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Standing Out Quotes

You've either got or you haven't got style, and if you've got it you stand out a mile.
Frank Sinatra

Authors on Standing Out Quotes: Terence McKenna Christina Milian Jim Caviezel Philip J. Kaplan Garth Brooks Truth Hurts Alafair Burke Kevin Pollak Gabriella Wilde Sarah Michelle Gellar Maureen O'Hara Johnny Christ Evelyn Waugh Lea Michele Rick Joyner Warren G. Bennis Billy Graham Joanne Harris Pierre Salinger Harold Geneen Seth Charles Garfield Kevin Stirtz Zac Posen Reba McEntire LL Cool J Max Beerbohm Desmond Tutu George Bernard Shaw Steve Martin Radha Mitchell Brad Goreski Joe Budden
You are designed by God not to blend in, but to stand out
Myles Munroe

Why try to fit in when you a stand out?
Joe Budden

When you ask people what it is like being part of a great team, what is most striking is the meaningfulness of the experience. People talk about being part of something larger than themselves, of being connected, of being generative. It becomes quite clear that, for many, their experiences as part of truly great teams stand out as singular periods of life lived to the fullest.
Peter Senge

But there are still only certain film genres where a woman can stand out, be heroic, be the centerpiece.
Sarah Michelle Gellar

Be the one to stand out in the crowd.
Joel Osteen

You have to stand outside the box to see how the box can be re-designed.
Charles Handy

Be different, stand out, and work your butt off.
Reba McEntire

I'm the guy that stands out in all the crowds, so I don't get out there and dance, but I can dance.
Tracy McGrady

Taking sartorial risks and not following other people is what makes you stand out.
Zac Posen

An artist must be a reactionary. He has to stand out against the tenor of the age and not go flopping along.
Evelyn Waugh

For my prom I really wanted to wear a bright color - something that was going to pop and stand out.
Shay Mitchell

Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else.
Ayrton Senna

You weren't made to fit in. You were born to stand out!
Jim Caviezel

The things that stand out are often the oddities.
Pierre Salinger

Whats the point of fitting in, when we were meant to stand out?
Dr. Seuss

I simply find it boring to walk around like everybody else. I find it really great to stand out and do something special.
Bill Kaulitz

Maybe you're not meant to fit in. maybe you're supposed to stand out.
Taylor Swift

If I ever wanted a gnome, I guess Id just stand out on my lawn for a while.
Johnny Christ

One of the most exciting moments was standing out on top of the world, 30 seconds before stepping off.
Felix Baumgartner

We're not meant to fit in. We're meant to stand out.
Sarah Ban Breathnach

Don't be afraid to stand out. . .
Britt Nicole

Education is what allows you to stand out
Ellen Ochoa

Confidence is what makes you stand out.
Lea Michele

People who cannot invent and reinvent themselves must be content with borrowed postures, secondhand ideas, fitting in instead of standing out.
Warren G. Bennis

The Christian should stand out like a sparkling diamond.
Billy Graham

You can either fit in or stand out. Not both.

I just chill. I don't stand outside too much. I do what I gotta do and chill, man, know what I'm saying? That's all. It's cool.
LL Cool J

Just do something that makes you stand out. Even if not everyone likes it, just do it.
Kacey Musgraves

You stand out in the crowd only because you have these many, many carrying you on their shoulders.
Desmond Tutu

I used to stand outside the theater knowing the truant officer was looking for me. I would stand there 'til someone came along and then ask them to buy my ticket.
Moe Howard

In the times of darkness, the Glory will stand out even more.
Rick Joyner

Performance stands out like a ton of diamonds. Nonperformance can always be explained away.
Harold Geneen

Referee Norlinger is outstanding in the sense that he stands out.
George Hamilton

Leadership is the readiness to stand out in a crowd.
John C. Maxwell

The one element that stands out most clearly among our peak performers is their virtually unassailable belief in the likelihood of their own success.
Charles Garfield

Choose to deliver amazing service to your customers. You'll stand out because they don't get it anywhere else.
Kevin Stirtz

You know, I was a community activist, so I'm used to standing out in front of an elected official's office and protesting.
Karen Bass

Polyphonic painting is superior to music in that there, the time element becomes a spatial element. The notion of simultaneity stands out even more richly.
Paul Klee

If my clothing does stand out, then I guess it's a compliment, but I just wear whatever feels comfortable.
Shania Twain

Nothing stands out so conspicuously,
or remains so firmly fixed in the memory,
as something which you have blundered.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Why fit in when you're born to stand out?
Jerry Spinelli

I guess when I first started speaking with an American accent, there's a tendency to create a caricature of the accent because you just exaggerate the pieces that stand out to you.
Radha Mitchell

Criticism comes to those who stand out.
Seth Godin

Everything in life has some good in it. And when something awful happens, the goodness stands out even more--it's sad, but that's the truth.
Banana Yoshimoto

You have to stand out if you want to move up.
Tom Peters

There hasn't been one highlight that stands out... but touring and performing has been great.
Christina Milian

When you’re young, whatever you do that makes you stand out is a frightening thing. You learn later that that’s what you want to do, stand out.
Gabriella Wilde

How do you stand out? Just find your point-of-view.
Kevin Pollak

To mankind in general Macbeth and Lady Macbeth stand out as the supreme type of all that a host and hostess should not be.
Max Beerbohm