last about six weeks.
Jeremy Clarkson

I enjoy songwriting. It's slow-motion improvising.
Julian Casablancas

He was in a slow-motion mood-one of my favorites, though it meant i'd be driven crazy before we were done.
Tammara Webber

For what are the words with which to summarize a lifetime, so much crowded confused happiness terminated by such stark slow-motion pain?
Joyce Carol Oates

But at one point, Craig was talking about something, and Sam turned to me and smiled. It was a movie smile in slow motion, and then everything was okay.
Stephen Chbosky