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Smirk Quotes

Every morning I wake up with a purpose and a smirk
Regina Spektor

Authors on Smirk Quotes: Veronica Roth Nalini Singh Victoria Beckham Jane Austen H. L. Mencken Vitali Klitschko Julie Burchill Frances Hardinge Terry Pratchett Mason Cooley Brandon Sanderson Kathleen Hanna Regina Spektor Lois McMaster Bujold Alexandra Adornetto Helen Fielding Stephenie Meyer Nikki Sixx
I have started smiling! I've mastered this smirk; it's a smile that isn't a smile.
Victoria Beckham

Now I must give one smirk and then we may be rational again
Jane Austen

Never trust a species that grins all the time. It’s up to something.
Terry Pratchett

There was that half-smirk again, playing around his lips, as if he was deciding whether the situation was amusing enough to warrant a full smile.
Alexandra Adornetto

Self-inflicted misery smirks under its crown of thorns.
Mason Cooley

Poets speak of hope in ladies smiles, but give me a smirk any day, I say.
Lois McMaster Bujold

It is horrid to smirk.
Helen Fielding

I don't fear death; I welcome it with open arms and a smirk. But until that wondrous day, I will continue to savor and celebrate all those who have graduated before me.
Nikki Sixx

Oh, painted smirk of a hopeless dawn, the girl is still wearing her breeches.
Frances Hardinge

Did you ever meet someone named Caleb?" I say. 'Caleb," Fernando says. "Yes, there was a Caleb in my initiate class. Brilliant, but he was... what's the colloquial term for it? A suck-up." he smirks.
Veronica Roth

Oh, Wax has always been solemn, but when he's at his best, there's a smirk underneath.
Brandon Sanderson

I smirk as Peter misses again. I can't help myself. "Hey, Peter," I say, " Remember what a target is?
Veronica Roth

David I knock you out! - While pointing to the camera with a smirk.
Vitali Klitschko

These women whose antics we smirk at good-naturedly in the pap-traps put themselves out there at least partly on their beauty; they are in showbiz, and showing what they've got is part of their business as much as it is for male show-ponies from the Chippendales to George Clooney.
Julie Burchill

Jacob's little smirk became a full-blown grin, and I knew he was picturing Charlie showing up to arrest him. This grin was too bitter, too full of mocking to satisfy me. This wasn't the smile I'd been waiting to see.
Stephenie Meyer

Venom’s pupils contracted the instant before he slid his sunglasses back on. She couldn’t help it. “Why isn’t your tongue forked?” “Why can’t you fly?” A smirk. “Those things on your back aren’t accessories you know.
Nalini Singh

One does not arise from such a book as Sister Carrie with a smirk of satisfaction; one leaves it infinitely touched.
H. L. Mencken

I search the phrase "Kellyanne Conway fails," and I'm just watching that Scottie [Nell Hughes] woman smirk all the time.
Kathleen Hanna