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Steven Furtick Quotes

Steven Furtick Quotes
If you want to change the direction of your life, change the declaration of your lips
Steven Furtick

If you wish to alter the course of your life, modify the statements of your mouth.
One of the Enemy's most effective strategies is to get you to focus on what you don't have, what you used to have, or what someone else has that you wish you had. He does this to keep you from looking around and asking, "God, what can You do through what I have?
Steven Furtick

The minute I start being afraid of what people might say is the minute I become useless to God.
Steven Furtick

The instant I start worrying about other people's opinions is the point at which I become of no use to the Almighty.
We don't teach from Books of the Bible because it gets in the way of evangelism. We don't offer different kinds of Bible studies because it gets in the way of evangelism. We don't teach doctrine because it gets in the way of evangelism. If you want to be fed God's word or have the Bible explained to you then you are a fat lazy Christian and you need to shut up and get to work or you need to leave this church because we ONLY do evangelism.
Steven Furtick

The voice you believe will determine the future you experience
Steven Furtick

'The trust you invest will define the destiny you encounter'
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Lots of times, our main problem isn't our problem. Our biggest problem is our perspective on our problem.
Steven Furtick

'Frequently, our actual issue isn't what it appears to be; our largest issue is how we view the predicament.'
Love is not words, it's actions, and love isn't feelings, it's a decision.
Steven Furtick

Affection is not verbal, it's tangible, and fondness isn't emotions, it's a determination.
My joy is not determined by what happens to me, but what Christ is doing in me and through me.
Steven Furtick

My contentment is not determined by what happens to me, but what Christ is working in me and through me.
Quote Topics by Steven Furtick: Believe Vision People Moving Christian Audacity Waiting Opportunity Wish Purpose Calling Christ Jesus God Want Mean Regret Obedience Matter Past Trust In God World Giving Perspective Asks Knows Problem I Can Faith Fighting
The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else's highlight reel.
Steven Furtick

The reason we have difficulty managing our self-confidence is because we compare our backstage to everyone else's showreel.
Stop waiting for what you want, and start working what you have. This can turn your greatest frustration into your greatest potential innovation. If you'll do your part, God will begin to do what only He can do: He'll make your box bigger.
Steven Furtick

Jesus will always move away from religious drama and toward the needs of people who are hurting. Jesus will always go out of his way to find and minister to people who others will go out of their way to avoid. I love him for that.
Steven Furtick

It shouldn't freak you out to realize that God's eyes are on you. Because He doesn't see you through eyes of disapproval or disappointment. His presence is not a sign of condemnation. It's actually an invitation. God is present with you, through His Holy Spirit, because He intends to uproot you from the tyranny of the familiar, shatter the monotonous life you've had. And take you on an adventure.
Steven Furtick

I have nothing to prove, because I am already approved.
Steven Furtick

I have no need to demonstrate my worth, for I am already accepted.
When God demands more of you, it's because He sees more IN you
Steven Furtick

When God requires more of you, it's because He perceives greater POTENTIAL in you.
Don't be ashamed to celebrate victories that may seem small to others. Only you and God know what they really cost.
Steven Furtick

Rejoice in successes which may appear insignificant to others. Only you and the Divine understand what they truly took to accomplish.
I dont believe God's called me to survive the world but to change it for His glory.
Steven Furtick

I am not persuaded that God has ordained me to simply endure the world, but rather to transform it in His honor.
Great moves of God are usually preceded by simple acts of obedience.
Steven Furtick

Striking displays of divine power often result from humble acts of compliance.
Gratitude begins where my sense of entitlement ends.
Steven Furtick

Appreciation commences when my expectation of deservingness ceases.
God will arrange every experience in your life to serve His purpose.
Steven Furtick

Divine destiny will orchestrate every episode in your life to fulfill His plan.
When your perspective is preloaded with the Word of God, lies lose their power over your life.
Steven Furtick

When your outlook is informed by scripture, falsehoods are rendered ineffectual in your existence.
Stop waiting for what you want, and start working what you've got. Your greatest limitation is God's greatest opportunity.
Steven Furtick

Cease anticipating what you desire, and start capitalizing on what you possess. Your greatest hindrance is God's greatest chance.
Most of us are so focused on what we don't have that we're blinded to what we do have.
Steven Furtick

Today's excuses are tomorrow's regrets dressed in disguise.
Steven Furtick

Nothing gets stronger without resistance.
Steven Furtick

Before you were born—before any of your defects were apparent to you—they were absolutely apparent to God. That didn’t stop Him from calling your name and setting you apart. He placed you on the earth at a certain time for a pre-decided purpose.
Steven Furtick

The next time you lose your momentum in daily life as you're chasing after God's best for you, don't give up and conclude that it's over. The greater life hasn't ended for you. It's only out of sight under the waters of the ordinary. And God can resurface it, supernaturally, as many times as it takes. As many times as you're willing.
Steven Furtick

The faith to step out is worthless without the faithfulness to stick it out.
Steven Furtick

Would have. Could have. Should have. This is the language of condemnation underscored by the passivity of regret. It’s a dead language. The thing is, you can’t un-sin. You can only repent.
Steven Furtick

Many people never reach greater because they don't leave good enough behind.
Steven Furtick

The One who lives outside of time invites you into a reality that is informed by His perfect plans to give you hope and a future. God speaks in the past tense about battles you’re currently fighting. And He buries the shame of yesterday in order to resurrect the moment you are in and sustain you in the season He is calling you to embrace.
Steven Furtick

Being brave doesn’t mean we have no fear - it means we refuse to be overcome by it.
Steven Furtick

If the size of your vision for your life isn't intimidating to you, there's a good chance it's insulting to God.
Steven Furtick

The goal of faith isn't to take away your fears but to leverage those fears to create bolder belief. Faith leads you past your fears and reassures you of God's presence. And after a while, you begin to trust that God is going to lift you above the waves this time just like he did last time.
Steven Furtick

Extraordinary moves of God begin with ordinary acts of obedience.
Steven Furtick

Obedience is your responsibility, the outcome is God's!
Steven Furtick

Be governed by your calling, not your circumstance.
Steven Furtick

You can't fulfill your calling in your comfort zone!
Steven Furtick

It is the experience of love that enables us to change.
Steven Furtick

Every second you spend wishing God would take away a struggle is a forfeited opportunity to overcome.
Steven Furtick

What matters most is not what I think I am or am not. What matters is what my Father sees in me and what He says about me.
Steven Furtick

If your problem is too big for you, it’s just the right size for God.
Steven Furtick

You can't be grateful for something you feel entitled to.
Steven Furtick

God guarantees that His Word will not return void. He doesn't guarantee that the return will be immediate. Keep sowing!
Steven Furtick

Accomplishing the impossible is all about seeing the invisible.
Steven Furtick

Opposition doesn't prevent the presence of God, it provides an opportunity to prove the presence of God.
Steven Furtick

Failure isn't final until you quit!!
Steven Furtick

Enjoy the journey, because the destination is a mirage.
Steven Furtick

I’m not raising my kids to survive the world. I’m raising them to change it.
Steven Furtick

Etch your vision in stone-but sketch your strategy in pencil.
Steven Furtick

When you know the builder, you can have complete confidence in the quality of his work.
Steven Furtick